Valentines day

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Sam: you and Sam had been together for a very long time and were out of that puppy love phase so decided you wouldn't do presents but when you woke up you found him beside your side of the bed, on one knee with a very expensive looking ring!

Jared: for Valentine's Day Jared got you a pair of shoes you said you liked but didn't have enough money for! Then he took you out to a nice place where you got to where them!

Paul: this huge scary, hot headed boy made you a memory jar! That's right, every single memory the two of you shared in a jar, safe to say he got lucky that night.

Jacob: Jacob wasn't the best at picking out presents for girls so he made you a dream catcher! It was beautiful and had a wolf carved out of wood on it! You spent the rest of the day with him just enjoying yourselves!

Embry: this lovable idiot got you chocolate but he ate half of them before you even opened them! But don't worry because he made it up to you by taking you out to see a movie!

Seth: Seth got you a huge teddy which you spent all day cuddling! It made him a little jealous!

Quil: sadly for you, Collin was busy on Valentine's Day doing the patrol so you didn't get to see him but you did get a knock at the door to find a dozen red roses with a note saying "to my valentine, I'll make it up to you princess, even if I have to get you the moon!xxx"

Brady: this idiot forgot all about the special day and didn't get you anything so you have the teddy you bought him to your dog!

Collin: since Collin had only just started his Saturday job he couldn't afford a present and something to do so you suggested a dinner date!

Leah: Leah got you a bunch of corny romance movies so you spent the entire day watching them and eating food.


Happy Valentine's Day!

How are you spending today? With a lover? Or alone reading fanfiction? Either way I hope you have an amazing day!😘

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