Jared: imprint 2

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Jared could remember the one single word he never really cared for when Sam explained this whole phasing business to him, imprint.

"It's as if you're entire gravity shifts and she's the only thing holding you down to earth!" Sam said as he looked over at Emily. "When you find her Jared, don't screw it up!" The alpha laughed.

The bell went snapping Jared out of his flashback. "Thanks for the-" you couldn't finish the sentence because he turned around, showing you that stunning face again.

"Keep it," Jared said sounding cool, or at least he thought he did. "Really?" You said looking down at the pen, the ink was half way down and had clear teeth marks on the end but for some reason it seemed special.

"Yeah but under one condition!" Jared said smirking, which earned him a gulp from you. "What?" You questioned cautiously. "You gotta come out with me tonight!" You nodded at that was that.

He didn't ask where you lived, he never asked what time and he didn't tell you where you were going but you were more than excited.

Sadly for you, you had the rest of your school day to finish before you could shoot home and get ready. When the clock struck 8, you found yourself opening the door to find Jared staring at you, can if he'd found the meaning of life right there in front of him.

"Ready?" He asked as you shut your front door, you nodded and followed him to his truck.

"So where are we going?" You asked curious. "Star gazing," he said happily, that's one thing you'd never expect a big guy like him to be into.

The two of you pulled up to a nice little spot at the outskirts of the woods, private enough thanks to the thick over grown trees.

Jared laid a blanket out on to the floor before taking a seat, you copied his actions.

"This is really-" Jared smirked at you. "Boring?" You shook your head. "Different!" You said enjoying yourself.

"Listen the real reason I brought you out here was to tell you something." You frowned. "Couldn't you just tell me at school or the movies?" You said making him smile.

"You know the story's about the shape shifters that protected our lands?" You snorted sarcastically. "You know my grandfathers one of the elders right? He never shuts up about those stories."

Jared knew who your grandfather was because he was one of the few who knew of Jareds abilities.

"So you know what imprinting is?" He said looking at his hands. You nodded. "W-why?" You couldn't help but start to put two and two together.

"Well you're my imprint." He said waiting for you to argue that the legends were fake.

"Really?" You said looking up at the stars. "That explains a lot actually!" You said a little relieved. "Really?"  He asked smirking.

"So can I kiss you?" He asked feeling daring. "You can," you said smirking at him and sitting up slightly. "Thank god!" Jared said as he crashed his lips against yours, you didn't know how painful it was for him to avoid kissing you all day.

Twilight wolf pack: imprintsWhere stories live. Discover now