Jared: you save him

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!! Jared hasn't turned yet !!

You had just finished your shift at the movie rental store and was going to your truck. It was pitch black out now since it was so late at night. As you got into the drivers seat you heard a commotion and that's when you saw Jared Cameron getting jumped.

There was two guys, they hit him in the back of the head and he fell to the floor. One of them held him down while the other kicked him in the stomach and started punching him.

Jared was completely defenceless. You grabbed the bat you kept in the back seat and got out of the car. You'd been mugged one night so you always kept a bat in your car because it made you feel safer.

Jared grunted as the boy punched him again. "Get off of him!" You yelled. "Do one before you get hurt." One of the boys shouted back. "I said get off him!" They smirked. "Oh yeah? And who's gunna make us." You swung the bat and hit the first boy in the nuts.

He fell to the floor. "You little bitch! I'll teach you not to mess with us." The other one said raising a fist at you but you just swung the bat, it connected with the side of his face, a loud cracking noise was heard and that's when he spat out a tooth. "You're crazy!" He said before running off.

"You okay?" You asked helping Jared up, he was covered in his own blood. "I'll take you to the hospital." You said but was interrupted. "You little bitch-" the other boy got up off the floor and grabbed your hair.

He was going to hurt you and you knew that, thankfully for you Jared swung and smashed his fist into the boys face. "Don't touch her!" Jared said hitting him again, this time breaking his nose.

The boy was on the floor, this time he knew not to get up.

You led Jared to your car so you could take him home. "Thanks for that." He said, you just smiled at him. "You're pretty tuff." He said chuckling. "You sure you'll be okay?" You asked but Jared just nodded. "I'll see you around." He said before kissing your cheek and getting out of your car.


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