Paul: ignored pt2

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It had been strange since that day with Paul on the beach, he had stopped coming to school and rumor had it he hadn't left his house in days.

You desperately wanted to see him bit after he treated you like that you couldn't bring yourself to go and talk to him.

You were sat in history class, listening to one of the oldest members in your tribe. He spoke of men turning into beasts and protecting their people.

"How would a boy know if he was a shapeshifter?" One boy asked. "The boys bodies go through a change, growing larger in size." You looked out the window and the thought about Paul and his friends, they all suddenly grew big one day?

"There is nothing that could separate the Warriors from their packs except for their imprint."

"The bond was so strong and so sudden that if anything happened to the imprint it would turn the warrior insane. It was said that just looking at each other gave them an electric feeling." That's when it hit you.

You were his imprint, that was the only explanation for any of this. You stood to your feet and sprinted out of the classroom, your teacher calling your name but you didn't care.

You ran to Paul's house, sweating and gasping for air as you frantically banged on his front door. Luckily for you he answered it.

"What are you doing-" you shut him up by smashing your lips against him. He tried his hardest to push you away but he just couldn't do it.

Instead he pulled you in closer grabbing you a little too hard as he kissed back.

When you finally pulled away he looked at you confused. "I know what you are!" He looked puzzled. "And I know that I'm your imprint Paul!" He looked down.

"But I'm a thug?" He said sounding hurt. You shook your head. "No you're not, and even if you were you'd be my thug!" He couldn't help but chuckle as he pulled you into his house and slammed the front door so he could enjoy some privacy with you.


Hey soul sister I don't wanna miss a single thing you do!!!!

Hope you liked my little cuties!

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