Meeting Sam Uley

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You were walking home after your usual shift at the antique shop, You felt a strange sensation, as if You were being followed. When You turned around it was clear that nobody was there so you just sighed and carried on walking.

You were almost at your front door when You suddenly felt a pair of cold hands wrap around my neck.

"Good evening." You heard a voice say. "How foolish to wander the streets alone at night!" The voice spoke once again. "Please don't scream, if you do I'll have to snap this pretty little neck of yours!" You were shaking with fear.

"P..please take my money and go!" You said trying not to cry. He just chuckled and twisted your head in an uncomfortable position. You could feel his breath on your neck, making you shiver as you got ready for death!

Suddenly You was thrown to the side, when you looked up the man who was threatening your life a couple of seconds ago was now being torn to shreds by a group of large wolves? You watched in horror before realising the man was dead.

The wolves had now turned their attention to you and you definitely wasn't going to end up like him! You quickly got up and rushed for your door, luckily You had forgotten to lock it so you were quickly inside, still shaking.

The next day you got out of bed, You hadn't slept at all from the memory of what had just happened outside your your very own front door.

You quickly rushed to see if the mans body was still there but to your surprise it was gone! Before realising it you were late for work, you quickly hopped in the shower and got ready, you didn't want to be left alone in this house much longer!

When you arrived at work your boss gave you a glare. "S-sorry!" You said hanging up your coat. "You'll never believe what happened last night!" You said rushing over to her but she just grabbed her bag. "I'm going out for a while, stay and watch the shop would you dear!" She said before exiting. You were left dumbfounded at what had just happened, You sighed and went behind the counter.

As usual it was a slow day at work, not many people came into the antique store so it was always peaceful.

You started thinking to yourself what if it never actually happened? What if last night you dreamt all of that stuff up? It was pretty graphic but you did have a few glasses of wine with one of the other girls that works here on the weekend. You shook your head and tried to not think about it.

An entire hour had passed and there was no sign of your boss or any customers so You made myself a cup of tea in the back room and sat down at the counter.

You quickly looked at the mornings paper and didn't see anything about a body being found, in fact there wasn't even any blood outside your house when you left this morning!

Suddenly the little bell above the door rang and you noticed some customers walk in. They definitely weren't the usual customers, in fact they were the complete opposite.

They were young men and to be totally honest they were all good looking! "Can I help you?" You said with a fake smile on your face but they just shook their heads so you left them look around a bit.

You continued reading the paper when you felt like you were being watched, You looked up, noticing one of the men, the older looking guy, staring at you. You shifted uncomfortably and kept your face hidden in the paper.

A good thirty minutes had passed and the boys were still just walking around the shop. You sighed. "Are you going to buy anything?" You asked sounding a bit rude. They frowned. "Is that anyway to talk to a customer?" One of them said coming closer. You looked down. "No, sorry." You said with out making eye contact.

"That's enough Paul." Said the tall one who was still staring at you. "We'll leave." He said exiting. Quickly enough the other boys followed like a bunch of ducklings following their mother and the shop was once again empty and silent.

The time came to lock up and you slowly turned the key, it was dark out and you slowly felt fear running through your body.

You shook your head and started walking, every few seconds you would turn to look behind you.

As you turned around once again you saw a shadow so you pelted down the street, you turned around once again but kept running.

Suddenly you bumped into a warm but hard surface, when you looked up you saw the guy that was at the store before. "You okay?" He said putting his hands on your shoulders. You were shaking in fear so you shook your head.

"C'mon, I'll take ya home." He said smiling, for some odd reason you nodded and allowed him to walk with you.

After a couple of minutes of silence he finally spoke. "So why were you running?" He asked looking down at yoyu. "I.. I thought I saw somebody." You said looking at your feet.

"Is there something wrong with seeing somebody in the street?" He asked. You shook my head. "I had a run in with some creep yesterday.." You said and he nodded. "What happened?" He asked, he clearly wasn't shy. "Well he grabbed hold of me and.." You didn't want to say anything else.

"I'm sorry." He said making you look up. "If you don't want to talk to me about it, don't force yourself." He said sounding apologetic.

You shook your head. "It's not that, it's just that.. You wouldn't believe me if I told you." You looked down at your cold hands, you really should of brought gloves with you.

"Try me." He said smiling. For some reason seeing his smile made you feel warm, it was perfect.

"He went to attack me but a pack of giant... Wolves stopped him." You said  looking at him to see his reaction, you waited for him to laugh or call you crazy but he didn't. He just nodded. Before you knew it you were already at your front door.

"Well I hope that the guy learnt his lesson." He said making you look up confused. "Attacking a lady." He said looking annoyed. You couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you for walking me home." You said looking at your hands, why were you suddenly so shy? For some reason he made you feel like a little girl again, one with a huge school girl crush on him.

"Goodnight." He said turning around. "Wait!" You said. "Wha..what's your name?" You asked blushing. "Sam.. Sam Uley." He said smiling. You nodded. "Thanks Sam." You said closing the door. For some strange reason your heart was pounding!

I hope you guys enjoyed it! So if you liked it then just comment saying if you'd like me to go into more detail with this particular story! If you do comment telling me that you want me to make this a short book story thingy then I'll put it up soon!

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