1 ~ World Changes

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People are strange. They keep to themselves, wanting to live their own life unbothered by everyone else around them. Yet they want to be noticed, they seek fame and want people to know who they are. How can one have both? People choose to live a boring life up until the day they die but still want to be remembered. Yet somehow the world just keeps turning when they pass letting them become forgotten, as if they were never there to begin with. Eventually the people they once knew pass away and even their memory is completely erased from existence.

"Up you guys, you have school," Daichi's voice rang out as he poked his head into the room containing his younger sisters, completely interrupting Kimi's thoughts.

Daichi sighed running a hand through his short brown hair while he waited to ensure that the two actually listened to his instructions. This routine he had in the mornings seemed to be getting repetitive, his sisters would sleep in and he would have to go into their room multiple times a morning to wake them.

Kimi usually wasn't too bad, she'd eventually get up in a bad mood. She definitely wasn't a morning person. Although that could have more to do with her personality than the time of day. The girl had been a major pessimist since she was about five years old. And now ten years later she really hadn't changed all that much.

Conny on the other hand would sometimes need to be dragged out of bed since her sleep schedule was somewhat of a joke after she would stay up half the night. Daichi had tried multiple times to convince her not to stay up past three gaming, but Conny wasn't the type to easily listen, especially when it came to her older brother's words. But he really couldn't complain all that much since once she was awake she was usually pretty cheerful. Conny was almost the exact opposite of Kimi constantly showing an optimistic side. Daichi sometimes wondered how two girls born the same day who looked almost like a replica of the other could be so different.

Daichi had gotten used to the girls' behaviour, he didn't mind at all though. He always just took on the role of responsibility when it came to them since he was two years older. Plus, since their parents were almost never home in the mornings, he felt that much more obliged to take care of the two. He wasn't entirely sure if their parents' absence was sue to work or if they were just out at some bar drinking and didn't feel the need to return home. Either way he was more than happy taking care of the twins, he was just thankful they were around so he didn't have to be constantly alone.

"Couldn't we skip school. Take a break?" Conny whined rolling over in her bed so her back was to her brother. Daichi was sure he had heard her talking at some point in the late hours of the night, more accurately the early hours of the morning. She was more than likely online with her gaming friend Kenma, but that was a choice she made, and he wasn't going to let her grades suffer because of her own stupidity.

"Haha very funny, school will be over soon anyways. You'll have to just tough it out," Daichi responded. Since it was February, their school year was nearly done, March being the ending of it. Although Daichi was happy to almost be done his second year of high school, he was somewhat dreading having the twins at Karasuno with him the following year since they would be finishing their middle school.

"But Daichi..." Conny complained pulling him out of his thoughts of the next school year quickly approaching. Conny was a bit of a complainer, but it was fairly easy for him to ignore her, he had dealt with her long enough to know when she was being serious and this definitely wasn't one of those times. He then walked over to the window, opening it allowing bright light to filter through the room.

A grumble could be heard from Kimi as she covered her face with the blankets. Unlike Conny, Kimi wouldn't verbally complain about things but rather show her disapproval through her actions. Daichi found that this rang true to most things, if the girls were to show their emotions Kimi always used her actions while Conny always used her words.

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