94 ~ Prey

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Conny had slid down to a sitting position in the cell, trying to figure out what to do. Kimi just murdered the prisoner who was supposed to be set free. But what danced around her head more than the fact that Kimi killed him was Kais words. What was the group going to do when they found out?

"What the fuck am I supposed to do now?" she whispered to herself. She felt so conflicted, she had so many different things she knew she should do but all she wanted to do was protect her twin sister.

Quickly Connys mind worked to come up with a plan of what she needed to do. The first step was to break open the cell door. But she had to be quiet about it. 

Conny darted down the hallway to her own room to grab her hockey stick, Kageyama was passed out on the bed, the walkie talkies abandoned on his desk. She couldn't help but stop and smile at him before taking off down the hall again.

 She then began to whack at the cell as quietly and quickly as she could. Eventually the lock broke and the cell door swung open. She then moved back into the cell she had hidden in before. There were only a few steps left to framing a brake out. Luckily no one had thought to check him for hidden weapons before putting him in the cell so it was very possible that he could have broken out on his own.

She just needed to get rid of the body without being caught, then her and Kai would be the only ones to know what Kimi did. And she was sure that although Kai would be angry about it, he wouldn't rat her out.

So Conny moved over to the corpse. She bent down trying not to think too much about what she was doing as she picked it up on her back, as if she were giving it a piggy back ride. Then she moved back into the cell she had been hiding in to take the blanket from the bed. She wrapped the blanket around herself making it look like she was cold and she was simply wearing a backpack underneath.

Next was possibly the hardest part. Convincing whoever was on guard duty to let her leave. But she figured she could figure that out when she saw who it was.

Conny left through a side door to attempt to limit her contact with other people. She made her way down to the gate, Iwazumi was the one perched on the guard tower watching. "Iwazumi" Conny called out quietly. He carefully climbed down when he noticed the girl waiting for the gate. He raised an eyebrow at her when he saw the weapon in her hand.

"Conny" he said moving closer to her.

"Look I need you to do me a huge favor. Please" Conny asked.

"Depends on what it is" Iwazumi stated.

"Alright, well you see... I really need to go out there. I just need ten minutes, today is my moms birthday and I wanted to just pay my respects to her grave. It's just in the forest, she died before you and Oikawa showed up. Please, it's something I need to do alone. I promise I'll be back in ten minutes" Conny begged putting on her best act of being sad. It felt wrong to her to lie about her mom to him, but she needed him to let her out without telling anyone or making her bring someone out with her.

"Are you sure you're okay out there alone?" Iwazumi questioned considering her question.

"I'm sure I'll be fine. I have my stick so I can fight them, plus I probably won't even run into any, I'm just running out there and coming right back" Conny explained.

Iwazumi thought about it. "You have ten minutes, I'm leaving the gate to run to the bathroom. When I get back I'm going to continue with my job. Do what you want with that information" Iwazumi stated turning and walking away.

"Thank you" Conny called out as he continued to walk. 

"I don't know why you're thanking me for shitting" Iwazumi called back.

Conny quickly glanced around the empty yard before unlocking the gate and slipping out. It was normal for things to be pretty quiet in the yard now since it was getting really cold and snowy. 

"This is for Kimi" she whispered before convincing herself to walk into the forest. She walked for a few minutes, still staying somewhat close to the road. She continued on, wishing she had thought to grab a coat when she ran into her room to get her hockey stick.

After a few minutes of walking she stopped, her back killing her from carrying the man for so long.

She let the man fall onto the ground. "I know it's wrong to just leave you here like this but I don't have the tools or the time to burry you, I'm sorry" she whispered to the corpse.

Conny folded up the blanket, not really wanting to put it on again until she washed it. She could already hear the sounds of several monsters closing in on her, they most likely heard the sound of her voice through the quiet forest.

Conny put the blanket on the ground for a minute while she gripped her hockey stick looking around her at the oncoming monsters. She was quick to swing at them killing several. As she went to kill another one she heard the sound of a gunshot echoing through the forest. Almost instantly after a sharp pain shot up her leg and her knees gave out as she fell from the pain.

All she could feel was fear as a few of the walkers got closer. She tried to stand to fight them but only ended up collapsing again from the pain.

But then, just like the first one several more bullets were fired sinking into the skulls of each monster surrounding her. This whole situation didn't sit well with Conny, she needed to get away from whoever fired the bullets.

She tried to stand but it sent more pain through her leg causing her to slump back down. She began to crawl in the direction of the road desparate to get away.

"Where are ya goin darlin? You look like yer in pain, let me help ya out" a boys voice rang out. Conny looked back in fear seeing a boy not much older than herself walked towards her. He had hair that looked to be dyed blonde with a darker undercut and a muscular build. His gun was now in a holster attached to his pants as he walked towards her holding a crowbar, his brown eyes staring down at her.

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