10 ~ A Little Trouble

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Sugawara, Conny, and Kageyama entered the shop immediately seeing rows of untouched mattresses. Conny ran over and flopped onto one of the beds. Kageyama shook his head at her chuckling a bit.

"What? They don't let you bounce on the beds normally. And don't you dare tell me you've never wanted to," she said innocently. This was practically all little kids dream, and she really didn't care that she was supposed to have outgrown that stage in life already. She wanted to jump on the beds.

Kageyama laughed some more. "You're right," he said flopping down beside her on the bed.

"No, I mean jump on it!" Conny said grinning as she stood up on the bed and leaned over to pull on the boy's arm. He quickly got up beside her on the bed as she began jumping.

"Race you to the other side of the room, no touching the ground!" she said grinning as she looked at the path of perfectly made beds lined up in front of her.

"You're on," Kageyama replied, sharing her grin.

"GO!" Conny called out leaping from bed to bed with a head start. Kageyama was quick to do the same though, catching up to her since her start was only a second before his. They made it to the final bed too close to tell a winner, but neither seemed to care.

Conny flopped onto the bed giggling, and for the first time since this whole thing had started Kageyama allowed himself to drop his guard also laughing. Sugawara was watching the two younger teenagers, laughing to himself.

"I hate to end your fun, but we should really get some of these loaded before it gets dark," Sugawara said reminding them that they were there for a specific reason.

"You're right," Kageyama said quickly getting back up to help Sugawara.

"Well, I'm gonna be fully honest. I'm a complete weakling. So, I'll search the storage rooms for blankets and stuff like that we might end up needing instead," Conny said as she sat up. The two nodded as Conny moved back to the front of the store to pick up her hockey stick where she had left it before walking to the back storage room.

Kageyama and Sugawara began lifting the beds to load them in the back of the truck. When Conny entered the storage room, she was met with a single monster which she was able to easily take care of on her own.

She found several blankets and pillows in the room. She carried as many as she could to the truck taking a few trips to get a decent amount. The boys managed to load four mattresses onto the truck as Conny made her final trip. She looked to the back of the truck where Kageyama was securing them with a bungee cable.

"I'll stay back here to keep them steady while you drive," Kageyama said hopping onto the truck bed. Since they only had a single bungee cord to work with, the beds were not stable at all.

"Alright, just be careful," Sugawara said warningly.

"I know," Kageyama replied as he made himself comfortable beside the beds.

Conny jumped into the front seat beside Sugawara as the boy began to drive back to Karasuno. However, on the way back they were met with a group of walkers taking up the entire roadway, a ton of them.

"Shit," Kageyama mumbled under his breath when he saw the swarm in front of the truck.

"They must've wandered in this direction after we left," Sugawara yelled out the window to Kageyama. "I'm going to have to drive fast to get away," he added.

The monsters were already trying to swarm the truck. Kageyama desperately tried to get away moving to the center of the mattress on the truck bed.

"Suga, don't you dare! He will fall!" Conny said at the boys words as she crawled to the back seat.

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