58 ~ Alone

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[TW: mentions of implied rape. Does not go into detail, nothing happens to a mc]

Connys eyes fluttered open, it was late afternoon. Considering it was night when she passed out she figured it had been at least a day since the fire. Her head was pounding with a headache. She was still in the same spot she had fallen before. She looked around at her surroundings, thankful that no walking monster stumbled across her while she was out cold.

Conny moved to sit up, she noticed her hockey stick on the ground so reached forward to pick it up. She sat there debating for minute after minute. Do I go back to the school to see if anyone is still there or try to find a safe place for the night?

She finally stood up, deciding that just sitting there was a worse decision than either of the other two she was contemplating. She surveyed her surroundings, trying to figure out where she was.

After taking in the trees and forest surrounding her she realized her location. It was a few streets away from Karasuno, close to a skate sharpening shop she used to go to regularly. She tried to navigate the direction she would have to walk in to exit near the shop but everything looked the same to her. She also couldn't recall which direction she had run in from.

She finally determined that if she just walked she would eventually find a way out of the forest, it couldn't go on forever. As the sky began to darken Conny became more and more conscious of her surroundings, jumping at every little noise she heard. She wanted nothing more than to just find another human being so she wouldn't be alone anymore.

She was sure she must be getting closer to a clearing when she heard a woman scream. Almost instinctively Conny ran towards the sound. If she could get there in time she could help the girl defend against the monsters then she wouldn't be alone anymore.

She heard the scream again and continued running. But when she got close enough to make out the silhouette of the girl she was already on the ground, three monsters around her. One on top of her. Conny felt her spirits drop as she took a step closer, readying to at least kill the walkers on the girl and at least let the pain of being eaten alive stop.

She took in a deep breath before moving closer. But the closer she got, the more her stomach twisted and knotted up. Something was very wrong about this situation. That's when she realized there were voices, people speaking. She couldn't make out what they were saying but she could clearly hear their laughter.

Conny stopped dead in her tracks, frozen as the sounds of the girl screaming along with the laughter of the three around her was graved into her memory. The horrifying scene in front of her that she thought was monsters tearing apart a woman became only that much more horrifying as she realized that those monsters were really just people.

One was holding the girl down while a second forced her to do something she clearly didn't want to, the third just stood there laughing. In that moment Conny finally came to the reality she had so desperately been trying to deny, some people are worse than the monsters, some people were a whole other type of monster.

Her mind was screaming at her to turn around and run as fast as she can, to get out of there. But she remained frozen in her spot, now overly aware of every twig and leaf on the ground around her. Terrified of making a single sound and alerting the group of her presence she opted to crouch down behind a tree instead.

Her heart was pounding and breath was shaky, but fear gripped her body not allowing her to move a muscle, terrified of being spotted.

The sound became too much for her to bare, she couldn't just sit there and listen but at the same time she was stuck. She couldn't move unless she wanted to end up like the woman. So instead she brought her knees up to her chest, covering both ears with her hands and burying her face in her legs.

She waited doing everything in her power to just focus on keeping her breathing quiet.

Conny didn't lift her head again until her surroundings were being lit up by the sunlight. She hesitantly removed her hands from her ears. All she could hear was the sound of birds chirping and the trees moving with the breeze.

She remained in her spot for what must have been another two hours before she finally found the courage to peek her head around the tree. She let out a breath to see the three men were no where to be seen. Instead the woman lay on the ground, still. Conny slowly got to her feet, moving closer only to see that the womans head had been smashed in before she was abandoned there.

Conny sat down beside the womans body, guilt grasping every bit of her. She didn't even attempt to help the woman, she just sat by and did nothing. Back in elementary school she had been taught that bystanding was just as bad as bullying. Which made her question if she was just as bad as the men since she didn't try to stop them.

She used as much strength as she had to pick up the girl, trying to carry her to a place away from where she was a left, a place where she could rest at peace. Conny continued to carry her for a while, her hockey stick still in one hand. She finally came across a small clearing with a few flowers and things growing.

"I'm sorry I don't have a shovel to burry you." Conny said as placed the woman on the ground. But before leaving she picked several flowers and placed them on top of the woman. She finally turned around leaving the woman. She refused to look back, and she knew that as soon as she was out of the forest she would never be able to step foot in it again.

By the time she made it out of the wooded area back to the streets of Miyagi it was already well into the afternoon. Conny found that every time she heard the smallest noise her entire body would tense up as she physically jumped.

She decided that she would feel much safer with a weapon that would not only help her defend against the walking monsters but also one that would work against humans. So she found her way over to the skate sharpening shop where she was quick to get to work on 'upgrading' her hockey stick.

It took her most of the time she had left in the day to figure out how to construct it, but as night was approaching she had managed to duck tape a skate blade onto the blade of her stick, along with hammering a few nails through it. So now her hockey stick had a way to easily slice as well as stab if she needed to.

Conny moved to the entrance of the store, glancing out into the streets. It was now beginning to get dark and unlike before the world ended, there were now no street lights. When night came the world got pitch black.

Conny could feel her heart rate start to pick up at the thought of things getting darker, she was terrified of the thought alone. The last thing she wanted to do was be stranded near the forest when things got even darker. She began to struggle for breaths at the thought of still being near the forest, she thought she might break down again if she didn't get away fast.

She stood in the doorway of the shop for another minute trying to regain her composure enough to gain the courage to step into the streets, it was already darker than she would have liked.

"You can do this Conny, there are houses a block away. You can make it there." Conny whispered, instructing herself to move. But she still continued to stand there in fear as the sky only got darker.

She glanced over to the side of the building, seeing the forest again. The sight was enough to finally move her feet. She started in a run away from the forest, there was a neighbourhood somewhat close she just had to make it there, then she could safely hide away in one of the houses.

The sky had now completely darkened, making it nearly impossible to see anything in front of her.

Finally she reached the neighbourhood she had been desperately trying to make it to. But as she got closer to the houses, she could barely make out the silhouette of a person moving. It wasn't a walker, it didn't have the same aimless wander as a walker, it was moving with purpose. This was definitely a human.

Fear once again gripped Connys body as she got closer to the person who was clearly bigger than her and more likely stronger too.

Without thinking, her instincts kicked in and she swung her stick at the persons head.

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