149 ~ Secret

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Kimi stared wide eyed at the boy. She was in the middle of processing the scene in front of her. She had no idea what had just happened but she knew for a fact that there were two best friends in the room with her, one holding a knife, the other dead on the floor.

Kimi shook her head as she tried to process everything, taking a slow step away from the two.

Tsukishima looked up at her, he didn't attempt to stop her from leaving or defend his actions. Instead he silently shook with tears. "I'm going to hell, aren't I?" he mumbled as he looked up at the girl. She could clearly see the tears forming in his eyes as some spilled out onto his cheeks.

Kimi took a step back into the room mentally scolding herself. How could she just walk away like that? This was Tsukishima, there had to be an explanation. She promised this boy that she would never abandon him, so how could she ever just walk out of the room like that when he clearly needed her the most. When he was hurting so much.

"Let me" Kimi said softly as she moved to sit beside the boy on the ground as she wrapped her hand around the knife Tsukishima was holding. He didn't put up much of a fight, immediately surrendering the weapon to the girl. Kimi carefully plunged the knife into Tadashis skull not wanting to see the boy reanimate. She didn't want to have to do it, but she couldn't let Tsukishima be the one to do it. Not after what he's already had to do.

She looked over to the boy with a soft expression. "Let's talk now" she said wanting to hear the whole story. She didn't only want to hear because she thought it was vital information but she also wanted to take some of the weight of Tadashis death off of Tsukishimas shoulders. She didn't want him to have to bare that pain alone. 

Tsuikishima took a moment to think about everything that had happened so quickly. Everything he had learned. "If I tell you the whole story you can't ever tell another person. I don't want people to ever think of Tadashi as anything but the sweet boy he was. I don't want them to whisper about how he turned into a monster" he said. It already crushed him to hear Tadashi refer to himself as a monster, he couldn't stand it if others started saying the same thing.

Kimi nodded. "Whatever it is stays between us. I promise" she said. She was loyal to Tsukishima and believed that he was one of the good ones left in the cruel world. He had a big heart and she would never betray his trust. Not ever.

Tsukishima sighed, he knew he could trust Kimi with this but it was still going to hurt to talk about. When he finally worked up the strength he began explain everything. "Tadashi was scared. And a while back he was given the opportunity to join Inarizaki as a spy. He never wanted anything bad to happen but he wanted so badly to live..." Tsukishima said he had to let his voice trail off for a minute as it broke.

Kimis entire heart broke when she heard his voice crack. 

"...He told Suna where to find Conny and Kageyama. Then when Koganegawa found out he reacted without thinking and accidentally killed him" Tsukishima explained quietly watching as the shock hit Kimi.

"He never meant for so many people to get hurt because of him. He wouldn't ever hurt someone on purpose. This world destroyed him. It finally broke him and he just wanted to get away... He was so broken I - I had to help him find peace... Things weren't ever going to get better for him" Tsukishima now added in a whisper afraid that if he spoke any louder his voice would betray him.

Kimi was slowly starting to understand the entire situation. Traitor. Killed. Peace. Those were all really heavy words. Everything was so insane, how did no one notice? It now felt like forever ago, but Kimi had once promised Tadashi that the group would never abandon him.

"Constantly smiling. A little anxious. Trying his best to help everyone around him" Kimi suddenly said causing Tsukishima to look over to her wide eyed a little confusion noticeable in his expression.

"Always following around this secretly very sweet giant. Has the cutest freckles in the world. Will adore you forever if you compliment him" she continued. Then she stopped and smiled. "That's the Tadashi I'm always going to remember, no matter what. And as far as I'm concerned everyone else will too" she explained.

Tsukishima felt a very tiny smile at the memory of what his best friend was like.

"Come on, let's burry him near Daichi. He'll take care of Tadashi don't worry" Kimi said softly as she stood up and offered him a hand up. Tsukishima accepted her hand before the two made their way out to the side yard where Daichi was buried, carrying Tadashi with them.

It didn't take long for the two to bury Tadashis body beside Daichis. When Tsukishima poured the final sprinkle of dirt on top of the hole the two stood there in silence staring at the place where their friend was now deep under ground.

They knew that normally in this situation one would talk about all the memories they shared with the boy, but neither wanted or needed to talk to each other. They were content with both mourning the boy on their own in silence comforted by the presence of the other.

After several minutes their mourning was cut short by the shouts and screams coming from all around them. The people they loved were screaming out for help and the sound of a car alarm could be heard blaring from somewhere.

Both Tsukishima and Kimi immediately looked to one another in concern. 

"Let's go find Mai" Tsukishima said in a panic.

"You find Mai, I'm going to find out what's going on. It must be Suna or Miya. But I promise to meet you back over here. Okay?" Kimi said moving at a fast pace beside the boy as they turned the corner and saw the gate completely torn down. The horn from a vehicle that had crashed it was loudly attracting dozens of monsters now roaming the grounds of the prison.

The two made eye contact briefly. "Okay, just promise me we'll meet here again. Don't leave without me" Tsukishima said in a serious tone.

Kimi quickly wrapped her arms around him in a small hug. "Don't worry I promised I'll never abandon you. I plan on keeping that promise. I'll see you soon" she whispered before letting go and running towards the gate, while Tsukishima ran inside the building.

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