60 ~ Bread

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Kimi and Tadashi had now been living together with Natsu for about a week. They were still yet to think of a way to find everyone else, but they were beginning to at least figure things out for themselves.

They had enough food for the three of them. And nights were pretty safe inside the house. Natsu would play with some of the toys left in the house by the previous owners during the days, while Kimi and Tadashi would do things that used to be normal.

It was crazy how normal life like this seemed to become. They even figured out a new system of washing their clothing and bodies.

"Hey Kimi..." Tadashi said as he walked into a room Kimi was in. She had been reading a book she found. As much as she hated to admit it, it was somewhat a relief to not have to worry about everyone else and not being expected to make the decisions for a group of people.

"What's up?" Kimi asked looking up from her book.

"I was thinking, couldn't we try to bake some things over a fire. I used to make bread with my mom all the time. It won't taste quite as good but no one really took baking ingredients when raiding places so we could try" Tadashi suggested.

"Yeah okay, that might be fun. I'm sure Natsu would be happy to help" Kimi agreed.

"Is everything already here or do we need anything from the store?" Kimi asked. She almost laughed at how normal that sentence sounded.

"We just need yeast. But it shouldn't be too hard to find. And there's a big grocery store not too far from here." Tadashi said.

"Alright, we should probably all go. It would be safer than just one person going" Kimi said putting a paper in the book to save her spot before standing up and putting the book back in the spot she was sitting in.

"Probably smart. I'll go get Natsu." Tadashi said leaving the room to find Natsu who was sitting in the play room.

"Hey Natsu, wanna venture down to the store with us?" Tadashi asked.

The little girl looked at him before jumping up to her feet. "Yeah, an adventure!" she cheered running over to hold Tadashis hand.

Tadashi held her hand and walked down the stairs to the front door where Kimi was already waiting for them.

"You ready Natsu? Do you want to close your eyes again?" Kimi asked.

Natsu shook her head. "No. I want to see them. One day I am going to be strong enough to fight the monsters, so I want to see them now." she replied.

"Okay, tell you what. Tomorrow I'll teach you how to use that knife" Kimi said pointing to the knife strapped to the girls pants. Kimi had decided to give her a knife in case she would ever need it.

"Okay!" Natsu beamed happily.

The three left the house headed down the street. They ran into a small group of walkers. Kimi moved forward to take care of them while Tadashi continued to hold Natsus hand. Natsu flinched as Kimi swung her club at the first one but she still kept her eyes open determined to be brave.

They continued to walk the rest of the way to the store, only seeing a few monsters on the way. 

"I'm pretty sure the yeast would be this way." Tadashi said moving towards the baking aisle. Kimi followed in behind still not dropping her guard. Tadashi stopped in front of the yeast to get a few packets. Kimi was watching him and Natsu picking out different baking ingredients when she heard the click of a gun chamber from behind her.

"Drop all of your things and slide them over to me. I want everything."

Kimis head shot to the side looking at the newest person to enter the store. She couldn't help herself from smiling. "I think I might be having deja vu" she said laughing, unable to contain her grin.

Natsu also turned at the voice. "TSUKI!" she yelled dropping the yeast and running towards the tall boy. Tsukishima embraced the little girl being careful not to wake the sleeping baby in his arm.

Kai also took off in a run, immediately pulling Kimi into a hug. "I missed you" he said happy to be near her again.

"Me too" Kimi said softly. Everything felt so unreal to her right then, she didn't think she would ever see Kai or Tsukishima again but here they were both standing in front of her.

Kimi glanced over to Tsukishima who was already deep in conversation with Tadashi. The smile on Tadashis face was something that she believed could brighten up just about anything.

"Wait. You guys didn't meet up with Conny again?" Kimi suddenly asked. The four of them were together at the beginning of the fire and had planned to all find each other after, she had hoped the three still managed to meet up somehow.

Kai shook his head. "I have no idea where she is" he said trying not to linger on the thought of Conny potentially being alone.

Kimi quickly shook her head, she had already been struggling not to think of Conny or Daichi so she had to force herself to stop thinking about her sister.

"You got the yeast Tadashi?" Kimi called out trying to change the subject away from Conny. 

"Yeah, we've got it" Tadashi replied giving her a thumbs up.

"Yeast?" Kai questioned raising an eyebrow.

"It's what you use to make bread" Tsukishima said simply.

"Well I know that" Kai said back a little bit defensively.

"Really? I wasn't sure how much brain capacity you had" Tsukishima responded.

Kai began arguing back. Kimi couldn't help but laugh at their bickering. Although it did make her a little confused about what happened between the two during the week they were stuck together. They were definitely closer than they used to be.

Kai and Tsukishima followed Tadashi and Kimi to their new home. They decided to light a fire in the backyard to bake on, but it ended up being almost like a mini campfire as they sat around it laughing and joking.

Kimi couldn't help but glance around the fire and wish that the scene she saw was something that would repeat everyday. Tadashi chatting away while Tsukishima listened gently rocking Mai in his arms. Kai laying on the grass beside Natsu pointing out different constellations.

In her mind this was near perfect.

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