141 ~ Shock

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Kimi and Kai stood there for a moment unable to move or speak. Conny continued to stare blankly. 

"Come on Conny, you can sleep in my room tonight" Kai spoke up since no one else was. Conny looked over to him and slowly nodded. Nothing felt real to her, as if she were stuck in some sort of simulation with no idea how to break free. The thought briefly crossed her mind that maybe nothing was real, perhaps she died a long time ago when the world first ended. Maybe this was her hell, having the people she cared about slowly being ripped away. It definitely was a cruel punishment for the world to bring her and Kageyama together only to take him away from her.

Kimi snapped to reality. She should be the one taking care of her sister not Kai, so why couldn't she move to help Conny?

"It's okay Kimi, I'll take care of her tonight. You take care of yourself right now" Kai said, he understood that while Kimi would have a hard time admitting it she was really upset. Kageyama had such a presence among the group despite somewhat blending into the background. He had definitely earned the trust of each person at the prison.

"I can help" Kimi stated. She wanted to be there for Conny, she didn't want to let Conny slip away from her. Kimi couldn't lose Conny, not after everything they've been through.

"I know you can, and you will. Just right now take a moment to grieve. You knew him a lot better than me" Kai said.

Kimi reluctantly nodded, she reached her hand up to scratch her cheek and realized that her cheek was wet. When did that happen? Kimi didn't cry, why were there tears streaming down her face?

"It's okay, let me help" Kai said in a soft voice gently rubbing her shoulder.

"Thanks" Kimi said with a small nod. She glanced over to Conny who was fiddling nervously with the ring on her finger. She hated seeing that lost confused look on her sisters face, so she quickly turned around disappearing down the hall towards Tsukishimas room. A place where she felt safe.

Within a few minutes she had entered Tsukishimas room and was wrapping her arms around his neck, burying her face into him. He seemed taken by surprise, turning his attention from Mai who was sitting on the bed beside him to Kimi. Tadashi also seemed to be surprised by Kimis action as he sat on one of the steps of the ladder leading to the top bunk watching the scene play out in front of him. He tried to keep himself busy with the crossword he had been working on but he couldn't help but steal glances at the two out of pure curiosity.

"I've got you, you're okay" Tsukishima whispered carefully holding onto the girl. He had no idea why she was so upset but he was happy that she came to him and trusted him to comfort her.

"Tsuki I messed up" Kimi replied quietly struggling to keep her voice calm.

"We can fix it. Whatever it is we'll fix it" Tsukishima responded. He knew Kimi had a lot of doubt in her decision making skills but he didn't know what she could have done that would have made her this upset.

"I can't fix this... I sent Kageyama and Conny out to get something for me. But I should have been the one to go out not them" Kimi tried to explain still fighting to conceal her emotions. Tsukishima nodded along rubbing her back as she spoke.

"Tsuki... Kageyama died on that supply run. I never should have sent them. It should have been me" Kimi spoke letting tears fall once again as she looked up at Tsukishima. The boy was left in pure shock not sure how to respond. It seemed like everything was slowly falling apart. 

A loud thud could be heard as a book hit the floor. Both Tsukishima and Kimi looked over to Tadashi who had dropped his crossword book, letting it fall to the floor.

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