8 ~ Liar

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Kimi followed behind the tall boy until they came to a smaller room, most likely an office that was previously used for one of the teachers.

"So, Tsuki was it?" Kimi asked. She had heard the other boy refer to him as 'Tsuki' several times, so she was sure that must be his name.

"Tsukishima," he instantly snapped at her.

"Okay, Tsukishima," Kimi corrected herself, saying his name in a mocking tone. The boy was honestly one of the most obnoxious people she had ever met. "I want to make a deal with you" Kimi said, deciding to continue before she ended up accidentally snapping at him.

"What type of deal?" Tsukishima asked sounding amused, although Kimi got the impression that he had no intention of even entertaining her idea.

"My group is willing to clear out all the walkers trying to get in. Then you must let us leave with our weapons in exchange," Kimi proposed. She was sure that her offer was one he could not afford to refuse if Kageyama had been right about him arriving to the school early before things were able to get too chaotic.

"I get to keep the food," Tsukishima said immediately.

"Fine. You can keep the food," Kimi said hoping he would agree since she had no intention of leaving the place anyways.

"How do I know that the second I give you the weapons you won't turn around and attack me?" Tsukishima asked trying to go over every possibility in his head.

"Well Tsukishima. You are the one holding the gun. You have all the control here," Kimi said calmly. She knew exactly how to deal with people like Tsukishima since he was a lot like herself.

"Okay then. You may clear out the monsters and leave once you are done. You can take the weapons but everything else stays with me," Tsukishima decided. "And to ensure this isn't a trap one of you will stay in the room locked up until the job is done," he added.

"Sounds fair," Kimi agreed. "Kai will stay with Natsu, she is a child and I would rather not take her with me for this job," she explained, this worked out well since they had already planned for Kai to stay back with Natsu anyways.

Tsukishima nodded. "Good idea, I wouldn't want to see a child die," he agreed.

"Wow! Was that a heart or did you force yourself to say that?" Kimi asked sarcastically.

"Shut up," Tsukishima retorted, clearly not amused by the girl's mockery.

"Tadashi!" Tsukishima yelled, resulting in the other boy running into the room almost immediately.

"Yes Tsuki?" Tadashi asked when he entered. Judging by the speed of his arrival, Kimi figured he must have been hanging out close by just in case Tsukishima needed back.

"Get their weapons," Tsukishima ordered. The other boy nodded and ran out of the room. He returned a second later holding all the weapons in his arms.

"Watch her, don't let her move from that seat. I'm going to speak with the others about this," Tsukishima instructed.

"Oh, okay Tsuki," the boy responded nervously as he protectively held up the bat to defend himself.

After Tsukishima had left the room Kimi decided to spring into action. Tsukishima had taken the gun with him when he left and since Kimi thought she was fairly good at reading people, she had a strong feeling that Tadashi wouldn't use the bat on her if his life depended on it.

She suddenly ran at the boy moving fast so he wouldn't have time to think. Kimi pulled out Kageyama's knife and held it against his neck. Everything happened so fast that Tadashi was left shocked and unprepared for the surprise attack. He tried to swing the bat but missed her, Kimi was almost sure he was subconsciously forcing himself to aim poorly so he wouldn't hit her.

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