59 ~ Struggle

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The person managed to just barely dodge the hockey stick coming straight for their head. Immediate panic hit Conny as she swung again, but once again they managed to move out of the way at the last minute.

Conny swung again, desperate to hit them at least once. She was terrified of losing her opportunity to fight back, and adrenaline seemed to have started coursing through her body. She was almost thankful the world was pitch black so she didn't have to see the face of the person she was trying to hurt.

This time as her stick came towards their face they caught her wrist, stopping her mid swing. Connys heart rate shot through the roof at the physical contact, she wanted to flee. She tried to pull her wrist away but the grip on her was much too tight.

Conny felt tears begin to well up in her eyes that she couldn't control. She desperately wanted to be back at the school surrounded by good people who would never hurt her. But that was nothing more than a wish that couldn't be granted.

She felt the stick being ripped out of her hand and tossed to the ground away from her. A sudden animal instinct kicked in as she quickly brought her foot up to kick them in the knee as hard as she could.

The person tumbled to the ground immediately. She quickly ripped her wrist free so sudden it caused herself to fall backwards, but she was quick to crawl towards her stick, her only chance of defending herself.

As she was about to reach her weapon she felt a hand around her ankle pulling her back. She fell onto her stomach instantly being dragged away by her ankle. She turned herself over as she began to kick at the person trying to hit them anywhere she could, she did get a few good kicks in before they caught her other leg, stopping her from kicking.

"STOP SWINGING THAT THING AT ME!" the person shouted in frustration. Definitely a males voice. In the back of Connys mind she could feel a sense of familiarity behind the voice but she couldn't focus on that because her mind was everywhere, screaming at her to get away from the boy.

Conny began to scratch at his face since her legs were now rendered useless. But that only lasted a minute before he managed to pin down her hands as well, completely stopping her from hurting him.

"STOP THAT!" he shouted still angry. "Let's just talk calmly, without trying to kill each other" he added in a more calm voice.

Conny began shaking her head as tears fell down her face. She couldn't register that the boy was talking or what he was saying, the only thing on her mind was the image of the woman in the forest being pinned down, rendered useless. Just like she was now.

"No. No. No. Please no. Don't" she whispered in a sob. The hands immediately released her wrists at the sounds of her pleas. But she didn't try to scratch him this time, she knew she wasn't strong enough to get away.

"Conny?" the voice said.

She was so taken by surprise by the sound of her name that she nearly thought she only imagined it.

"Conny it's okay, it's just me. You're okay now." the boy said as he shuffled back a bit so she could have more movement.

Conny finally let his voice sink in. She felt a wave of relief and confusion wash over her as she began to recognize the voice of the person sitting on top of her.

"Tobio?" she questioned, her voice still a bit shaky.

"Yeah it's me. I've got you." he answered pulling her up into a sitting position to hug her, while he still remained sitting on her lap.

"Tobio... I'm sorry for not trusting your instincts... I looked for you... But you were gone..." she said as she burried her face in his neck, taking in his fimiliar scent that had now become something of comfort to her.

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