93 ~ Other Plans

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Conny walked through just about the entire prison still not finding her sister, next she checked outside still unsuccessful in her search. Then something seemed to click in her mind, a possibility of Kimis location.

She slipped through the prison halls once again, going completely unnoticed as she made her way over to an area she wasn't supposed to be at. She was hoping she was wrong in her realization of where Kimi was but she was proved correct when she saw her sister standing facing the cell of the man they had been holding prisoner until the next day.

Conny wanted to speak to announce her presence. She still wanted desperately to talk to Kimi. But something stopped her. Maybe it was her curiosity or just a gut feeling that she needed to wait. But either way she quietly slipped into one of the empty cells, keeping herself hidden from view.

Kimi stood there staring at the man for several minutes. She wanted to kill him. Every part of her was screaming at her to just kill him. But how could she ever justify killing the man when the group already decided to let him go.

"Where does your daughter live?" she settled on asking instead.

The man flashed a look of confusion for a moment. "Your daughter. You said you had a daughter" Kimi stated confused.

"Oh right! I forgot I told you about her. Aiko lives in Yokohama" the man said.

Red flags were going off in Kimis head. This man did not have a daughter. He was lying to them. And if he lied about having a daughter he most likely lied about his crime. He was dangerous. She had to do something.

"I brought you some food" she stated holding up a pack of crackers. The mans eyes immediately went to the food, he hadn't eaten since being put in the cell. "Come here so I can hand it to you" Kimi said moving her hand close to the cell.

The man stood up and walked over reaching for the food from her hand. But as his hand wrapped around the food Kimi reached her other hand through the bars of the cell, plunging a knife into his head. The man almost instantly slumped down in his spot, dead.

At that moment a boy turned the corner. "Kimi, did Conny find you she was looking for you" Kais voice rang out. It was obvious he hadn't noticed the dead prisoner yet.

Kimi took a cautious step away from the cell, hiding the bloody knife behind her back. "No I haven't seen her since the vote" Kimi said moving towards Kai.

"Oh, well she was looking for you earlier. I actually wanted to talk to you too. I don't think we should fight over this. We don't have much control over what the overall group decides just one vote each. And we should just respect each others vote, and the groups decision" Kai stated.

Kimi bite her lip, this is exactly what she wanted to hear him say before. But she had already made a big decision on her own.

"Are you okay?" Kai asked seeing the girls expression. But Kais entire face went blank his mouth dropping open and eyes widening when they landed on the prisoners cell.

"Kimi please, please tell me this wasn't you. Please" Kai begged already knowing the answer.

Kimi shook her head. "I'm sorry Kai. I had to, it's something I am willing to bare so the rest of the group can stay safe" she tried to explain.

Kai shook his head several times. "We voted..." he stated blankly searching Kimis eyes for some sort of explanation.

"Kai, he was lying! He couldn't be trusted!" Kimi said trying to defend her decision.

"How do you know Kimi? Where is your proof?" Kai asked trying to make sense of the situation.

"Because I asked him about his daughter and he didn't know what the hell I was talking about. He made up the story about having a daughter, which means he was lying the whole time" Kimi said desperately.

"I just don't understand why you were here talking to him in the first place. We all agreed to leave him alone here until tomorrow. So why did you think that the rules didn't apply to you?" Kai asked blankly.

"I had a really really bad feeling Kai, and I was right! Please try to understand that I had to do this to protect everyone, he was a danger to us. Someone else could have ended up dead instead of him" Kimi said trying not to get frustrated.

"But we voted! You aren't above the system Kimi! If we all agreed on an outcome that doesn't give you permission to do whatever the hell you want to anyways! You should have come to us with the new information so we could decide as a group what to do" Kai shouted.

"I couldn't because shit wasn't going to change! No one wants to be responsible for someones death! But guess what if we did let him go and he found a new group to take over this place everyone that would have ended up dead from that would have been on your guys shoulders! I didn't want that to happen so I took matters into my own hands!" Kimi defended her actions.

"Are you sure it just wasn't because you had to be right?" Kai shouted back.

"Yeah Kai, this all because I want to be right! Not because I've been killing myself trying to do everything possible to keep this group alive!" Kimi shouted back in frustration.

"And how do you think the group is going to react when they find out what you did? You don't think they will be a little pissed with you? Oh no their just gonna say 'that's okay' and we'll all live in harmony" Kai asked.

"That's not your problem to worry about" Kimi said pushing past Kai storming off in the direction of their room. Kai was quick to follow her.

"What the hell do you want Kai?" Kimi asked when he entered the room after her.

"They are going to kick you out" Kai said in a quieter voice since they were now in a busier area.

"Maybe that's for the better then, since I can't seem to ever do the right thing anyways" Kimi said trying desperately not to break down. "Maybe they should just execute me, it would make things a lot better for everyone else" she added in a whisper.

Kai stood there staring at the girl. All he could think about was how she was wearing the exact same look on her face the day he found the scars on her thighs that she had put there herself.

"Kimi... don't you dare say that. I love you. Conny and Daichi love you. Tsukishima loves you. There are so many people here who care about you, no one wants you dead" he said in a softer voice moving closer to hug the girl, even though she didn't hug back.

"Kai... I don't think we can do this anymore. Me and you. All we do is fight now, we were so much better as friends" she whispered doing everything in her power not to cry.

"Kimi... I don't want - I love you though" Kai cried out feeling tears threaten to spill.

"I know, and I love you too. But this - being together, it's tearing us apart" she said. Kai nodded silently in understanding, tears falling down his cheeks.

"I think I need to leave for a few days, clear my head on my own. When I get back, I'm hoping my best friend is still here for me" Kimi said wiping his tears with her thumb.

"I'll always be here for you" Kai whispered knowing he had to let her go.

Kimi looked at him, tears welling up in her eyes. She loved this boy and he loved her. So why couldn't they just be happy? Why didn't she get her happy ending? Didn't she deserve it?

She remembered her promise to Kai and didn't let a single tear fall as she turned away from him. "I'm sorry" she whispered, knowing what she needed to do next.

Kai faked a smile even though she wasn't even facing him. "We were always better as friends anyways, childhood friends to lovers was never a good troupe. Come on I'll help you sneak out" Kai said wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

With that Kai distracted Iwazumi who was on gate duty while Kimi slipped out through the gate. He couldn't help but glance over to watch as she disappeared down the road, not sure when he would see her again.

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