97 ~ Pain

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The boy opened a door and walked inside. Conny looked around the room he brought her to curiously. There were several beds around the room with some fancy machines beside a few of them. It reminded her of a hospital. A boy was staring at them from where he was standing over a counter, it looked as if he had been working on some sort of paperwork or at least writing something down. His hair was a copper colour with bangs cut on an angle.

"Kita's in the other room" the boy stated with very little interest before returning his attention back to his paperwork.

As if on cue a door to some other smaller room opened as another boy with white hair leading into black tips walked in, Conny had to assume that this was Kita. He looked at the two of them a look of anger and disappointment crossed his face when he saw the boy holding Conny.

"What happened to her?" he asked harshly.

"She was shot" the boy answered.

"And how did that happen? Did you shoot her?" Kita asked.

The one holding Conny seemed to be angered by the comment as he tightened his grip on Conny. "Can you fix her or not?" he asked harshly.

Kitas narrowed his eyes at the boy. "I can help her yes. Put her on the bed and I'll take a look at it" he said. The boy placed her down on one of the beds. Conny felt super awkward as the boys had been speaking about her without bothering to try to talk to her.

The one who shot her moved to the shorter boy in the corner of the room who's attention had returned to his paper. The one with the dyed hair leaned over to whisper something to the other boy, who nodded in understanding before disappearing into the other room for a moment.

The boy who shot Conny moved to sit on the edge of her bed while Kita began looking at her leg. "I'm Miya Atsumu. What's yer name?" he asked, finally introducing himself.

Conny didn't say anything, she was still trying to process everything happening around her. Atsumu seemed displeased with her lack of an answer so he reached over harshly grabbing her leg and digging his thumb into her bullet wound.

Conny yelped out in pain at the action. Kita quickly smacked Atsumus hand away from her leg angerly.

"I asked you a question" Atsumu stated angerly.

"Sawamura" Conny quickly answered forcing herself not to cry from the pain. Atsumu looked at her expectantly waiting for her to elaborate. "Conny" she added reluctantly not wanting him to hurt her again. Something about the idea of this boy calling her by her first name just didn't sit right with her.

Kita stood up after examining her leg looking through his cabinets for something. Kita returned with a few pills in his hand. "Take them. They are pain killers" he stated placing them in Connys hand.

Conny looked at them, her stomach twisted at the thought of taking pills from these strangers. "You don't have to, but I have to dig the bullet out of your leg you're gonna want them" Kita stated staring at her leg not bothering to look up at her while he spoke. "Besides if I wanted to drug you that badly it wouldn't be hard to do, I could just do it" he added this time looking at her.

Conny took the pills, mainly because her instincts were telling her to trust this boy more than anyone else she had met so far at this place.

"I'm going to start now, are you ready?" Kita asked making eye contact with Conny. Conny nodded to his question although she was sure that she wasn't ready.

He then began to work on her leg causing her to bite hard on the inside of her cheek to stop herself from screaming, she quickly tasted blood inside her mouth. But she ignored it as her vision started spotting black. She wasn't sure how long Kita was cutting into her leg trying to dig out a small bullet, but it felt like an eternity.

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