96 ~ Wound

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Conny felt the same animal instinct she felt the night she was fighting Kageyama on the road in Miyagi. She frantically started to crawl away from the boy. The second she got a chance she used a tree to pull herself up and forced herself to run ignoring the pain screaming at her from her leg.

"Oh are we playin tag now? Alright, I'll be it first" the boy called out. She could practically hear the smirk on his face as she ran towards the road, her body screaming at her to stop with every step.

Despite his words the boy simply followed her at a stroll as he swung his crowbar aimlessly through the air, not actually chasing her. Although this only made him that much more terrifying. As if her were saying I don't need to run to catch you.

As she got closer to the road Conny felt her heart sink. There was a truck parked there, his truck.

She had to get away, she was in trouble. If he got her to that truck and drove off no one would be able to find her. She thought she was safe running into the forest quickly to get rid of a body, something that should have taken her ten minutes at most, she couldn't have been more wrong.

She originally hadn't wanted him to know about the prison or that she had a group but the way he was steadily gaining ground on her without even trying made her panic. "HELP!" she screamed out only hoping she was close enough to the prison for Iwazumi to hear.

The second Conny screamed the boy started running at her clearly done playing around. She could barely even try to get away before he had tackled her to the ground firmly holding his hand over her mouth.

"I said I would help ya. No need to go callin anyone else" the boy said firmly holding her against the ground.

Conny didn't know what to do, she didn't know what she could do. The boy was clearly stronger and faster than her, and on top of that she had a bullet in her leg.

"No worries darlin I'm a gentleman I'll help ya to my truck" the boy said picking her up bridal style, keeping one hand over her mouth so she couldn't alert anyone else.

Conny tried desperately to pry his hand away from her mouth but he was far too strong. She started kicking her legs in the air trying to make him drop her but he only tightened his grip on her continuing to walk towards his truck.

The boy opened the truck door and placed Conny inside shutting it quickly as she tried to punch and kick at him. He walked around quickly taking his place in the drivers seat.

As the boy started the truck and began to drive down the road, away from the prison. Every instinct in Connys body was screaming at her to get away from him, to get out of the truck.

She tried desperately to fiddle with the lock, but the boy was quick to notice from the corner of his eye. Something about his whole demeanor darkened as he glanced at Conny to glare at her for a moment before looking back to the road.

"You open that door and I'll shoot yer other leg then strap you down to the top of my truck like a canoe" he said in a cold voice. Conny felt chills crawl up her spine at his threat.

"So you from around here?" the boy asked returning to his cheerful almost joking demeanor. It scared Conny how fast he switched back. She felt sick.

"I think I might puke" Conny stated in honesty, completely ignoring his previous question.

"Okay" the boy said stopping the truck. "Stay right there for a minute" he instructed waiting for Conny to nod before he got out of the truck taking the key with him. He made his way around to the passenger side and opened the door.

The boy picked Conny up and helped her stand on the side of the road. "You can puke, I'll hold yer hair back for ya" the boy said using his hand to pull Connys hair away from her face while his other hand securely held her  helping her stand without putting any weight on her left leg.

Conny was confused by him. He'd act nice one minute then mean the next. He didn't even seem to register that he was the reason she was in pain and felt sick.

Conny then leaned forward puking. It made her sad to watch as she puked up the valuable nourishment, especially when she had no idea when she was going to get the chance to eat again.

"Done?" the boy asked when Conny stopped puking.

"Yeah" she said nodding wiping her mouth with her arm. As she brought her bare arm to her face she realized how cold she was. With everything that had happened so quickly she hadn't registered that she was freezing.

The boy seemed to notice her shaking from the cold. "You know you should be careful. Yer gonna get frostbite like that" he said as he took his jacket off, throwing it over her shoulders.

"Thank you" Conny mumbled, still confused by the boys behaviour.

"Welcome" the boy said as he picked her up putting her back in the truck and shutting the door before he walked around to climb in himself. As the boy continued driving Conny watched the road closely. The boy didn't bother to cover her eyes which for some reason left an unsettling feeling in the pit of her stomach. It meant he didn't care if she knew where he was taking her. That couldn't be a good thing. Either way she decided to memorize every turn he took.

The boy arrived to a gated off area. The gate seemed to be containing several warehouses. "Oh you're back already" a boy said looking in the window of the truck. He had dark hair with a sluggish demeanor, he eyed Conny curiously when he saw the girl sitting in the passenger seat.

"Yeah, open the gate for me Suna, would ya?" the boy driving the truck questioned. Suna nodded moving over to the gate and opening it for the truck to drive through.

The boy parked the truck outside one of the warehouses. "Here we are" he said before hopping out of the truck and moving around to open Connys door and pick her up. Conny wanted to fight him still but she knew she was already screwed.

The boy began walking through the building headed to some unknown destination. The place seemed to be busy, a few people gave confused looks to the two, but the boy either didn't notice or didn't care as he continued to walk with her in his arms.


Rintaro Suna

CO-LEADER OF INARIZAKI GROUP• Ruthless• Follower, does whatever he is told to• Willing to kill, doesn't really care about morals

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• Ruthless
• Follower, does whatever he is told to
• Willing to kill, doesn't really care about morals


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