83 ~ Rest Easy

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Kimi sighed as she sat down on the edge of the bed. "Everything okay?" Kai asked as he walked into the room to sit beside her.

"We had two boys arrive at the prison. I think that if Kuroo and Conny weren't there I would have turned them away. I feel like I am always choosing the wrong thing, I don't want to be responsible for making decisions anymore" Kimi explained.

Kai watched her carefully as she spoke. When she was finished he took a minute to think about how to respond, not wanting to say the wrong thing.

"Don't get me wrong, I think you've done an amazing job leading this group. I mean look at us we are in a safe place surrounded by good people. But maybe it's time to step away from leading for a while. It only seems to stress you out now" Kai suggested in a soft voice as he gently rubbed her back.

"Step back? Like just watch and have nothing to do with the decision making?" Kimi questioned looking over to the boy.

Kai couldn't help but laugh. "No, you're way too opinionated for that. But what if you just had a say in the decisions. Like if we made some sort of council with a voting system" Kai explained his thinking.

Kimi thought about it for a moment. "You know that's actually not a bad idea. I think Kuroo would definitely go for it. I'll talk to him about it in the morning" Kimi said.

Kai smiled. "Yeah, I think that'll be good for you" he said. "Let's lay down now" he added as he opened the blankets.

"Okay" Kimi said crawling under the blankets. Kai followed suit, turning off the lantern.

He placed his hand on her waist, the same way he had been doing for the past few weeks.

"Kai.." Kimi said into the darkness. She was facing him but it was nearly impossible to make out any of his features.

"Yes?" Kai responded.

"You're allowed to cuddle me and kiss me you know. We are together, we can show affection" Kimi said. Kai hadn't kissed her since the day she kissed him at the arcade. Being in a relationship with no physical affection was nearly killing her.

"Oh, okay" Kai said, he almost sounded like a giddy kid. "Um, close your eyes" he instructed awkwardly.

Kimi did close her eyes even though the boy couldn't see her through the darkness. "Are they closed?" Kai asked.

Kimi couldn't help but giggle. "Yeah, they're closed" she responded smiling.

"Okay" Kai whispered before leaning in close to her. They connected lips as they both kissed each other.

It didn't last overly long and there was no tongue involved. But the kiss practically screamed I love you just from how it showed their personal connection over a sexual one.

"Goodnight Kimi" Kai whispered when the two parted.

"Night Kai" Kimi responded smiling to herself.


Conny walked through the halls in the morning until she found the room she was looking for. She walked in and as she suspected her brother was working on his garden.

"Daichi, I want you to help me with something" she said moving closer to the boy. Daichi looked up, he clearly didn't even notice her enter the room,

"Yeah of course, what can I help you with?" Daichi asked. He was surprised that she was coming to him for help over Kageayama.

"Since we've made it to Tokyo I've been trying to figure out what to do. Ennoshita gave me his sisters necklace and asked me to take it to Tokyo. But now that we are here I don't know if I should hold onto it or burry it or something" Conny explained.

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