48 ~ Together

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Conny opened her eyes to the sun shining on her face. She lazily moved her head to look around her, but found she barely had the strength to move even her head. She tried to focus on her surroundings. There was a blanket hanging from the ceiling, separating her from the rest of the world. There was a window beside the bed she was in, it was propped open letting the mid August air into the room.

Conny noticed a water bottle on the table beside her, upon seeing it she realized how sore and dry her throat was. She went to reach for it but her hand didn't move to pick it up. In fact it barely lifted at all before it slumped back down on her bed. She had no strength. The state she was in right now reminded her far too much of Ennoshita.

Conny then realized there were voices, people talking from across the room. She strained herself to hear what they were saying.

"... still sleeping." That was Kageyamas voice. She knew that voice all too well.

"She's too damn stubborn for her own good. I knew she was going to collapse like that eventually but she was too worried about everyone else." That voice belonged to Daichi.

Conny tried to make sense of the conversation. Who were they talking about? Who collapsed? And why was Kageyama talking to Daichi? Did Kageyama get sick?

Kageyama laughed quietly. "Yeah that sounds like her." 

He didn't sound sick.

There was a pause in their conversation. Conny continued to think, her head pounding with a headache. 

"Thank you... you didn't have to risk your life like that for her. But you did" Daichi spoke. His voice was still hoarse.

"Of course, she's my best friend" Kageyama said, she could tell he was smiling. It was funny to her that she had only known the boy for half a year but she could already tell exactly what facial expressions he was making based off the sound of his voice.

She still had no idea what they were talking about, although she was pretty sure she was a bit out of things. But Conny decided the best way to find out what was going on was to just ask, Kageyama wouldn't lie to her.

"Kageyama..." she called out. The sound of her own voice surprised herself, it was croaky and hoarse and speaking sent a sharp pain to her throat.

But all she had to say was that one word for the boy to walk through the curtain and be by her side in almost an instant.

"How are you feeling?" he asked smiling down at her, his hand brushing her hair away from her face.

How are you feeling? It was the same question she asked Ennoshita over and over again. Ennoshita, she was sure he was dead, but what happened after that? She couldn't remember.

"Am I sick?" she asked, her green eyes meeting his blue ones searching for an answer.

Kageyama sat down on the bed beside her still keeping eye contact. He then nodded. "Yeah, you're sick" he said. He refused to lie to her, anything she asked him he would simply give it to her honestly. But that's the way he had always been with her, no point in sugar coating the truth that only makes it more painful when you figure things out.

"Are you sick?" Conny asked, still trying to process the fact that she was sick.

"No" Kageyama answered with a one word answer.

Conny frowned. "Idiot, you shouldn't be in here then" she said in her hoarse voice, then coughed a few times.

"Don't worry about me, I'm just making sure the competition stays alive. It'd be no fun winning our bet if you were dead" he said grinning.

Conny laughed causing herself to dive into a fit of coughing.

"Here Conny sit up and drink some water" Kageyama said grabbing the bottle on the desk beside the bed.

But Conny remained still, staying in her place. Instead a single tear rolled down her face.

"Conny?" Kageyama asked in a panic when he noticed the girl was crying.

"I can't sit up. My body won't listen to my brain" she cried out. Kageyama then realized that Conny barely had enough energy to stay awake and hold a conversation, of course she didn't have the strength to sit up.

"That's okay, I'll help you. I always wondered what it would be like to work in a nursing home anyways" Kageyama said quickly trying to correct his mistake.

Conny let the faintest laugh out. "First, that's an odd desire for a teenage boy. Second, are you calling me old?" she said, a very small smile on her face despite the few tears rolling down her cheek.

"Yeah, come here old lady" Kageyama laughed, putting one arm behind her back and using the other to support her head while he helped lift her up in bed. Kageyama brought the bottle to her mouth letting her take a drink. When she was finished he carefully laid her back down in her bed.

"Could you lay with me?" Conny asked. It was an odd question to ask someone but she didn't care. When she was younger and would get sick, Kai would play hooky from school and sneak into her house to cuddle her. It always made her feel better.

Kageyama nodded. He opened the blankets and climbed in pulling her body closer to his so that her head could rest against his chest.

It was really hot with her body laying on his and the blankets added on top, but he could feel her body shaking slightly from shivers. So he held her close wrapping his arms around her body and pulling the thick blankets up to her chin.

"Comfortable?" he asked looking down at her, she was focused, moving her finger to draw circles on his chest he was pretty sure it was one of the only things she could move as her hand lay slump on his chest.

"Yes" she mumbled. "Thank you" she added.

"You don't have to thank me Conny. Actually not ever, anything I do for you is because I care about you not because I am expecting praise in return" he said in a soft whisper.

"You really care about me" Conny said. It sounded more like a statement than anything else. Kageyama wasn't entirely sure how to respond. Despite her statement sounding arrogant he could tell that it wasn't meant to be.

"Yes I do Conny" he whispered to confirm what she had said.

"Can I call you Tobio?" the question was so sudden it took him by surprise. His breath caught in his throat and he had to pause for a minute before answering.

"Yes you can" he said, keeping his voice calm.

"Your heartbeat picked up. Why?" Conny asked. She could tell since she was lying on his chest and had subconsciously been focusing on the rhythm his heart was beating at.

"No one has ever cared about me enough or been close enough to want to call me by that name, you're the first one" he explained. 

"I'm sorry to hear that, you deserve more friends Tobio" Conny whispered against his chest. Again his heart picked up a beat at hearing his name. He never knew how powerful of an affect just one word could have on him, but hearing that word meant that there was someone who cared about him and loved him. His person he had desperately needed, he finally found them.

"I only need one friend" he replied burying his face in her hair.

"I'm glad I get to be that person then" Conny said, her finger finally just resting on his chest. She closed her eyes listening to his heart beat that had once again returned to a normal pace. She let herself drift off to sleep. Even though she was sick with a deadly virus, she was happy.

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