174 ~ Tip the Scales

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Kimi was perched in her shooting spot, no one knowing where she was. It took her a while but she had finally found the boy. The leader himself. Nothing could stop her from getting her revenge now. She aimed her gun straight for Atsumu Miya, the leader of Inarizaki.

This bullet would tip the scales in Karasunos favour. This bullet could even determine the entire war. Without hesitation she clicked the trigger firing the bullet that could bring an end to the war.

Atsumu was firing his gun at someone invading the warehouse. He suddenly heard a gunshot from somewhere near, he didn't have time to react but in a split second Conny was beside him pushing them both behind a wall.

They were now hidden between two walls that almost formed an alleyway, safely out of the range of the shooter. Atsumu quickly realized that the bullet was headed for him and Conny had gotten them out of the way. It surprised him that she managed to get there in time but he couldn't help but smile to himself. She had saved his life.

"Nice eye Conny! I almost died there!" he said with a small laugh as he fiddled with his gun to reload it. But Conny was silent, only letting out a cough.

Atsumu glanced over to the girl, almost instantly letting his gun fall to the ground when he saw the blood dripping down her mouth that she had obviously coughed up.

He let his eyes trail down to her stomach, her shirt was now stained red from where the bullet had clearly done its damage. Atsumus jaw dropped as his stomach did a flip at the sight of Connys blood.

Atsumu snapped out of his little daze just in time to catch the girl in his arms before she could fall to the ground. He still hadn't fully registering what just happened. Conny suddenly came out of nowhere and now she was in his arms bleeding from a serious wound in her stomach. 

When the realization of the severity of her injury finally hit Atsumu, he dropped to his knees bringing her with him in a tight hug.

"Conny why the hell would you do that?" he screamed as he pulled her body closer to his chest. 

Conny flinched at his sudden shout but then calmed herself enough to reply. "Because I'm stupid" she managed to say through her struggled breathing.

"Damn it!" Atsumu yelled at no one in particular. The whole situation was so stupid to him. Why Conny? Why was she like this? It should have been him on the ground, she shouldn't have been the one laying in their own blood. Not her. She cared too much for her own good, it was honestly her biggest weakness.

"Atsumu..." Conny said in an attempt to calm the boy down who was now a complete mess of panic. She reached out with a shaky hand to take hold of his hand. At the contact Atsumu looked over to her, his eyes filling with tears. 

"We can get Kita or Shirabu. One of them'll patch ya up" Atsumu said quickly, that idea being the only solution he could think of. Conny nodded pretending the wound wasn't as bad as it really was, giving the boy a small smile to try to make him feel better. Even in a moment where she was filled with pain all she wanted to do was give him a little comfort.

Atsumu quickly picked the girl up, holding her bridal style. He walked with her in his arms towards the end of the alleyway. Then peered out where there were more buildings and alleyways to hide in.

"I'm goin to get you to Kita, he can help" he said as he began to run even though he had no idea where Kita was or if he was even there at all. Conny immediately moved her hand to her stomach desperate to stop the bleeding that had intensified due to the fast movement. Atsumu started moving faster frantically trying find Kita, his thoughts were a jumbled mess. The only thing he knew for sure was that he couldn't loss her. Not Conny.

He stopped paying attention to his surroundings giving Conny his full attention and ended up tripping over a dead walker. Conny grunted as she fell to the ground and rolled a few times out of his grasp.

Atsumu quickly got back to his knees crawling over to her, trying to pick her up again. Tears were now streaming down his face. "I'm sorry I will be more careful. Let's keep goin, okay?" he said once again standing up.

Conny struggled in his arms trying desperately to breath properly. There weren't people around them luckily. But there were various monsters that had spotted them and were now running towards them.

"Don't worry I'll take care of this, then we will get you help" Atsumu said putting Conny on the ground leaning her against a wall. Conny could barely even nod to his words, she was just trying to focus on what was happening, everything was happening just to fast for her to process. All she knew for sure was that she failed, how could she possibly fix the war now?

Atsumu quickly took out his crowbar swinging at the oncoming dead. He killed monster after monster until none remained. He walked back over to Conny bending down to his knees. But when he reached over to pick her up she put her hand on his chest shaking her head.

"Conny come on we need to get you to Kita, there isn't time for you to argue me on this" Atsumu said ignoring her gesture and wrapping his arms around her to pick her up again anyways. 

"Atsumu please... I can't" Conny begged. She was beginning to understand that even if she made it to Kita there wasn't really anything he could do for her. 

"Come on Conny you have to" Atsumu said as he was about to stand up again. 

"Please Atsumu" she begged again, this time in a soft whisper as she began to cry silently. Atsumu began to understand what Conny already knew. This wasn't something that could just be patched up.

"Okay. We don't have to" he said finally giving in as he sat down and pulled her close to him, once again taking her hand. He leaned forward kissing her forehead and using his free hand to wipe her tears. 

"We can just stay here" he said not allowing his sobs to be heard as the tears continued to stream down his face.

Conny smiled at his words.

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