155 ~ Someone Familiar

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Conny looked around the house once again. This time she let herself smile when she saw Kageyamas messy writing Year 1 Class 3 scribbled across the wall above the living room.

"Maybe I've been looking at this whole thing wrong the whole time Tobio" Conny whispered to the empty room. "Maybe instead of being upset that you left me I should be happy that you found me in the first place" she said as she began to smile brightly, the same smile she used to always have around him. She wanted to stay as the person he loved. 

"You were the best thing to ever happen to me. So now I'll live for both of us for years until I see you again" she added. She didn't only speak the words out loud, she meant them as a promise to him even though he couldn't hear her. She planned on living a full life to the age of ninety three. She knew she could survive and now she had a reason to. He was her reason to live.

She knew her next step needed to be returning to the prison. The people there were her family and everything she had left in the world. She felt a bit of guilt for leaving them but she knew that no one would hold it against her.

Conny glanced down at her clothes, she had been wearing the same outfit since she left the prison but she still refused to change finding a small amount of comfort in the clothing.

As she left the small house she made a small promise to return one day even if it was just for a little bit. Before leaving she made her way to the backyard where she said one last goodbye to Kageyamas grave. Although she thought of it more as a see you later than a goodbye since she didn't plan on abandoning the place.

When Conny got back into the truck she hadn't driven since first arriving at the house, she glanced to the back seat staring at the two weapons she left there. She reached back taking hold of the knife. She studied every small detail of the weapon, gently running her finger over the letters T. K. carved into it.

She let out a small sigh before tucking the knife comfortably into her belt loop.

Conny glanced back at the house... her home one last time before starting the truck and driving away. 

Conny had made it a good portion of the way towards Tokyo when her truck stopped. "Shit" she mumbled when she realized she had run out of gas. She knew she could probably figure out how to fill the gas but not in the middle of nowhere with no gas around.

So instead she got out of the truck and looked down the road then to the sky. She made the decision that if she began to walk now she might be able to return to the prison before it got too dark. It was probably the best option she had in the situation. The only other thing would be wait in the truck until morning but she didn't particularly like that idea.

Conny opened the truck to get her hockey stick before beginning the long track down the seemingly endless road surrounded by trees and farmland.


Time passed by fairly quickly, it had to be at least a couple hours since she started walking. She was starting to regret the decision not to bring food with her. She should have stocked up a little before leaving her house, but there wasn't much she could do about that now.

Suddenly she could hear the sound of a vehicle moving down the road from in front of her. In fact there was a truck driving towards her. She considered the idea of hiding in the woods but anyone driving the truck was sure to have already spotted her. So instead she gripped her hockey stick tight preparing for a fight if needed.

The truck slowly came to a stop in front of her before a boy got out of the front seat. At the sight of him Conny was flooded with a mix of emotions but ultimately she ended up smiling. She wasn't sure if it was because she hadn't seen another human in so long or if she was just happy to see someone familiar again.

Without time to think about her actions Conny dropped her stick and moved to wrap the boy in a hug not caring at all how unprepared he was.

"Conny..." Atsumu spoke in shock as his body tensed up in surprise from the sudden embrace. He couldn't even remember the last time someone had touched him let alone hugged him. Yet he didn't want to reject the feeling of peace it brought him.

"Sorry" Conny mumbled still holding onto him. She knew that she shouldn't have any sort of attachment to the boy after everything they had been through but she couldn't help it. She empathized with him and found his presence somewhat comforting. As if they were always meant to be friends just under different circumstances.

"It's okay. I'm just surprised to see ya here" Atsumu said as he cautiously put his hand on her head.

"I know. I'm not leaving Tokyo now though, I'm ready to live" Conny replied in a whisper. Atsumu subconsciously wrapped an arm around her to pull her in tighter. He had heard everything from Oikawa. Connys lover dying by Sunas hands then her taking off before Iwazumi and Oikawa drove everyone else away from the prison. If he had to guess then Conny had no idea that her group was gone and the prison was slowly being restored by the Inarizaki group.

"I'm sorry about everything that's happened to you. I swear I never told Suna to kill anyone, he was just supposed to get the bomb" Atsumu apologized. His words were genuine, Conny was one of the only people he considered a friend and never wanted to hurt her like that.

Conny pulled away to stare at the boy for a minute. "Let's not talk about that" she whispered. Even the thought of Kageyama hurt her, she didn't know what he would want her to do in this situation. She wanted to believe Atsumu and trust him. She knew that giving the boy her trust was possibly the dumbest thing she could do but she couldn't stop herself from wanting to trust him, trust was something that was once the most natural thing to her.

Atsumu nodded. He still wanted her to understand that he didn't want things to play out that way but he wasn't going to push anything.

Atsumu then offered the girl what he hoped was a kind smile. "Why don't ya come back to Inarizaki with me fer a bit. We can get ya cleaned up and fed, it'll be dark real soon" he offered. He really didn't want her to go through the pain of seeing the prison right now.

Conny thought for a moment. She did want to go back to the prison again but at the same she didn't think she was quite ready to see everyone again. Not after abandoning them the way she did. She figured it wouldn't hurt to spend a bit of time at Inarizaki so she could clear her head and figure out what she wanted to say to everyone.

"Okay" Conny nodded in agreement. 

"Go climb in the truck and I'll grab yer stick" Atsumu instructed already jogging towards the spot she dropped it. As Conny climbed into the passenger seat she couldn't help but think back to the first time she had gotten in that spot... not by choice. Was she stupid to trust the boy who had hurt her so much? But now he wasn't just the boy who hurt her, he was the boy who had been hurt and bruised by death and loss, he was the boy who offered her a safe place when she was alone, and the boy who could understand exactly what she was going through.

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