158 ~ Old Scars

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Nearly a week had passed since Conny had arrived at Inarizaki. Since her arrival she had barely even seen Atsumu, he seemed to be constantly busy with different tasks. Conny didn't mind though as she had begun to spend her time in the hospital chatting with Shirabu. 

The more the boy opened up to her, the more fascinated she became by him. He had lived a rich lifestyle before the monsters started popping up. He was also a volleyball player, a setter, but he only did it as a pass time since he was much more focused on school, studying to one day become a doctor. 

Like Conny, Shirabu seemed to be interested in Connys previous life, finding it odd how she got along happily with so little. And taking a particular interest in all the adventures she would tell him from her life, some from before the apocalypse and some from during.

As each day passed Conny got the lingering feeling that she needed to go back to the prison. That she had already been gone for too long. But she didn't want to know what they had to say about her being gone for so long, or what they would say when they found out she had spent time at Inarizaki. 

She was sure she could force herself to return if that was her only fear, but deep down she knew that she really didn't want to go back to the prison because she didn't want her life there to become normal without Kageyama. She couldn't imagine the place without him there. So for now she let herself push the prison aside. Just for a little longer.

"I brought a loaf of bread to share" Conny said breaking it in half and handing a piece to Shirabu as she entered the hospital room.

Shirabu looked up at her voice quickly accepting her offering with a small nod of thank you. Despite spending a lot of time around the boy Conny still took note of how he would hardly ever smile. In fact she had only ever seen him grin one time.

The door was suddenly pushed open as a boy entered. It wasn't out of the ordinary for people to come in for Shirabus help with quick stitching up or other things but this time was different.

As Conny turned and laid eyes on the boy she let her bread fall to the ground as she glared at him, feeling only anger and hatred towards him.

"You're from Karasuno. Atsumus little toy right?" Suna asked with little interest when he noticed the girls icy glare.

"How can I help you Suna?" Shirabu asked quickly stepping in front of Conny in an attempt to diffuse the situation. He couldn't help but question his own action as he realized that before spending so much time around Conny he never would have put himself right into the middle of a situation like that instead of watching from a distance. He really didn't know what was wrong with Conny but could tell she was about to do something stupid, this wasn't the same as yelling at Ushijima or arguing with Atsumu, she was wearing a look that suggested she wanted to murder Suna.

"I sliced up my hand with my machete, stitch it up for me" Suna instructed not giving Shirabu the respect of looking at him while he spoke. Instead he narrowed his eyes at Conny.

"Alright, let me see" Shirabu said quickly fumbling through a few things to get the materials he needed. He wanted to get the boy out of the room as quickly as possible.

Suna opened his hand for Shirabu to see. Shirabu got to quick work on his hand so that the boy would be able to leave as soon as possible.

"If you take a picture it will last you longer" Suna said when he noticed Conny still glaring.

"I despise you" Conny practically spat. She had never hated someone so much in her life. But the boy sitting in front of her had stolen Kageyamas life, ripping away everything from her.

"And what are you going to do about that?" Suna asked finding satisfaction in the fact that simply his presence had the ability to piss off the girl so much.

"I'm going to kill you" Conny answered through gritted teeth. She had never wanted to kill another human before but there was no lie behind her words. The deepest darkest thoughts within her wanted to sink her blade into his skin and watch him bleed out. She wanted to take something to him that was equally valuable to him as what he took from her. She figured he held his own life above anyone else's.

"Why don't you go ahead and try that. See how it works out for you" Suna said standing up and pulling his hand away from Shirabu who had just finished stitching it up. He didn't sound scared by her threat at all, if anything he sounded amused by the situation as if Connys words were nothing more than a joke to him.

"Your hand is good to go. You probably have things you need to do so you are free to leave" Shirabu interrupted the conversation as he moved to stand beside Conny. He had a feeling that she was going to do something stupid if he wasn't there to stop her.

Suna nodded moving towards the door before glancing back at Conny. "You better watch yourself. You don't want to end up with a blade accidentally in your stomach. Tends to happen to people who stick their noses where they don't belong" he said warningly.

That comment stole away the remainder of Connys self control as she tried to launch herself at him, pulling Kageyamas knife out as she gripped it tightly. However, Shirabu was quick to wrap his arms around her, holding her back with surprising strength. Conny desperately fought against Shirabus grip as Suna chuckled leaving the room.

It wasn't until Suna was long gone that Shirabu finally released Conny. She immediately whipped around to face him in frustrated anger. "What the fuck Shirabu! Why the hell would you stop me like that?" she questioned unable to control her anger.

"You are going to get yourself killed messing with a guy like that" Shirabu responded, his voice was raised but not yelling. "I didn't want that to happen... I'm sorry that he hurt you though" he added in a softer quiet voice.

Conny immediately unclenched her fists slipping her knife back to her belt loop. She felt bad for freaking out at Shirabu when he was only trying to protect her.

"I want to kill him" Conny muttered.

Shirabu nodded. "Then wait for the right moment. I won't stop you if you're smart about it" he said. He could understand that Suna had clearly hurt Conny bad and he believed that Conny deserved to get her revenge on the boy, but he still wanted her to avoid getting hurt herself.

Conny slowly nodded in understanding. "Okay" she said allowing herself to calm down a little. But not enough to completely destroy the feeling of pure hatred inside her. She was going to need that rage when she got the right opportunity. This type of thinking terrified her but she couldn't push it away.

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