74 ~ Third Years

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Daichi was barely awake, he found it difficult to stay awake for long periods of time. As much as he hated to admit it he was sure he was headed down the same path as Ennoshita. He wanted so desperately to just live so he could protect his sisters, and so he could have more time with Kiyoko. He couldn't stand the thought of breaking her heart. But as much as he wanted to be okay he knew that wishes don't do much in this world.

Something didn't feel right though today. He just had a feeling things were wrong, like something was off. But he couldn't really focus on much at the moment as his vision became a little blurry and his body was giving in to the sleep it was craving. The last thought his mind could come up with as he dozed off was Kimi trying to cook, but still somehow managing to burn the simplest food.

The next thing Daichi knew was that he was being shaken awake. He thought it was Kageyama at first, which was odd. Kageyama usually just let him sleep then helped him with anything he needed when he was awake again.

But as his vision came into focus he realized it was actually Kiyoko who was desperately shaking him and not Kageyama.

"Daichi you need to wake up" her voice rang out in a panic.

"...Kiyoko?" Daichi asked trying to make sense of the scene in front of him. The room around them was filling with smoke.

"Yeah it's me. I'm going to help you walk we have to get out of here" Kiyoko said quickly, helping the boy sit up.

"What's happening?" Daichi asked. He was so out of everything that he wasn't entirely sure what was real and what his mind had made up.

"There's a fire, I'm going to help you get out" Kiyoko explained.

"Wait Conny is in the bed over there, get her first. And Natsu is over there" Daichi said pointing in the direction of his sisters bed then the other direction.

Kiyoko nodded moving over to the curtain, she quickly looked behind both in a hurry only to discover two empty beds. "They aren't there, Kageyama must be already taking the sick out" Kiyoko said moving back to Daichi.

"Okay" Daichi nodded.

"Come on, we'll make it out of here" Kiyoko said, wrapping an arm under Daichis arm. Daichi stood up attempting to help Kiyoko hold his weight, only he instantly fell against her not able to summon enough strength to stand properly.

Kiyoko did her best to move towards the door leading to the hallway. "The windows are sealed, we can try the side door" Kiyoko said as she struggled to help Daichi walk.

It took them a few minutes, but the two of them eventually made it to the side door. Kiyoko reached over to the handle relieved that she finally managed to get the boy there. But as she twisted the knob her heard dropped.

"It's not opening, I think it's locked" she said looking to her side at Daichi in a panic.

Daichi then pushed away from the girl so he fell to the ground, he painfully pulled himself up into a sitting position against the wall.

"Kiyoko I need you to go find a way out and get away from the building" Daichi said in defeat.

Kiyoko dropped to her knees crawling closer to the boy. "I'm not leaving you" she said quickly her voice still in a panic.

Daichi grabbed both of her hands and made eye contact with her. "You have to Kiyoko. You can't drag me around everywhere. The place will burn down before we even make it to another door or window" Daichi said, gently running his thumb over her palms.

"But Daichi - " Kiyoko cried out.

"Shh, don't make my last memory of you one where you're crying. Smile for me. And find my sisters for me" Daichi whispered shaking his head and smiling softly.

"Okay" Kiyoko whispered but she still couldn't force the tears to stop falling.

"Come here" Daichi said, Kiyoko moved forward so he could hug her. He held her tight, but then forced himself to let go of her.

"Now go" he said. He smiled because he didn't want her to remember him any other way.

Kiyoko nodded before standing up still wiping her face. Then she took off down the hall. Daichi watched as the girl disappeared into the smoke.

"They'll be okay" he whispered to himself as he closed his eyes.

But he was ripped out of his state of peacefulness when he heard a loud bang from the door beside him. As Daichi opened his eyes there was another bang.

The sight in front of him shocked him. Kiyoko was hitting the door with a hammer right where the lock would be located over and over again.

"Kiyoko?" he questioned as his vision began to blur in and out again.

"I'm not leaving you Daichi" Kiyoko yelled as she swung the hammer again. But Daichi couldn't fully register what was happening around him due to his headache and his vision quickly losing focus as he felt himself about to blackout.

He was sure the smoke was going to suffocate him as his eyes continued to flutter. "Help me out here" he could hear Kiyokos voice as he was being lifted to his feet with a struggled grunt from the girl.

He tried to move his feet one step at a time as she helped him move through the now broken door that had swung open.


That was all Daichi could remember of that day. He didn't know how she managed to bring him back to his house.

He took about two weeks to get better from the virus, he wasn't entirely sure how but he slowly returned to normal. Kiyoko had managed to take care of him for the two weeks, collecting food from neighbouring houses.

After another week the two had went to collect food from a house down the street and found two others. Sugawara and Asahi. Since then the four of them had been staying at his house.

Things had been okay but Daichi still found himself breaking down when he was alone, or every once in a while he would break down in front of Kiyoko. She would hold him and tell him things would be okay until he calmed down a little. He couldn't help it, he felt like he failed his sisters. Kimi was strong he knew that and Conny was a survivor he knew that too. But it still hurt so much that he couldn't see or hear them everyday.

Kiyoko had been keeping track of days, according to her the fire was on August sixteenth and it was now October thirteenth. "Hey, how's it going?" Kiyoko said moving to sit beside him on the couch, resting her hand on his and leaning her head against his shoulder.

"I'm okay, where are Suga and Asahi?" Daichi responded wrapping an arm around her shoulder to pull her close to him. He was so thankful for this girl.

"They are in the backyard" Kiyoko said getting comfortable in her spot beside him.

That's when they heard the knock on the door. It caught them both off guard so much that they had to glance at each other to make sure neither had imagined it.

"You stay here, I'm going to check on that" Daichi instructed worried about her safety. Kiyoko nodded as Daichi exited the room to answer the door.

When Daichi opened the door he felt himself smile, tears filling his eyes. "Kimi" he whispered pulling his little sister into a hug immediately before she could even say anything.

"Daichi!" Conny called out running up the steps. Daichi looked up, his smile growing even more as him and Kimi opened their arms allowing Conny to weasel her way in between them so they could both hug her.

"I thought I was a part of this family too" Sugawara said as him and Asahi made their way to the front of the house at the sound of Connys voice. Daichi looked up and opened his arm, motioning for Sugawara to come closer. 

Sugawara climbed the steps and moved close enough so Daichi could pull him into the hug. "You are a part of the family stupid" Kimi said moving her arm to also hug him.

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