64 ~ What's Better?

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"Oh oh can we play a game of pool!?" Conny asked excitedly seeing the table in front of them. This was the first time Conny had been in the basement since arriving. 

It had been a little over a week since the two had found each other. They had been living a somewhat normal life since then. They always found something they could make to eat, and they spent their days talking and playing the odd card game. The two would sleep in the same bed usually with Conny laying on Kageyamas chest, it was comforting for her since she still couldn't stand the dark. During the evenings sometimes they would go for short walks, just close to the house no where with risk of running into a hoard, but each time they went out they would walk slowly clinging to each others hand. They were living life like a young happy couple.

Kageyama shrugged to Connys comment. "Sure but you know my dad did teach me how to play" he answered.

Conny laughed at that. "Of course he did. That doesn't even surprise me at this point" she said sarcastically rolling her eyes. Kageyama grinned and handed her a pool rod. "Ladies first" he said motioning to the table.

Conny lined up the shot and took it, it wasn't a very good shot though. "What kind of break was that?" Kageyama complained. 

Conny laughed and stuck out her tongue at the boy. "Serves you right Mr. perfect at everything"

"I'll just have to fix it" he said grinning as he took his shot which ended up knocking several balls in the proper holes. 

Connys mouth dropped open. "How the fuck did you just do that?" she asked in awe.

"I told you my dad taught me. I'm actually pretty good" he said taking his next shot. He hit another one in the hole. He continued sinking his balls until he only needed to sink the eight ball for a win.

He tried to aim his shot but there was no way of getting to it without hitting one of Connys balls.

"Damn you have too many left, they're in my way" he complained. 

"Well whose fault is that for not letting me play" Conny pouted. "Besides I thought you were so great at everything that it doesn't even affect you" Conny said.

"I am. I will still win this turn" he said. 

Conny raised her eyebrows at his statement "I'm calling bullshit. In fact if you win this turn I will fall to the ground and kiss your feet" Conny claimed.

Kageyama chuckled "pucker up then" he said as he took his shot, hitting the ball off several walls with a nasty spin on it before hitting the eight ball into the hole.

"Damn, are you actually human?" Conny asked in amazement. 

"It's actually not that hard. I can teach you if you want" Kageyama replied. 

"Okay but I'm not a fast learner" Conny said.

"Good thing I am an excellent teacher then" Kageyama replied. "Alright, see that ball behind the purple one?" Kageyama asked pointing to it. Conny nodded. "You're gonna sink it" Kageyama said.

"Okay but I honestly have no idea what I am doing" Conny said lining up for the shot. 

"Okay well here's your first problem" Kageyama said moving behind her. He gently placed both hands on her waist and guided her to the side slightly. "You weren't even lined up remotely close" he said after moving her, his hands still on her waist.

"Well I'm sorry I'm not some pool prodigy" Conny said eying the ball in front of her.

"Actually I'm a volleyball prodigy" Kageyama corrected her. 

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