36 ~ Just a Kiss

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Daichi wandered outside early in the morning, the same way he had everyday for weeks now. It had become his routine, just like he used to wake up for volleyball he would now wake up to garden.

As he walked outside, the first thing he noticed was the weather and the sun. He had been noticing this for a while now. It was no longer spring. And although he hadn't been keeping track of the days, if he had to guess it was somewhere near mid July. Instead of being a little chilly in the mornings it was nice and instead of being up in the dark, the sun was rising early. It was a nice change, even though their situation was still awful, at least the weather could make things a little better.

"It's a shame we don't get to watch the sunrise anymore, it truly was beautiful," Daichi turned as he heard the angelic voice.

Another thing he had gotten used to use the girl's company. Kiyoko would join him every morning without fail, sometimes Sugawara or Asahi would make their way over to them as well but no matter what Kiyoko was always there to keep him company. This of course only made his massive crush on the girl grow.

"It is a shame. But I suspect we'll be doing this again next year, then we'll get to see it again every morning. Or if you want, I can wake up early with you sometime and we could watch it together. Only if you want though," Daichi said a little nervously, trying not to sound like he was freaking out over the thought of the two of them sitting together watching the sunrise.

Kiyoko laughed, Daichi couldn't help but smile at her laugh. It was soft and pure, like this world could never take her innocence away.

"You know, I would really like that Daichi. Just the two of us watching the sunrise together," she said, still smiling. Daichi flushed a bit when she looked him directly in the eyes as she was speaking.

"O-okay," Daichi nodded excitedly. He had never been a nervous wreck before, but something about her could always get him flustered without fail.

"Daichi, can I ask you something?" Kiyoko questioned, looking down to fidget with her hands.

"Of course," Daichi replied immediately. He would have gladly listen to anything she wanted to say to him.

"When did you realize you had a crush on me?" she asked, the question so normally that Daichi wasn't sure he even heard her properly. She knew? He was stuck speechless, unsure what he could even say to that.

"You knew?" he finally managed to get out.

She laughed again. "Well of course I knew, you were so obvious about it," she spoke not in a mocking tone, but in a way that made Daichi think she actually thought his stuttering and getting flustered was cute.

"It's a shame to think that we could have been together this whole time, but we were both to shy to just suck it up and admit our feelings for each other," she added with a small giggle.

"Only took the end of the world for me to gain the courage," she then joked before Daichi could respond. Daichi felt his heart practically leap out of his chest.

"You - you have feelings for me?" Daichi asked, still not believing the conversation was real. He was fully expecting Sugawara to yell at him to wake him from his dream that was obviously too good to be true.

Kiyoko smiled and nodded, it was one of those smiles with just her lips showing no teeth. It was a genuine smile, although he was convinced that every one of her smiles were genuine. Daichi opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. He couldn't even think straight enough to form a sentence.

"Do you think we could maybe hold hands once in a while?" Kiyoko asked the question shyly. Daichi nodded, doing his best to smile but suspecting that his smile was coming off as awkward and unnatural.

"Okay," Kiyoko said, as she smiled and giggled softly.

"One more thing," Kiyoko suddenly said.

"Yeah?" Daichi responded, his voice sounding a little too high pitched to be natural.

"Would you, um, kiss me?" she asked the question, faking confidence. Daichi noticed with a light blush on her face. Although he was convinced that his face was a bright red right from the way he felt his face burning.

"Yeah, I'd like that," he replied with a nod.

"Okay," Kiyoko said with a bright smile.

She then put a hand on Daichi's hand and used her other hand to brush a stray piece of hair out of her face before leaning closer to the boy. Daichi awkwardly put his hand on her face before also leaning in closer. They both closed their eyes before their lips touched for their first kiss. It was nothing overly intimate for a first kiss, just simple but enough for each of them to let the other know they liked each other.

"Wow, so this is what you two do in the mornings," they both immediately turned to see two people standing behind them.

Daichi knew the voice instantly, it belonged to his best friend. Sugawara was wearing a sly smile raising an eyebrow at the two of them. Daichi knew Sugawara was just trying to tease him, but he desperately wanted to get rid of the stupid smirk on the boy's face. The other person was the last third year, he unlike Sugawara, looked very apologetic for interrupting the moment and his face was redder than Daichi or Kiyoko's.

"Oh yeah Suga, it's not like you are getting anything in the mornings. So, I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you," Kiyoko snapped back, she was clearly disappointed that her moment with Daichi was cut short.

"Ouch Kiyoko that one really hurt! How could you do this to me!? I thought we were friends too!" Suga cried out, acting as if he had been shot.

Kiyoko just rolled her eyes but giggled to let him know her words were merely a joke meant to be harmless.

"We are really sorry. We didn't know you two were - um -" Asahi began to stutter out.

Kiyoko laughed again. "It's okay there'll be other chances. Right?" she said, winking at Daichi. Daichi's eyes widened, and his face once again went bright red again.

"Oh, come on Kiyoko are you trying to make the rest of us jealous here?" Sugawara complained in a joking manner.

"I'm sorry is someone a little lonely?" Kiyoko teased the boy.

"Just a little," Suga pouted with a nod.

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