4 ~ The Sugawara House

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In the morning Kimi was unsurprisingly the first to wake up of the three sleeping together. She quickly shook Conny and Kai until they woke as well before stepping out into the hallway.

Kageyama was already awake and alert standing in the front room watching the streets from the window carefully hidden behind the curtain. Kimi ignored the boy walking into the kitchen followed closely by Kai. But Conny skipped over to the Kageyama curious about what he was doing.

She stared at him for a few minutes before he finally spoke. "Are you going to talk to me or just stare?" he asked not moving his gaze from the window.

"I'm just curious about you," Conny said still staring. The boy seemed to be completely calm given the situation he was in. Not only was the world filled with monsters but he was weaponless in a strangers house.

"Why? I've already told you about me. I'm the one who should be curious about you. I don't even know your name," he reminded her finally looking over to meet the girls eyes.

"Oh right! Sawamura Conny," she answered his question immediately. "I am fifteen years old, I love making jokes, I play hockey, I'm not very book smart, I have a twin sister and an older brother, and I'm supposed to go to Karasuno next year. Anything else you want to know?" Conny added fully introducing herself with every detail she could think of even though she was sure that a lot of the information she gave was completely irrelevant.

A smile crossed Kageyama's face for a moment "Karasuno huh? In a different situation we could've been in the same class," he said.

"Really? Maybe we would've met in a classroom instead of my bedroom after you broke into my house," Conny said laughing a little, still unable to believe what was going on around her.

"Conny," Kimi's voice called out from the kitchen stealing her attention away from the boy.

Conny turned in the direction of the kitchen. "I better go to her," she said pointing to the kitchen.

"Yeah, see you," Kageyama said with a small smile. Conny walked into the kitchen to see Kimi and Kai sitting at the table talking.

"What's up?" Conny asked confused.

"We were just talking about what we're gonna do now," Kimi explained.

"Oh, well I think we need to somehow find Daichi," Conny said still worried about her older brother. She also knew that he was probably freaking out not knowing where they were. She refused to even consider the possibility that he was dead or one of the monsters roaming the streets.

"Yeah, we were thinking maybe going over to Suga's house. He might be there and if not we can make a decision for further action when we get there," Kimi explained.

"And the two boys?" Conny asked thinking about how much helpful advice Kageyama had already given about the worlds current state.

"I guess we just say our goodbyes," Kimi said shrugging. She didn't particularly care what they did, she let them stay the night and that was the extent of her kindness.

"But wouldn't it be better to go out in a larger group for more protection?" Conny protested. Not only had she taken a liking to Kageyama, but she also liked the idea of having more people around.

Kimi took a minute to think about Conny's suggestion before answering. "Yeah, I guess that would be logical. They can tag along if they want, but I still don't really trust them so please keep your distance," she said.

"Okay, I will be cautious around them," Conny agreed since she knew Kimi was smarter than her when it came to things like this.

"Okay you can ask the two if you would like to," Kimi agreed. "While you do that Kai and I are going to grab a few of our sweaters and things," she added. Conny nodded before leaving the two alone in the kitchen once again.

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