52 ~ Cure??

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"This place is incredible..." Kai breathed out. Kimi nodded, examining each person. These people were all forgotten about when the world was ending. Kimi had to admit that she herself had forgotten about the older people as well. Yet here were two teenagers, determined to take care of dozens of them.

"We can't leave. Some of them can barely move, they wouldn't make it out there. And we can't put up a fight, especially now that everyone else is dead. We don't stand a chance against Jozenji. We just could never hope to win that battle. We aren't going to leave them here, so we're stuck." Koganegawa explained as he walked over to stand beside them.

"That does leave quite a problem" Kai agreed.

They watched as Aone walked over to an elderly woman and sat beside her. He began speaking to the woman, but he was too far away to hear what he was saying.

"Aone barely spoke beforehand but after the big attack he barely says a word to me. He'll talk to her though, I'm not sure what they are always talking about but she's his grandma so he takes good care of her" Koganegawa explained when he saw the two watching the taller boy.

"I really do wish things were better for you guys, we want to fight Jozenji but we also have a bit of a problem on our own." Kimi explained.

"What kind of problem?" Koganegawa questioned tilting his head.

"A virus. Neither of us have shown symptoms or been exposed and we've done a good job isolating it so you're fine. But some people from our group are in very bad shape, we already lost one." Kimi explained.

"Coughing up blood, freezing, hoarse voice, weakness to the point where they can barely move?" Koganegawa questioned.

"That's exactly it! How did you know?" Kai questioned confused.

"We had the same thing towards the beginning of this whole thing. Shortly after the roamers had started showing up" Koganegawa said.

"Wait really? ...is there any hope?" Kimi questioned, afraid of the answer.

"Yes there is!" Koganegawa said happily. "Only thing is, it's not a sure thing. A lot of people still ended up dead." he said.

"What did you do?" Kimi asked.

"Well first we solved the mystery, and by we I mean Futakuchi, he was the smart one. Someone had accidentally ingested a piece of a roamer while she was fighting it. She admitted it after getting sick, since she didn't think much of it at the time. That's what started the virus. It spread quickly until we were able to contain it." Koganegawa explained.

Kimi looked over to Kai. "How do you think Ennoshita got a piece of a walker in his system?" she asked.

Kai thought about it until he could come with the only reason he could think of. "Maybe he never got told about using the filter and got it from the water supply." Kai suggested.

Kimi nodded. "Is there a cure?" she asked looking back to the other boy.

"Futakuchi kept feeding them stuff found in the store, hoping something would at least help. He eventually did find something that helped, it was a plant. It wasn't a grantee but a lot of the people who ate it did show signs of improving, some even got better. A lot still died, so it was a hit and miss but it was definitely something" Koganegawa answered.

"Do you still have that plant?" Kai asked quickly, letting his hopes rise.

Koganegawa nodded, "I think we have two left. I can give them to you" he said.

"Thank you! Is there anything you would like in return?" Kimi asked, she was very thankful that this boy seemed to be so willing to help.

"No keep your stuff. I just hope that if we ever need something in the future you guys will be good allies we can count on!" Koganegawa said.

"Yeah, sounds good! We could use some allies right about now" Kimi said shaking Koganegawas hand.

"I'll go grab the plans now" Koganegawa said moving towards the back of the store. He reappeared a minute later holding two plants in his hands.

"Thank you" Kai said as he took the two plants from the boy.

"No problem!" Koganegawa beamed.

At that moment a loud horn from a vehicle could be heard from outside the store. Koganegawas head shot to the side in fear. "Shoot they aren't supposed to be here today" Koganegawa mumbled. While Aone immediately made his way to the front of the store to stand beside Koganegawa.

"You two need to hide. They can't know we are teaming up together. They won't like it very much. There is a small supply closet at the back right of the store, Aone will lock you two in and we'll let you out when they're gone" Koganegawa said quickly.

Kimi and Kai both nodded, already knowing he was talking about Jozeji. The two followed Aone to the back of the store where he opened the closet door for them to slip in before he closed it and locked it.

As they climbed in they could hear the front doors opening as Terushimas loud voice echoed through the store.

Kimi and Kai stared at each other through the darkness. The closet seemed to be more of a cupboard than anything else, definitely not meant to have two humans in it. The two were squished up to each other.

Kai had to hold in his laughter at the thought that only about a month ago he was in a very similar situation with Conny. It was funny to him that it was the second time he was trapped in a closet with a Sawamura.

Kimi was focusing on the door, desperate to hear what was being said on the other side of the wall, but she couldn't make out any of the words.

It had been a while standing there, nothing had changed though. It was odd, shouldn't they be gone by now?

"I don't wanna smell the piss, just throw it in that closet there" the voice was close to outside the door. It was definitely Terushimas. Kai quickly wrapped his arm around Kimi to move her, pinning her up against the wall, his body pressed up against hers with no space in between. He was moved as far away from the opening to the closet as possible. A second later the door was opened, only slightly. A bucket was placed on the ground and a piece of paper pushed into Kais hand before the door was shut and locked again.

Kai moved a little away from Kimi, careful not to step in the bucket that had already began to stink up the closet.

Kai unfolded the paper squinting through the darkness in a desperate attempt to read it. He held it out for Kimi to read it as well.

They are staying for the night and leaving in the morning. It's too risky to come out now. We'll let you out in the morning. Sorry about the bucket, if we refused to put it in here they would have gotten suspicious.

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