46 ~ Frozen

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Kimi was wondering the halls. She had informed just about everyone who wasn't sick about the on coming attack. She was now looking for one specific person, someone she hadn't told yet. But she couldn't find him anywhere.

Suddenly a thought crossed her mind. A place he might be.

She made her way outside towards her brothers garden he had put so much effort into. The thought of it hadn't even crossed her mind when he got sick, that someone else would have to care for it.

As she suspected the boy was working hard on his hands and knees caring for the vegetables.

"Hey, how's it going?" she questioned moving closer to him.

"It's going" he answered.

"You know tonight there is going to be-" she began but he cut her off.

"Another group, yeah. Kiyoko told me" he said. Then he turned, his brown eyes searching her eyes.

"You don't seem overly nervous Suga" she said confused.

He laughed lightly. "Yeah I guess I gave up on being nervous. What is gonna happen will happen. What's the point on worrying about it?"

Something about the way he spoke gave her the impression that he was truthfully very frustrated.

"I'm sorry about everything that has happened to you" she said realizing just how much this boy had already lost. Kimi never actually cared about her parents, so not having them around anymore or the possibility that they might be dead never really bothered her. But Sugas parents were everything to him.

"Like I said stuff happens, there's not much anyone can do about it." Suga replied shrugging. 

For as long as Kimi had known Sugawara he had always been upbeat, almost like Conny, constantly looking for the bright side of things and seeking out the positive. Hearing him talk like this nearly broke her heart, it also acted as a reminder of just how bad a place he was at right now.

"Daichi and Conny are both going to be okay you know." she said trying to brighten the mood slightly. It was weird for her to have to be the positive one. 

"I'm not so convinced about that. Ennoshita died this morning" he said. At the words he slammed the gardening tool he was holding into the ground.

"What?! He what?" Kimi asked, shock taking over her entire being.

"Sorry, Kai told me earlier he found out when he was passing by the room. I didn't mean to break the news like that. I'm just so... freaking over this... it's all bull crap!" Suga yelled out in frustration.

Kimi stared at him, she didn't know how to comfort the boy. Despite knowing him since she was a child she had never once seen him lose his cool or witness his smile falter.

"I can't lose them Kimi. I can't lose Conny... and I can't lose Daichi..." he said looking to her for some sort of reassurance. "Ennoshita was a friend. I can't believe he's actually gone. It's unreal. But I don't think I want to keep living if I lose them too, they are family"

Kimis eyes widened at his words. He was being serious. He didn't want to keep fighting if they weren't there fighting with him.

"You can't leave me Suga. Especially not if they do" Kimi said. She couldn't handle the thought of losing all three of them.

"Okay" he nodded and stood up, walking away without another word.

Kimi watched him walk off, desperately wanting to say something. But no words ever left her mouth.


Kimi made her way back towards the front of the school. She found a spot planted beside Tsukishima. Everyone was hidden around the school so it would at first appear to be abandoned.

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