57 ~ Unlikely Friends

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"We have to go back. Everyone else is probably back there." Kai whined as he continued to follow the taller boy.

"We aren't going back. That would be stupid. Everyone else has at least half a brain cell to know that there is nothing left back there" Tsukishima said continuing to walk forward, not even giving the other boy a glance.

"But what if they think that they will find others back there. That's what I would do so maybe that's what others would do as well. It makes sense" Kai tried to argue back.

"Then they are probably dead if they did that. There is nothing there for us. The place is swarming with walkers after the fire practically signaled to them for miles. Not to mention the building is almost completely burned down." Tsukishima explained.

"But - What about Kimi and Conny? We were supposed to meet back up with them when we all got outside the building." Kai said, trying to reason with the taller boy as to why they should turn around.

"I'm not going back Kai, that's just asking for trouble we can't handle!" Tsukishima finally turned, yelling at the red head. Causing the sleeping baby in his arms to stir in her sleep.

"Fine then, wait here for me. I'm going to cheek out if anyone is back there. Then I'll bring them back here to meet up with you" Kai said turning to leave.

But as he began to walk away he felt the hood from his hoodie being forcefully yanked, causing him to tumble backwards landing on his ass.

"What the hell?!" he asked shooting his gaze up to glare at the other boy.

"You're not thinking straight. Don't be a moron." Tsukishima said.

Kai was frustrated but didn't shout at the boy or do anything to fight him.

"So I'm supposed to just keep moving forward when they could be back there?" he asked, feeling tears threaten to fall down his face. But he refused to cry in front of this guy.

"Yes. We are going to keep walking until we find a place we can safely stop. Then when we've found something to eat and drink, and once we've rested. Then when we have a clear mind, that's when we'll figure out how to find the others." Tsukishima explained.

Kai stared up at him. "Okay" he nodded, finally giving in.

"We aren't abandoning them, we are simply being smart about this" Tsukishima added. This time he outstretched his free hand, offering the boy help up. Kai hesitated, but ultimately accepted the help.

"Thanks" he mumbled when he was firmly on his feet again.

"Don't worry about it. We should find a baby shop. I'm pretty sure we can go a lot longer without food than Mai will, so keeping her happy should be our top priority right now" Tsukishima said.

"Right, that's a good idea. All I have is a knife on me, do you think we will be okay with just that to go into a store plaza?" Kai questioned.

"I have a gun. But we shouldn't use it unless we have to." Tsukishima said as the two began to walk down the sidewalk they were on.

"How'd you get a gun? I thought Terushima took them all." Kai questioned in shock.

"He did, I pick pocketed him when Conny was pretending to be Kimi. It's actually Kimis gun, well technically it was mine first." Tsukishima explained.

"Conny was pretending to be Kimi?" Kai asked confused.

"Yes, she had to since Kimi wasn't back yet." Tsukishima replied.

"Oh, I hope she was okay with it" Kai said.

"Yeah, she seemed to do okay. You told her to eat a plant, where did you get that?" Tsukishima questioned.

"Oh yeah!" Kai said shuffling through his pockets to get some leaves. "You should eat some too since you were in close contact with Conny. It will help" Kai said handing the boy the leaves.

Tsukishima looked annoyed at the idea of eating this plant but still took it and began to chew on it.

"We got them from a group called Date Tech." Kai explained.

"You mean the ones Jozenji talked about beating?" Tsukishima asked curiously.

"Yeah, they killed most of their people. Now they just act as an old age home" Kai explained.

"That seems stupid. The old aren't going to survive this world anyways, so why bother dragging it out?" Tsukishima said.

"That's a sad way of looking at it. They are doing a good thing, what's wrong with that?" Kai asked.

"It's just pointless to put in the effort to save someone who can't really be saved, don't you think?" Tsukishima questioned.

Kai stared at him. "I actually disagree with you. Couldn't you technically say the same thing about the child your holding with that theory? Why don't we just leave her here? Her chances of actually surviving this are slim anyways" Kai responded.

Tsukishima instinctively held Mai closer to his chest. "Fair enough" he said, no further explanation was needed to tell Kai that he was right.

"There's a bunch of stores in that parking lot over there. One's a baby store. It doesn't look like there are too many of them wandering around, someone must have looted the area somewhat recently." Kai said as they stopped behind a house looking past an intersection to a group of stores.

"Should we make a run for it or try to take them out?" Kai asked looking over to the other boy.

"I say we run, but cover my back in case any try to attack me. I'm going to try to keep her as quiet as possible" Tsukishima said holding the baby even closer to himself.

"Got it" Kai agreed. "Follow my lead then" he added, charging forward, determined to make a path the other boy could easily follow.

The two arrived in the baby store fairly quickly without many problems. There were no monsters inside thankfully. Although they were fairly sure it was the same one Tanaka and Noya had initially gone to, which meant they would have already cleared out some of the store.

They began checking through the shelves attempting to collect as many bottles of formula and baby blankets they could manage to carry. Kai had found a diaper bag and the two were now silently filling the bag together.

"You have feelings for Kimi don't you?" Tsukishima suddenly said out of the blue. Kai nearly jumped at the question.

"What? Of course I do, she is one of my closest friends." He answered quickly, hoping his voice didn't sound too nervous.

"You know what I mean. You don't have to admit it to me, I don't care. But you should admit it to her. She deserves to know, and she deserves to be happy too." Tsukishima said, not looking up from the blanket he was folding.

Kai did look up however, he stared at the other boy in shock. This whole time he thought that Tsukishima was trying to take her away from him. This whole time he thought Tsukishima was an asshole. But the more time he spent around the boy, the more he learned that Tsukishima, just like him, was just trying to make the best out of the rotten hand he had been delt.

Tsukishima wasn't entirely sure why he said that. He could even admit to himself that he wanted to be the person Kimi thought of every morning and night, the person she turned to when she needed someone. But he also knew that deep down he didn't believe that he could really be that person for her.

Maybe deep down he knew that she deserved the sweet best friend willing to run back into a fire for her, not the sarcastic guy who had always just looked out for himself.

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