3 ~ Intruders

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Conny stared at the person standing in front of her. He was a boy around her age, clearly much taller and much stronger. Although the height difference was evident it wasn't surprising since she stood at only five foot three.

He was frantically going through her things looking for something. His dark hair was flat and parted to either side with some covering the middle of his forehead. Overall though he didn't look overly intimidating, the main thing leaving Conny on edge was the fact that he was in her room looking through her things.

"Hey!" Conny shouted holding up her hockey stick defensively as if she were about to smack the boy in the head. He looked up immediately his blue eyes widening at the sight of the girl, obviously having thought no one would be returning to any of the houses.

The boy saw Conny with her raised hockey stick. He could see the fear in her eyes as her arms shook uncontrollably. He had to admit he was a little shocked to see someone return to the house since a good majority of their town was now left dead on the streets. Figured the house he picked to stay the night at would be the one belonging to a living person.

"What are you going to do with that!?" he asked as he quickly raised his arms in the air to show her he meant no harm. However, Conny refused to lower her guard still tightly clutching her stick like a bat.

"Look, my name is Kageyama Tobio I don't want to hurt you in any way," he boy said calmly introducing himself. It was really incredible to her that he could stay so calm given the situation he was currently in.

Kageyama glanced down to his waist while keeping his arms in the air. "I have a knife and that is all, can I give it to you?" he asked trying not to scare the already terrified girl.

Conny nodded quickly still ready to fight if need be. Kageyama slowly took the knife out clearly showing it to her as he placed it on the ground. He then slid it over to her. Conny jumped when it got closer to her even though it posed no immediate threat to her on the ground like that. She couldn't help but be startled still, she didn't no this boy or his intentions.

"I was just giving it to you, I didn't mean to scare you there," Kageyama quickly said in defense of his actions not wanting her to get the wrong idea.

"Sorry I'm just new at this," Conny explained picking up the knife but not lowering her stick or taking her eyes off the boy. She almost let a laugh out at her own statement. How stupid, of course she was new to this.

"Aren't we all," Kageyama chuckled mimicking her thoughts. It made Conny feel a little more at ease hearing the boy make a joke out of the situation. But not enough to put down the hockey stick.

"What can you tell me about what is happening out there?" Conny demanded trying to take charge and doing her best to be intimidating.

"As far as I know these walkers started popping up and attacking people. It seems like you turn into one if you get bit or scratched, I think. The first one appeared in China and now they are everywhere," Kageyama explained.

"Walkers?" Conny questioned the naming of the monsters.

"Yeah. All they seem to do is walk around when they aren't attacking people, so I figured walker was a much nicer name than attacker or whatever," he said shrugging.

"Oh okay. So all we have to do is not get bit?" Conny questioned beginning to feel a bit less alarmed by the boys presence even though he had done nothing to actually explain his presence there.

"Yeah, but that is definitely easier said than done. A lot of them seem to be in swarms around town. If you run into one of those groups you're done for, it'd be nearly impossible to fight off so many at once," Kageyama explained.

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