139 ~ Just Friends

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Conny immediately sunk to her knees pulling the boy onto her lap to hold him. "Let me see Tobio" she ordered as she pulled his hands away from the wound. Kageyama obeyed allowing her to pull his shirt up to examine the wound.

Conny felt as if she had been stabbed when she laid eyes on Kageyamas stomach. There was a large knife wound that continuously allowed blood to trickle out. Conny felt herself about to shut down, there was no way this was happening. She couldn't think straight. This wasn't real. This wasn't real.

Suddenly Kageyamas hand reached up to wrap around her hand, he once again helped to keep her stable. 

"I made up my mind. I want to go back to that house with you. We can live together and eventually have kids and grow old together. That's what I want" Conny said almost crying. She wished more than anything that she had taken him up on his offer only the day before, they could have ran off together. Then they wouldn't be in this situation. She wouldn't feel as though her entire world were falling apart around her.

"Conny..." Kageyama spoke softly. He wished more than anything else that he could live the life Conny was speaking about. He wished he could run off with her and spend everyday of his life loving her until they passed away in their nineties. But Kageyama wasn't naïve enough to convince himself that he could have that life. He knew he couldn't. Not anymore.

"Tobio..." Conny sobbed out in response to her name. She was now almost positive that Kageyama had gotten a bad gut feeling when they arrived. As if he knew something bad was going to happen. She was sure it was why he sent her up into the treehouse while he stayed down on the ground... his last attempt to protect her.

Kageyama looked at Conny, the pained expression she was wearing hurt far more than the stab wound in his stomach. He hated seeing her like this, he just wanted her to be okay.

But he knew that he couldn't fix this, that he couldn't help her right now. He wouldn't ever be able to fix her again, maybe one day someone else could help her but he had to accept the fact that he won't be that person. He couldn't be the person to protect her or love her or make her laugh anymore. In fact, he knew that he would be the person causing her the most pain from now on.

"What happened to ninety two?" Conny asked, tears rolling down her cheeks as she ran her fingers through his hair. Kageyama wanted that, he wanted to live to ninety two with her, he even had convinced himself that he could. He had himself living a lie, telling himself that him and Conny would survive this world together. Now he could only hope that she could survive this world... alone.

"You'll have to let me know what it's like to be ninety two, you know a year later... When I see you again" he said, he was doing everything in his power to force his voice to sound normal. He couldn't let her hear just how much pain he was really in.

"I think I finally understand why you didn't want to outlive me" Conny said quietly while sniffling a few times in a useless attempt to control her sobs. "It's the same reason why I wish I was the one laying in your arms instead right now" she said.

Kageyama felt like he had been stabbed again just from her words alone. "Conny listen to me.... I'm not going to pretend like this won't hurt you, it will... It'll feel like hell for a while. But one day things are going to be better.... You will be happy again.... I want you to be happy again, even if it's someone else making you happy.... Please don't give up" Kageyama said weakly, keeping eye contact with the girl the entire time.

The person holding him was his first real friend, his best friend, the person he trusted more than anyone else in the world, and the one he loved more than anything else in the world.

"I don't know how to do that Tobio" Conny cried out as she pulled him close in a hug, burying her face in his neck. "I don't know how to be happy without you" she whispered into his neck.

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