115 ~ Ushijima

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"What do we do now?" Conny whispered looking down the empty hallway her and Kageyama were left standing in.

Kageyama also glanced around the hall. "Well we can't really leave until we meet with this Ushijima guy. So I guess we just wait here. Wandering around might make them angry" he replied, taking hold of her free hand with his.

After several minutes a door opened revealing a new face. This boy was tall with olive brown hair and a serious expression. He looked at the two, narrowing his eyes. "You two aren't supposed to be here" he stated.

"We already spoke with several people. We are waiting for the leader, Ushijima, to speak with him" Kageyama responded.

The boy seemed to think about the words for a minute before nodding and motioning for them to follow him back into the room he just came out of. The two glanced at one another before following him.

He sat down at a large desk motioning for the two take a seat in chairs across from him. If Conny were to guess she would say this room was used for meetings among doctors before when the hospital was running.

"I am Ushijima. What is it you desire to speak to me about?" he asked once the two were comfortably seated.

Conny looked over to Kageyama, nodding for him to speak. "We are from a stable group. Plenty of food and weapons, with a safe place to stay. We have potential of having problems with another group and are looking for allies to help us fight them. We are willing to help you in return, we can help provide food, protection, or anything you need as a part of an agreement" Kageyama spoke clearly. He was careful not to give away the location of where their group was staying.

"I decline your offer" Ushijima said simply, not even giving a moment to think about it.

"I get that this is a lot to ask, but don't you think that if your group runs into problems in the future it would be smart to have another group to lean on just in case" Kageyama said, hoping the boy would reconsider his answer.

"My group has had problems in the past and we've always dealt with them fine on our own" he replied.

"We are allied with Fukurodani. I've been led to believe that you have already spoken with them and made your own arrangements with them" Kageyama added.

"Ah yes. Akaashis group. They are quite an interesting group. I have chosen to have nothing to do with them though, so what makes you think you can convince me to help your group?" Ushijima questioned. His entire presence was intimidating.

"The group we are dealing with is dangerous and ruthless. They already have more than enough and are still planning an attack against us. They will likely move onto your group as soon as they find out about you" Conny explained in desperation.

"The group you are referring to wouldn't happen to be Inarizaki would it?" Ushijima questioned. Just meeting his gaze was enough to make Conny want to sink in her seat, he was a very intimidating person.

"Yeah - how did you know?" Conny questioned slowly.

"Like I said before we had problems earlier but have already resolved our problems" Ushijima stated.

"How did you make them back down?" Kageyama questioned. He hoped that even if Ushijima didn't want to partner up with them he would still be willing to give them some sort of advice on how to avoid the war they were heading down the path of.

"They weren't overly set on having the hospital due to its inconvenient location, so instead we made a deal with them to remain neutral to one another. Neither would attack nor defend the other group. It only cost us giving them one of our group members, Shirabu" Ushijima explained.

Conny couldn't help but think back to the boy in the make shift hospital room at Inarizaki. He seemed so emotionally detached. She now understood why. She couldn't imagine being just handed over to another group without any say, as if he had zero value to his group members.

"How could you just hand over one of your people like that? They look to you as a leader to protect them!" Conny suddenly shouted. She wasn't trying to start trouble, she just couldn't hold in her anger.

"It had to be done, Shirabu was smart so it was quite the loss for our group. But I do what's most beneficial to my group as a whole, not individuals" Ushijima replied. He didn't even seem upset about it.

Conny couldn't believe the man in front of her. "You were disappointed because you lost his brain not him!? What the hell is wrong with you! Shirabu is a person, doesn't he deserve people to care about him?" Conny couldn't help herself from getting upset and emotional as she shouted.

"That is not my job to worry about. You've obviously never had to be in a leadership position. My job is to keep people alive not happy" Ushijima responded, not raising his voice the slightest.

"And what about Shirabu? You sure don't care what happens to him anymore. He could be dead and you probably wouldn't even give a damn" Conny spat.

"Shirabu isn't my problem to worry about anymore, he is now Miyas responsibility. My group has been doing just fine. If you were only here to make an alliance offer you can leave" Ushijima said now sounding a little upset.

Conny shook her head at him in disbelief. "Nevermind our offer, we don't need your help. I'd rather die than have to lead the way you do" she said simply before standing up. "Come on Tobio" Conny said as she stormed out of the office.

As they exited the room Conny made brief eye contact with Goshiki who had clearly been eavesdropping on the conversation. He stared at her wide eyed. But she couldn't bring herself to talk to him before turning and leaving the building with Kageyama close behind.

The area to their car was already cleared, most likely Goshikis work.

"Sorry, I just lost it. Guess I'm not the best person to send out for this kind of thing" Conny mumbled as she walked beside Kageyama.

Kageyama shook his head. "No, you're fine. I like the way you stick to what you believe, makes you Conny. Besides that guys wasn't going to ally with us no matter what we said, might as well give him a piece of your mind" Kageyama said as he gently laced his hand with hers.

Conny gave him a small smile. "Thanks. I think I'm ready to go home. I really just need to collapse for a little bit" she replied.

"Yeah sounds like a plan, it's been a long day already anyways" Kageyama said as the two climbed into the car.

"We'll be home shortly, then we can just relax in peace" Kageyama said taking the drivers seat.


Wakatoshi Ushijima

LEADER OF SHIRATORIZAWA GROUP• Cold• Does whatever is necessary to survive• Only loyal to a few people

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• Cold
• Does whatever is necessary to survive
• Only loyal to a few people


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