21 ~ Panic

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Conny and Kageyama entered the small shop glancing around. The tiny building was an old business run by a local old man. It had unique clothing, costumes, some old antiques, and a section of the store had international foods. It was a place not many people would think to check for food.

"I always thought this place was the coolest! You know there is a whole area of just prank stuff?" Conny said excitedly as they began moving around the shop.

"Should I even be surprised that you know that?" Kageyama asked chuckling.

"Of course not, you know I was really quite the prankster back in the day," Conny announced proudly.

"Back in the day? Remind me how old we are again?" Kageyama asked with a soft laugh. Conny laughed along as well.

"What do you think?" Conny asked with a goofy grin while she held up an over-the-top dress that looked as if it belonged to some Shakespeare play actors.

"Absolutely! How about this for me? Does facial hair suit me?" he responded holding up a fake beard.

Conny laughed out. "Perfectly. With that I have no idea how I would even have a chance of winning the bet," Conny responded.

"Well, that and this," Kageyama said once again reveling the condom he had been carrying around. Conny shook her head at the boy grinning, then turning to look through the costumes some more. Kageyama also turned his attention back to the costumes.

Conny suddenly felt a large arm wrap around her and something cold press up against her throat. Her entire body tensed up too shocked to scream as she desperately attempted to fight the arm off only to discover she wasn't near strong enough.

"So lovebirds, where is home?" a deep voice asked from behind her. Kageyama immediately turned his attention to them, holding up a knife. His eyes widened at the sight.

"There is no need for anyone to get hurt, let her go and we can talk," Kageyama said overly aware of the blade pressed to Conny's throat.

"Shut up! I give the orders around here and I will let the girl go when I please," the man yelled. "Now drop your knife or we will see how pretty the girls neck looks painted red," he ordered.

Kageyama clenched his fists dropping the knife immediately, not wanting to test the man's words. Kageyama was well aware of the other people creeping into the store from behind him, but he refused to take his eyes away from Conny, afraid that if he did turn she wouldn't be alive when he looked back again.

Conny felt useless as she struggled in the man's arms again. "Stop fighting doll, or I might have to slit that pretty little neck of yours," the man whispered in her ear. Conny felt sick as she felt his breath against her, but she finally gave up her struggle, waiting for an opportunity for her to tip the scale.

The man spoke again, more sternly this time "I believe I asked a question. Where are you staying?"

Kageyama was still running different scenarios through his head, trying to find a way to get out of the situation without bringing their group back to Karasuno. But there was also no way he was about to let Conny die.

Before he could think of the smartest possible answer Conny spoke up. "We've been living in a house, stealing from the neighbouring houses. We've recently started running low on food so we ventured out. We can show you the house," Conny said also desperate not to bring them back to the school since they were clearly dangerous.

"You just decided to venture out today?" the man asked. His quiet tone made Conny nervous, but she nodded her head none the less.

"This is your first time out and you just magically aren't scared and know how to fight? Because I know for a fact that the neighbourhoods aren't nearly as busy as this area, especially if you were just running from house to house," the man asked tightening his grip on Conny.

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