144 ~ Emotionless

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A week had somehow managed to pass since Conny returned from her failed mission. Things hadn't gotten better for anyone. Word eventually traveled of Kuroos kidnapping and Kageyamas death. Even rumors of Koganegawa gone missing. No one had any idea where the boy had disappeared to and there was no evidence of him ever leaving the prison grounds. Things just kept continuously getting worse for the group as if a line of dominos had been knocked over.

Kimi had spent her past few days journeying further into the prison still while completely avoiding the cell block where Daichi had died. She managed to recover a variety of useful weapons including guard gear. Now the people on gate duty were heavily armed and protected, not that any of it would be much use against a bomb.

Conny seemed to be going through the motions of life completely robotically, devoid of any emotions. When people would speak to her she would only respond half the time and her answers were simple and short. She hadn't made eye contact with anyone, always just staring blankly straight ahead. Not only the loss of Kageyama but the loss of Connys positivity and optimism had really taken a toll on the group.

"Conny, would you like to come eat with me?" Kitas voice questioned as he walked up behind her. Kita quickly caught up to the girls slow pace and started walking in stride with her. There was no skip to her step anymore or smile permanently glued to her face. Kita was still making an effort to keep her talking though, even if it was simple yes and no answers.

"Okay" Conny said continuing to stare ahead as she walked.

The two made it to the cafeteria where Sugawara and Oikawa were working on making food for people. Kita was quick to get the two of them bowls of rice.

"It's beginning to get warmer out again" Kita said in an attempt to kick start a conversation. He knew that he was crappy at small talk, he had always just got to the point in conversations not wanting to waste anyone's time. But he wanted to talk to Conny, he wanted to hear her excited voice again, he missed the way he could clearly hear her smile on her voice. He knew that she was hurting and wouldn't smile for a long time but he still wanted to bring the old Conny back.

"Yeah" Conny responded not bothering to look at him.

After several attempts to have a conversation Kita finally gave up on talking and just finished eating in silence. He tried to get rid of the thought that Conny reminded him of Atsumu when Osamu first died, he didn't want to see Conny end up the same way Atsumu did. But he knew all too well that he was completely helpless in this situation.

When they had finished eating Conny wandered off and Kita let her. He could tell that it was hard for her to be around people so he wasn't going to stop her from having time to herself.

Conny wandered down the hallway to a familiar set of stairs. She climbed them the same way she had done countless times before. It felt a little odd to be going up the stairs without having a hand linking with hers but she still carried herself up the stairs.

When she made it to the roof area she moved to sit with her legs dangling off the edge. She was careful to leave the spot beside her free, there was enough space for another person to sit there... it was someone else's spot. Although Conny knew he wasn't coming to join her on the roof she still couldn't help but look at the empty space beside her.

"You're not actually dead right? You wouldn't leave me like that" Conny spoke aloud trying to make sense of her situation as she played with the ring on her finger, nervously moving it around had become something she found herself doing more and more often.

"This is a prank. It has to be" Conny said still trying to understand what was happening. Tobio couldn't be dead. He was just tricking her, that was all. He would be laying in the truck bed waiting for her to come by so he could jump up at her and surprise her. That was the only explanation she could think of.

She slowly made her way off the roof moving with purpose towards the fence where she had parked the truck and it now sat almost completely abandoned.

As she made it to the truck she got up on her tip toes to get a better view over the back. Kageyama laid there untouched, his presence more than likely unknown to everyone else. Conny studied everything about the boy. His skin was a pale colour, it looked unnatural and sickly, there were various bugs around him and his body smelt as though it were rotting.

"Tobio, wake up" Conny spoke putting her hand on his shoulder to shake him lightly. In her mind she thought he must be sleeping since his eyes were closed. But no matter how hard she shook him he wouldn't open his eyes.

"Wow that is disgusting! You should probably bury it or burn it or at least do something with it please! Don't just let it sit there and rot... for everyone's sake" a voice spoke from behind the girl.

Conny scrunched up her face in confusion. She knew that voice. But it didn't make sense that they would be behind her right now. Either way she couldn't stop the flood of emotions overwhelming her at the words. Confusion. Shock. Happiness. Sadness. Fear.

She turned to meet his blue eyes. There he stood, healthy and well. "Tobio...?" Conny questioned not fully believing her eyes. He looked and sounded like the boy she loved, he even joked in his humor. The only problem was that she knew for a fact that his body was laying in the truck bed right beside her. How could he be in two places at once?

"Technically?" he answered, his voice going high pitched to indicate that it was more of a question than a statement.

Conny suddenly felt a small smile grow on her face. "I knew you weren't dead. You couldn't die that easily" she said already feeling a flood of comfort.

Kageyama glanced down at the ground for a moment at her expression and words. "I'm sorry Conny. I am very much dead. This is really all just in your head" he replied.

A wave of confusion washed over Conny again. She stared at the ground for a moment trying to think things over and clear her mind. The person in front of her was definitely real, if he wasn't real she wouldn't be able to see or hear him or carry on a conversation with him. She looked back up to ask another question but almost as quickly as he had appeared he was gone again.

"Tobio?" Conny questioned looking around, but she could only see the truck, Kageyamas lifeless body, and Iwazumi on the gate in the distance. No signs of the boy anywhere around and nothing to suggest that he was ever there in the beginning.

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