150 ~ Chaos

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"Oikawa! We need to talk" Iwazumis voice rang out as he entered his shared room with the other boy.

"Iwa you're always so loud, would you just relax for a while" Oikawa responded to the loud outburst. Then he smirked at his friend. "I give a pretty good back rub if you need help relaxing" he said slyly.

Iwazumi simply rolled his eyes. "This is important" he said in urgency.

"Alright then, I'm listening" Oikawa said wearing a more serious expression as he gave Iwazumi his full attention.

"Tsukishima and Kimi killed Tadashi, I just saw them walking outside with his body" Iwazumi explained. Oikawa sat up in shock, his smirk quickly fading into a scowl.

"They really killed him? And they say we're the monsters. He was one of their own, discarded just like that" Oikawa said in surprise.

Iwazumi nodded to Oikawas statement. "Yeah well he wasn't just one of them. Tadashi was one of us too, I never thought the little shits would kill him!" he replied as he frustratedly kicked the wall.

Oikawa stood moving to pick up the clean bat leaning against the wall. He grinned at his reflection in the weapon. "Is it time to stop playing pretend Iwa?" he questioned with a sly grin.

Iwazumi thought for a moment. Oikawa had asked him the question despite Oikawa being the one in charge of the mission. The two always worked together anyways, everything they did they would always agree on first.

"Yeah, let's get back at them for killing Tadashi. Besides it'd be nice to go back home, this place is getting a little too stuffy" Iwazumi agreed.

"Alright, I'm sure Atsumu won't mind if we destroy a little bit of his prison. He can just get some people to fix it up later. Besides we've already done quite a lot for him, he'll be happy with us... Even though you were a little too risky for my liking" Oikawa responded as he ran his hand along the bat.

Iwazumi scowled. "Are you still upset about that Conny thing? The first time was stupid I admit, but nothing happened. She didn't take the bait to go out alone for Kageyamas birthday and took that Kenma kid with her instead. But the second time she went out alone begging me to cover for her was just asking for it, I had to tell Atsumu that a prison person was out alone it was just too easy" he said defending his actions.

Oikawa grinned. "Fair enough but you still could have accidentally blown our cover" 

Iwazumi chuckled. "Sure and you practically giving that walkie talkie to Tadashi wasn't going to blow our cover?" he retorted with a raised eyebrow.

"Fair enough. Let's just go cause some chaos. Alright Iwa?" Oikawa said changing the subject.

"Damn that sounds fun, I've been wanting to do that since we arrived at this disgusting place" Iwazumi agreed picking up his axe.

Oikawa followed Iwazumi outside towards the gate.

"Hey Yaku!" Iwazumi called out to the boy currently in charge of the gate. 

Yaku turned to see Iwazumi waving with a bright smile. He quickly climbed down from his snipping position moving over to Iwazumi who was being closely followed by Oikawa.

"Hey! How's it going? Is my turn done already? That seemed quicker than usual, guess I'm getting a little too used to this job" Yaku joked laughing light heartedly.

Iwazumi gave a small laugh at the boys comment. "Figured I'd try to teach Shittykawa here how to do the job, not that he could ever really kill one of those things" Iwazumi explained pointing to Oikawa.

"Iwa that's not nice" Oikawa complained.

Yaku laughed at the interaction. "To be honest you don't have to kill too many up there, although it's been getting a lot worse lately. I think the lurkers are starting to migrate from the busier parts of the city to over here" Yaku explained.

"Is that so? A lot more of the dead roaming the forest now?" Iwazumi asked, despite it sounding like bad news Iwazumi couldn't be happier since it made his job a whole lot easier.

Yaku looked back over to Iwazumi. "Yeah, I don't think it's too much to worry about yet though. As long as the fence stays standing strong we should be okay" Yaku said.

"Guess that makes sense" Iwazumi said. As Iwazumi held Yakus attention, Oikawa held his bat up preparing to whack the boy but Iwazumi quickly caught his attention shaking his head no.

Oikawa listened to Iwazumis instructions letting his hand with the bat relax back to his side.

"See you later then, I'll probably come by to sit out with Lev tonight" Yaku said waving to Iwazumi before walking off with no idea that his life was ever at risk during that conversation.

"What gives?" Oikawa questioned when Yaku was safely out of earshot.

"I actually like Yaku, I've talked to him quite a bit over the past half a year. Let him try to survive out there" Iwazumi explained.

"Alright Iwa, but you know we can't spare everyone right?" Oikawa asked.

Iwazumi nodded. "Yeah that's not a problem with me, let's get this fence down and try to draw as much attention from the dead as possible" he said turning his attention back to the gate.

Oikawa grinned. "Sounds good with me" he replied.



Kimi moved to the prison yard, but she couldn't go too far since it was now littered with walkers. The only thing she had to defend herself was the gun she had stolen from Tsukishima but she didn't want to risk using it and drawing more monsters in towards herself. She had to face the fact that she was useless right now and couldn't fight them.

Instead she moved to the direction Tsukishima had disappeared in trying to find as many people as possible inside the prison. She needed to help as many people as she could get out. 

Kimi found that moving through the halls wasn't the same as it used to be, now she had to avoid monsters that wandered the hallway. She could only hope that everyone was still alive and well. They had to survive this.

She was completely distracted by her thoughts of saving everyone that she nearly ran into a tall boy who was stopped in the hallway watching monsters down another hall with a panicked expression.

"Aone! Come on we need to find everyone and help them get out" she said quickly as the boy looked over to her. Aone quickly nodded to her instructions in silent understanding.

Kimi then turned and continued to carefully move down the hallway being closely followed by Aone. Within minutes she could hear someones pleas for help. She knew that voice all too well. The chills that crawled down her back forced her feet to move at a quicker pace towards the calls.

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