151 ~ Sacrifice

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Kimi and Aone made it to a doorway and saw Kai desperately grasping a chunk of a walkers hair to stop the monster from biting him, he was using his foot to hold a monster steady on the ground while it scratched rips into his skin. Kimi watched as her childhood friend cried out in pain as the monster continued to dig its nails into his calf and drag them along his skin.

Suddenly she felt a tap on her shoulder. Aone was holding out the weapon he had been holding which was a two by four block of wood. Kimi quickly took the weapon and began to beat the two monsters attacking Kai until both were dead for good.

"Sorry... they snuck up on me and I got a little stuck" Kai said between breaths.

It was only then that Kimi realized the boys arm was jammed between the bed frame and the wall.

"When we started killing the monsters they had pushed the bed forward from the amount of them swarming in then it got stuck because of the pile of dead clumped over there stopping it from moving back" Kai explained when he realized Kimis attention was on his arm.

"Who were you with? They just left you like this?" Kimi questioned in disbelief, she couldn't believe that anyone would abandon a group member like that. The group was like family for everyone and she knew that she personally would lay down her life to save any one of them.

Kai nodded. "I told her to leave when there was an opening. I told her to take the bat that was here and run. To find someone else and make it to safety" he explained with no grudge against the person who had left him there to die.

"Who was it Kai? Why would you tell them to do that? They could have at least tried to defend you" Kimi asked still upset that her friend was abandoned like that.

"It was Natsu, Kimi. I didn't want her to die for me. I figured she had a better chance of surviving if she ran than she did if she stayed and fought" Kai explained.

"Oh" Kimi said immediately understanding the situation. "Let's get you out" she added looking at the bunk bed. Kai nodded desperate to be able to move again.

"Okay let's try to move it out more into the room, it might temporarily block the door but we can move it back once Kai is free" Kimi decided looking to Aone for confirmation.

Aone pointed down the hall. Kimi quickly moved over to see what he was looking at. There was a heard wandering in their direction.

Kimi felt fear grip her, she wanted to run rather than stay in a room where monsters were more than likely headed to trap her in and rip her apart. But she couldn't leave Kai there.

"Let's be fast" Kimi said moving back into the room. Aone nodded following behind the girl, never even entertaining the idea of running away and abandoning them for safety.

"What's going on out there?" Kai asked wide eyed in wonder since he couldn't move to see what was happening.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it" Kimi said taking hold of the bed as Aone did the same thing.

"Ready?" Kimi questioned looking over to Aone. He nodded in response. "Alright then let's do this" Kimi grunted as they both started to pull on the bed.

The second they started to nudge the bed out of its place it began to push farther into Kais arm causing the boy to scream out in pain. His hand quickly shot up to cover his mouth as he realized that monsters would hear him and come for them.

Kimi glanced over to Kai. "I'm sorry, it needs to push a little further in order to get it free. I'm really sorry" she said. She knew how much pain he must be in as he tried his best to hide it.

"It's alright, let's just get this damn thing away from me" Kai panted out.

Kimi nodded turning her attention back to the bed. Her and Aone continued to pull the bed free taking several minutes. She did everything in her power to ignore Kais cries knowing that if she stopped he wouldn't be in as much pain. But she couldn't stop, if she stopped the monsters would surely devour him. They had to be on their way after his screams.

Another couple of pulls and the bed finally came free as Kai quickly slipped away. He moved to stand with them as they pushed the bed back to unblock the door. Kais arm hung loose since it was clearly dislocated with at least one broken bone.

"We have to go now" Kimi said as soon as the bed was moved enough that they could escape the room.

But the second they exited the room they were all flooded with fear. There were two groups running towards them from either side of the hallway. They were stuck in the middle with no safe way out. Kimi looked at the block of wood in her hand, it was their only defense against too many of them.

Suddenly Aone bowed to her. "Thank you" he spoke. Kimi gave him a confused look before she realized a second too late what the boy was planning. Before either Kimi or Kai could stop him, the boy ran into the crowd of monsters holding them against the wall.

The small gasp that escaped his mouth as the monsters began to rip into him caused Kimi to bite her lip as tears formed.

"GO" Aone shouted as he continued to do his best to hold the monsters on one side of the hallway off.

Kimi took in a deep breath before grabbing Kais hand and running down the hall past Aone. The hoard from the other side of the hall continued to follow them until their attention was quickly stolen by Aone.

Kimi looked back for only a minute. She pulled out her gun, the one she knew wasn't smart to use. But she didn't care as she shot a bullet into the skull of the boy to end his suffering. 

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