152 ~ Abandon

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"Let's go" Kimi said moving through the hall still clinging to Kais hand not wanting to think about what just happened.

"What about everyone else?" Kai asked.

"We have a meeting place for if anything ever happens to the prison, remember? We just have to hope that they go there" Kimi explained turning another corner to a doorway leading to the outside yard.

"Alright, I wish we could do more though" Kai said reluctantly agreeing.

"Me too, but if we go back in there we will probably die. Then Aones sacrifice was for nothing" Kimi explained.

Kai nodded as they exited the prison. The yard was somehow worse than the inside of the building. It seemed that all the monsters that had been moving away from the city were all drawn towards the prison, maybe even some that were still inside the city. It was hard to say for sure where they were all from.

"It looks like we might be able to sneak into the forest with only having to fight some of them if we go that way" Kai said pointing in the direction with the fewest number of monsters blocking the path.

Kimi suddenly stopped moving glancing over to the place near Daichi and Tadashis grave where there were now dozens of monsters. "I need to meet Tsuki over there" she said as she remembered her promise to the boy.

Kai shook his head apologetically. "I'm sorry Kimi. There is no way we get over there let alone wait there. There are just too many of them. I'm sure he will come to the meeting spot when he sees how many walkers are over there" Kai said. He really did want to go find Tsukishima but he knew that there was no way him and Kimi were going to make it over there alive. He had to just hope that Tsukishima could make it to their meeting place.

Kimi felt her heart drop as she slowly nodded to Kais words.

"Alright" she mumbled preparing to run. As soon as they did run she felt guilt hit her with every single step.

"Don't worry, I promised I'll never abandon you. I plan on keeping that promise. I'll see you soon"


Tsukishima made his way out of the prison after his unsuccessful search for Mai. He was sure that he looked everywhere. He was now regretting ever even parting with the little girl but there wasn't much he could do about that now. He had to hope that Sugawara managed to get her to a safe place.

Tsukishima instead decided he could at least find Kimi, he trusted that Mai would be safe so he needed to find his other person. He started to make his way to the meeting spot. He knew she would meet him as soon as she could, all he had to do was wait for her. She would never leave without him.

He found the spot but there were various monsters around but he still stayed close enough that she would spot him, but not so close that the walkers would pick up on his presence.

Tsukishima waited for several long minutes. He could keep patient because he knew that she would show up eventually. She was too tough to die and too loyal to leave. He knew that for a fact.

Unknowingly to Tsukishima he was spotted by two others...

"Iwa should we cause a little trouble?" Oikawa questioned innocently as he took notice of the tall boy waiting alone.

"What do you think we are doing idiot?" Iwazumi responded.

"I mean... how do you think Atsumu would react if we brought home a little gift. Someone really important to their group..." Oikawa clarified.

"I suppose it doesn't hurt, especially since we have to explain to him that we destroyed a bit of the prison" Iwazumi agreed.

"Don't worry he'll be happy as long as it's repairable. Remember I know him better than you" Oikawa said smirking.

Iwazumi scowled. "Shut up and follow my lead" he said running towards Tsukishima.

"Hey, come on we found a safe area over here" Iwazumi called as they approached Tsukishima.

"I can't yet. I have to wait for Kimi. She's going to be here soon" Tsukishima explained brushing off their offer.

"Kimi? She left already" Oikawa said giving a confused look. In truth he had no idea where Kimi was, she could still be in the prison or dead or she might have left already, but none of that made a difference to him, he just needed to manipulate the boy into coming with them.

"No she wouldn't have left yet. She promised to meet me here. She isn't going to back out on her promise" Tsukishima said firmly.

Iwazumi shook his head. "I'm sorry, I saw her leave through the forest in the opposite direction a long time ago" he said joining in on Oikawas lie.

"No way. It must have been someone else you saw. She said she would come back here" Tsukishima argued still attempting to have faith in Kimi.

Oikawa grinned inwardly as he realized that he could not only manipulate Tsukishima to leave with them but he might even be able to manipulate the boy to join their side of the war. Tsukishima would be a lot more useful to them as an ally than a prisoner. He knew so much more about the prison and the group than them.

"I'm sorry Tsukishima. I saw her leave with Kai who had Mai in his arms. Perhaps she didn't understand where you guys were supposed to meet. Or maybe it just slipped her mind in the chaos. We can wait here if you would like?" Oikawa said sympathetically.

Tsukishima felt his heart drop. Kimi left him. She promised she wouldn't abandon him but then just left. On top of that she knew he was looking for Mai but she was the one to find her and didn't think to come back for him to tell him.

"No, let's go" Tsukishima responded unsure how to feel.

As he followed Iwazumi and Oikawa away from the prison he swore to himself that he wasn't ever going to trust anyone again. He was stupid to let himself become so vulnerable to begin with.

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