56 ~ Separated

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"Here, let me take her for a little while. You are probably really tired carrying her like that. I can help" Tadashi said offering to take Natsu.

The two had momentarily stopped running to catch their breath.

"Yeah okay" Kimi said letting Natsu on the ground to stand. "You can open your eyes now" she told the girl.

Natsu did open her eyes and took a look around her. They were standing on the sidewalk of a small neighbourhood.

"Where are we?" she asked looking around at the unfamiliar buildings. "And where is Shoyo?" she added.

Kimi knelt down so she was eye level with the little girl. "You remember all the smoke and the fire?" Kimi questioned.

"Yeah" Natsu nodded.

"We had to leave the school. Shoyo also left the school we just don't know where he went yet. So for now we are going to stay in one of these houses to sleep and then in the morning we can figure out a plan to find your brother. Sound good?" Kimi explained to the little girl. She also glanced up occasionally while speaking to make sure Tadashi was on board with this plan as well.

"Sounds good" Natsu agreed, she gave Kimi a smile.

"Alright let's go in then, you wanna pick a house?" Kimi asked.

Natsu examined the houses before deciding on one with a cute little porch swing and a white picket fence. The three went inside, Kimi taking the lead in case there were any monsters roaming around the house and Tadashi took the back to sandwich Natsu in the middle as an extra precaution.

There were only two walking monsters inside the house, which Kimi quickly took care of. "You take Natsu upstairs and I'll take those two outside." Tadashi said motioning to the two corpses in front of them.

Kimi nodded taking Natsus hand to lead her upstairs while Tadashi got to work getting rid of the bodies.

After about thirty minutes Tadashi reappeared in the room. Natsu was already fast asleep on the bed.

"Did you burry them or burn them?" Kimi asked quietly as he moved into the room.

"Buried them in the backyard. I figured this was probably their house so... I don't know, it would be nice or something like that..." Tadashi answered.

"Yeah that was nice." Kimi responded.

"Oh and I found some keys for the car in the driveway if we end up needing it" Tadashi added holding them out to give to her. Kimi couldn't help but notice the massive scar across his hand as he handed her the keys.

"Your scar makes you look pretty badass" she said grinning.

"Oh uh thanks" Tadashi said nervously rubbing the back of his head. "So do you have any plan on how we can actually find the others or are we just gonna wing it?" he added.

"Honestly no idea. Now looking back at it we were really stupid not to come up with some sort of meet up spot or plan for if the group ever did end up separated. It was dumb and naive of me to think that we could last there forever." Kimi said frustrated.

Tadashi placed a hand on the girls back rubbing up and down gently. "I wouldn't really say it was naïve. You were just hopeful in humanity, you put your faith in people. I don't think that's ever dumb." Tadashi said calmly.

"But look where that faith got us? Now we may never see some of our friends and family again. Some of them could have burned to death for all we know. And how are we supposed to actually find everyone? I don't even know where to start" Kimi argued.

"We'll figure it out. I'm sure they aren't all that far. And the more people we find, the easier it becomes to find everyone else." Tadashi said, keeping his positive attitude.

"Are you worried about Tsuki?" Kimi asked, knowing how close the two were.

"Of course I am. He's my best friend, the person I could never stand to lose. But I think he can survive on his own. He might have a few bumps and problems along the way, but you've really taught him a lot. He's thankful for that and I am too" Tadashi explained.

"I'd have to say that I agree with you on that. But you know he has changed in more ways than just being able to fight the walkers? He stopped in a burning building to help Conny who had a highly contagious virus. The guy I met who pointed a gun at me all those months ago would never have done that." Kimi said.

"Yeah, I think you are part of the reason why he changed so much, well the group in general." Tadashi said in agreement.

"Well whatever the reason is, I'm glad he changed. I like this Tsuki much better than the asshole he used to be." Kimi said.

"We'll start our search for them in the morning. For tonight do you wanna sleep in here with me and Natsu, just might make you feel a little safer. Like the buddy system." Kimi offered.

Tadashis face went red with blush. "Are you sure?" he asked not wanting her to just feel obligated to have him in the room.

"Yeah of course! Plus it's a very big bed so we should all fit easily." Kimi said.

Tadashi nodded, he nervously climbed under the covers beside Natsu, as Kimi climbed on the other side of the sleeping girl.

"It's almost like we are new parents." Kimi joked, laughing lightly.

"Oh uh yeah" Tadashi responded quickly.

"Good night." Kimi whispered cuddling up with Natsu. It was calming to be so close to Natsu, it reminded her when Conny used to sneak into her bed at night when they were younger and the two would cuddle up together.

She didn't want to leave her thoughts on Conny for too long. Conny had a head start on everyone else, she probably waited to see Kai and Tsukishima get out and were now with them. Kimi had to hope that was true. She had to convince herself that her sister made it out of the burning building and was now safe somewhere. She had to.

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