166 ~ Loss

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Conny woke up with a startle. She had gotten the sudden urge that she needed to go back to the prison. She had been waiting too long and it was time to try to fix things. Even if Kimi were pissed at her she wouldn't hold a grudge forever. Besides Conny missed Kimi so much. She just wanted to hug her twin again. She knew Daichi would be sad to know they had been separated for so long.

Before returning to the prison Conny had one more thing she needed to do... talk with Atsumu. She needed to come up with some sort of compromise that both Atsumu and Kimi could agree on. Something that was fair to both people. She knew it was a huge stretch but she really believed she could find a way to end the war without having to lose Kimi or Atsumu.

Only one big problem stood in her way. A wall blocking her path that she needed to find a way to overcome. Atsumu hadn't spoken with her since she made an accusation against Suna. He wouldn't even look at her. While she was still worried that Suna would try to hurt Atsumu she had to trust that Kuroos plan would stop Suna. And trust between her and Kuroo was something that she would never doubt.

The sudden sound of a quiet knock on her door caused her head to dart to the side in surprise. It was the middle of the night making the idea of visitors very odd to her. 

"Hello?" she whispered still not moving out of her bed that she was comfortably sitting in.

"Conny it's me. We really need to talk" Shirabus voice called out in a whisper.

Conny stood up and moved to open the door, the floor was cold against her bare feet. When she opened it Shirabu looked to be a mess, his hair was out of place and a few beads of sweat were visible on his face, as well as his eyes wide with panic.

"Are you okay? Do you need a drink or something?" Conny asked in worry. She quickly handed him her half drank water bottle that he finished within seconds. But the panic never left his face.

"I think Atsumu is going to kill me" he whispered closing the door to her room for more privacy. 

Connys eyes widened in shock. "What the fuck did you do?" she asked quickly. But truthfully she was ready to hide him and defend him with her life no matter what he said. She wasn't going to let anything happen to Shirabu.

"It's not so much of what I did as what I failed to do..." Shirabu said quickly as he began to pace around the room.

"Alright, we can fix whatever it is. Just sit down and let's talk about it" Conny instructed taking a seat on her unmade bed and patting beside her for him to sit as well. Shirabu did eventually sit down but was still anxiously rubbing his hands together.

"The reason I am here is to act as a doctor. I am not a part of their group and no one here has any sort of loyalty to me... besides you of course. But I know that, I am okay with that. I simply just do my job. But today I failed to do my job, I'm useless to them if I fail" Shirabu quickly explained. Conny was beginning to get the feeling that Shirabu came straight to her room from the hospital room. His words mixed with what Kuroo had told her made her worry that something happened to Atsumu.

Shirabu let out a deep breath. "I am now realizing that you are possibly the worst person for me to talk to. You are going to be so mad with me. But I really did try to save him... I know he was important to you" Shirabu said as he came to the realization that his news was going to hurt Conny and she would probably be pissed at him for not being able to save the boy.

"Shirabu who died?" Conny asked already knowing that this was much more than just some injury.

"... Kuroo" Shirabu answered refusing to dance around the answer since it would hurt her either way.

Connys breath was knocked right out of her lungs. Kuroo wasn't the name she had been expecting him to say. She had thought he was safe here. She felt a few tears silently falling down her cheeks. Kuroo had been her friend forever, she couldn't even count the amount of video calls she had with him late at night laughing at the most idiotic things. But now he was gone. She wasn't ever going to hear another one of his stupid jokes or tease him about his bedhead ever again.

Conny took in a deep breath. She couldn't help Kuroo but she could still help Shirabu who was in front of her asking for help. "Explain the whole story to me. I want to know everything" Conny instructed. She didn't really want to know how Kuroo died, who killed him, or how much pain he was in. But she had to know the whole situation to help.

"I only know some stuff that I was just told. But apparently Kuroo was working on different weapons and things for Inarizaki, Suna had just started getting him to work with chemicals as a form of a new weapons. However, Kuroo made some sort of poison that killed himself as well as Suna. It was probably an accident. Atsumu found them when they were still alive and ordered me to save them, he left the room really upset... But Conny I couldn't save them, they were already too far gone" Shirabu explained.

Conny went over everything carefully in her head. It pained her to think about it, but she was sure Kuroo had done it on purpose. He knew that Suna posed a huge threat to the Karsuno - Nekoma group so he eliminated Suna, sacrificing himself in the process. She now knew that his words during their last encounter were really a goodbye in disguise.

"Do you think Atsumu will kill me as a punishment for not being able to save Suna?" Shirabu asked quietly.

Conny quickly shook her head. "I won't let him. Can you do me a favor though?" Conny asked.

Shirabu nodded in response. "Help me burry Tetsu. Then I will go and talk to Atsumu" she said.

"Of course. Thank you for not being angry Conny" Shirabu replied. He had expected her to freak out at him but she managed to stay calm and still wanted to protect him.

"I would never be angry at you for something that is completely out of your control. Even I know that sometimes people are past saving" Conny responded surprised by Shirabus words.

Shirabu nodded in silent response.

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