120 ~ Thank You

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Kimi had been sitting with Kai playing a game of cards when she heard her sisters scream. She immediately knew it was Conny. But in all her life she had never heard a sound quite like that escape her sisters mouth.

Without a second thought Kimi dropped everything in her hands and ran towards the sound. Kai was quick to follow her also desperate to get to his friend. There was only one scream. It wasn't followed up with anything, no cry out for help or anything, just a scream.

Kimi nearly ran into Kageyama in the hallway since he had also been racing towards the sound, panic and worry lacing his face. "Where is she?" he asked as soon as he saw Kimi.

"It sounded like the other cell block to me" Kimi answered as she continued to run down the hall, Kageyama and Kai close behind her.

"I swear to god if they hurt her, neither of you are allowed to hold me back" Kimi called out. Both boys nodded, although neither planned on stopping Kimi from beating the shit out of them if they had done anything to Conny.

Kageyama had a really bad feeling about this, worse than when Conny went missing. He knew the knot in his stomach wasn't going to go away until he saw the girl he loved again.

The door to the cell block was already left open. Kimi ran into the hallway quickly scanning the area for Conny. But she barely registered anything in her surroundings as she saw no living beings.

So she continued on, turning the corner. Out of all the scenarios she had imagined in her head, none of them were even close to the scene in front of her.

Conny was swinging her hockey stick, slamming it down into their mothers smashed up skull over and over again as tears streamed down her face. Beside Conny their father remained a monster leaning over as he ate chunks out of Daichis shoulder and chest. Her brother lay there limp on the ground.

Kimi stood there almost frozen when someone pushed past her. She originally thought it was Kai or Kageyama but as the person came into view in her sight that was already blurry from tears she realized it was someone else entirely. A girl who wasn't crying, just staring blankly.

She held a knife as she moved closer to the scene. With a shaky hand Kiyoko sunk her knife into the skull of Kim Sawamura.

"Stay away from him" she whispered as she began to drag the mans corpse away from Daichis body that was now gasping and struggling for air.

Kimi seemed to break out of her trance, realizing that everything happening in front of her was real. She quickly moved over to her brother, dropping to her knees and pulling him over so she could hold him. Kai now moved to sit beside her.

"Daichi... you'll be okay" Kimi whispered as she broke her promise and began to cry. Daichi tried to say something but only sound escaped his mouth, no audible words.

"It's okay, you don't have to talk... I know already. Anything you want to say, I already know" Kimi said in a sob as she held the boy closer.

Kiyoko now seemed to have dragged the body far enough away and moved to sit on the other side of Daichi.

"Daichi I love you so much" she cried out as she leaned forward to kiss his forehead. 

Daichi moved his hand to tuck a stray hair behind Kiyokos ear. Then he carefully moved his hand to lightly rest on Kiyokos stomach as his eyes began to tear. Kiyoko moved both her hands to lace onto his hand.

"We'll be fine" she whispered.

Daichi gave the girl a small smile, desperate to make her last memory of him one where he was smiling.

Daichi moved his attention to Kimi. He moved his free hand to her cheek as he gently used his thumbs to wipe away her tears that were only instantly replaced by more tears. 

He wasn't entirely sure why, but in that moment his mind went back to when he was younger sitting in class. He had to have been only in first grade at the time. A teacher held up a cup with water in it and asked the class if it was half empty or half full. Daichi stared at the cup in confusion, his mind racing to figure out the solution to the question. But he couldn't figure out which it was.

After about a week of pondering the question he finally decided to ask his twin sisters. He remembered clearly how they had both answered instantly.

Kimi had said that the glass was half empty. From a young age she had been skeptical of people, always looking for their hiden motives. She was always prepared for the worst, although now he figured it wasn't a bad thing in this world. No one could blame her for being untrusting after growing up in the house she did. Trust didn't come easily for her it still doesn't, it was something that people needed to earn and even then it's not permanent. He had watched her grow up expecting and waiting for people to leave her or betray her. It's been a tough journey for her but it's made her that much stronger.

Conny on the other hand had seen the glass as half full. She had always been optimistic, it was and still is her second nature to see and bring out the good in people. She doesn't believe that people are bad, just that they make bad choices. She reacted differently to her past than Kimi. Instead of becoming cold she looked towards a better future, always telling herself that tomorrow would be better. He had watched her grow up into a person who knows who they are and sticks to that person, she refused to let the world change her.

He wasn't entirely sure why this was the memory his brain chose to cling to in this moment but it made him really think about his sisters. Conny could see the bright future and Kimi could lead them to that future, he truly believed that. 

There's no way that they could achieve the end goal of once again living in peace without both girls. He had always been in the middle, he understood why they needed to see both the empty and the full glass, because then they would get the right balance. The middle disappears and the scale is still balanced. But one of the ends disappear and the scale tips. 

This is how he knew that even if he were to leave now, there's still a chance. He believed in that chance. He was okay with dying as long as they live. 

He had to believe that one day those two would be living in a different world than this, a world where they always have reasons to smile. A world where Conny doesn't have to fear the obligation of killing people and Kimi allows herself to smile. He had hope that they would see that world, even though he'll be gone he needed them to see that world.

Daichi continued to stare at Kimi. Thank you, he mouthed.

It was such an odd thing for him to say. He was the one who had spent his whole life taking care of Kimi and Conny. He was the one who had given up countless opportunities just to be there for them and raise them right when their parents wouldn't.

But in his mind, he was nothing but thankful for Conny and Kimi. They were the ones who made him really happy to be alive, the ones who constantly reminded him of all the good he had in his life just by their presence. So in the end he was overly thankful that he was blessed with little sisters.

Daichi closed his eyes thinking back to a time right before the dead started turning into monsters. He was sitting on the couch curled up in a blanket. Kimi was searching for a movie to watch while Suga complained about every single suggestion she would make. Conny was stuffing her face with popcorn joking about how it was gonna be completely gone before the two of them could come to an agreement.

Daichi was filled with happiness at the memory.

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