169 ~ Complicated Task

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"It looks like they have storage tanks filled with walkers as a form of defense. They keep opening them making it nearly impossible to get into their complex" Kai called out to Kimi as they attempted to continue to break down the fence surrounding the various factory buildings.

"Damn it! Why are they so prepared for this! We've got to take out the walkers before we can get into the buildings" Kimi called out in response.

"Kimi, let me take a few people and deal with the roamers while you guys deal with the fence and breaking it down" Kenma said moving to stand beside her with his katana secured to his back.

"That's a good idea. Thanks Kenma" Kimi said while she turned her attention back to Tanaka who was breaking down the fence with a large moving truck.

"Me and Lev will go with you Kenma" Yaku quickly offered as the two boys walked over to Kenma.

Kenma nodded. "Alright, let's get going" he agreed as the three of them took off.

Kenma led the way being closely followed by both Yaku and Lev who were playfully bantering back and forth. Kenma didn't mind though, over his time at the prison he had learned to love being around them. The Nekoma group was almost like a family to him and they had been there for him for the past couple of months since Kuroo had been gone.

"We can start dealing with the storage containers that are already open, but I think they are just going to keep opening them as quickly as they can so we have to work fast" Kenma instructed.

"Yeah once we deal with them all we have decide whether to go back to everyone else to help out there or continue inside to try to find Kuroo" Yaku added.

Kenma nodded. "I want to find Kuroo once we have taken care of the roamers" he said. He didn't care so much about wiping out the other group, in all honesty the prison was just a place to him, he didn't have any particular attachment to it. It was nice having a safe place for the past year and a half but at the same time he didn't mind being out in the city as long as the group was safe. Deep down he just wanted to find Kuroo at the moment though and he didn't care who he had to kill to do that, but he wasn't going to waste time by going out of his way to kill the other group either.

"Alright, here I brought a walkie talkie so we could keep Kimi updated on what we are doing" Yaku said as he handed the device to Kenma. 

"Let's get to work" Kenma said motioning ahead to the large hoards of monsters as he took the walkie talkie from Yaku.

"Yeah we can do this no problem! Yaku is really skilled with a gun and you've got your sword!" Lev said enthusiastically as he pulled out his own gun. Although he was bragging about the other twos skills, he himself wasn't so bad after so much time of guard duty at the prison. Overall the three of them were more than capable of fighting, only they were far out numbered. 

Kenma went straight for it, slicing down monster after monster as Yaku and Lev sent bullets into the crowd. After several minutes of nonstop fighting they had brought the number of monsters down significantly.

However, there were still more storage units being opened by Inarizaki members at the same time as they continued to fight more would simply replace the dead ones.

"Hey!" Lev and Yaku both turned at the shout. It was a familiar voice they hadn't heard in quite some time.

"Oikawa? You are okay? What are you doing here?" Yaku asked as he turned briefly moving his attention from the hoard to the boy.

"Iwa and I barely made it out of the last attack. They found us almost dead and took us here but when the attack happened they were caught off guard enough for us to escape" Oikawa explained quickly as he made his way over to them.

"I'm really glad you two are alright, I was worried about you guys. We are clearing out the roamers, think you can help? Is Iwazumi near by?" Yaku responded grinning a little. He considered Iwazumi a friend after the countless times they would end up chatting since they had the same job and he had been quite upset when he thought they were dead.

"I'm not sure, I lost him in the chaos. I don't have a weapon to help though. Do you have an extra?" Oikawa explained.

"Uh I'm sorry we've only got our guns. But if you just stay behind us you'll be fine. Keep an eye in that direction to make sure none sneak up on us. We can look for Iwazumi once we take care of the roamers" Yaku said turning his attention back to the hoard. He panicked for a minute when he didn't immediately see Kenma but then he spotted him at the other side of the hoard fighting with his katana, almost completely blending in with the monsters.

"Perfect" Oikawa said with a small smirk as he moved to stand behind the two who began to shoot into the crowd again.

Suddenly two loud shoots could be heard from behind Yaku and Lev as Oikawa fired two bullets, one into each of Levs legs causing the boy to crumple to the ground.

Yaku turned in horror to see Oikawa pointing his gun at Levs head. "Give me both your guns now, alright?" Oikawa demanded in a very calm voice.

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