67 ~ Classroom

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"Hey you know what we never got to do?" Conny asked as she put a handful of chips in her mouth. The two of them had found a stash of a few family sized chip bags, alcohol bottles, cookie packets, and various other things in a small storage room in the basement.

"What's that?" Kageyama asked stealing a chip from her bag.

"Find our classroom. I really wanted to" Conny said disappointed.

"Well you know the actual room doesn't really matter that much. Come on" Kageyama said grabbing her hand to pull her up the stairs and into the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Conny said laughing a little from the sudden rush of running through the house.

"Hold on" Kageyama said. "Actually cover your eyes" he added grabbing both of her hands and putting them on her face over her eyes.

"Okay" Conny said grinning.

After a few minutes Kageyama pulled her hands off of her face. She look at the door leading to the living room, above it there was quick messy writing of Year 1 Class 3 in permeant marker on the wall. Conny laughed at the sight but moved over to the door opening it. There were several kitchen chairs lined up in a classroom arrangement facing the fireplace.

Kageyama moved past her to sit in one of the seats. Conny quickly followed him, sitting in the seat behind him.

He suddenly turned in his chair to face her, nearly startling her. "I'm Tobio Kageyama, it's nice to meet you" he said holding out his hand to shake hers.

Conny couldn't help but giggle. "Conny Sawamura!" she said enthusiastically, then spit on her hand about to shake his when he immediately pulled it away.

"Gross" he said looking at her hand.

Conny laughed some more. "What? Afraid of girl cooties?" she asked.

"I'm afraid of your cooties" Kageyama replied.

"What'd you say your name was? Cowgaylama?" Conny asked giggling.

Kageyama couldn't help but break his act and laugh a little. "No it's Kageyama" he said attempting to regain his serious tone.

"I really hope you don't mind if I periodically kick your chair throughout the year" Conny said grinning.

Kageyama chuckled some more. "There you have it, we wouldn't have been friends" he determined.

"Oh come on! We would have been besties! I'm too lovable not to be" Conny retorted.

"You're an idiot" he said rolling his eyes.

"You wanna go for a walk before it gets dark?" Conny suddenly asked looking out the window. She still hated the dark, but she could tolerate it when Kageyama was near her.

"Yeah sure" Kageyama said holding out his hand. Conny gladly accepted his hand, following behind him until they were outside where they could walk side by side.

Kageyama looked to his side staring at the girl holding his hand. She was wearing sweatpants, her hair in messy tangles, he was pretty sure there was mud stuck to her sleeves, and she was holding a hockeystick with various ways to kill things attached to it. But he couldn't help but smile as he looked at her. This girl meant the world to him.

"You're really pretty" he said smiling softly.

Conny looked over to him and grinned. "I know" she said proudly.

Kageyama laughed. "I always forget what a narcissist you are" he said.

"I'm not a narcissist, I can just admit certain truths" Conny said shrugging innocently.

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