145 ~ Losing It

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Conny decided to search for Kageyama instead of waiting for him to find her. She was sure he must have gone into the prison. Maybe their room, perhaps he had a new project Kuroo had given him to work on. Was Kuroo okay? Conny couldn't recall what had happened to her friend but she was sure that something had happened.

"Tobio?" she called out softly as she entered her room. The bed was still a mess. She didn't recall waking up that morning though. She was pretty sure she had been staying in Kais room for the past few nights. In fact she couldn't even remember the last time she had been in her own room. 

There was some sort of battery device on their desk that Kageyama must have been working on recently. Maybe he was just taking a break from working on it. Although she wasn't sure where he would have gone for a break.

Conny moved to sit on the bed. Everything was still a little strange to her. She couldn't figure out where Kageyama had been for the past week. Did she just imagine that he wasn't there? Maybe everything was completely normal and she was just over thinking things.

Conny noticed a boy leaving the room beside her walking past her room. She didn't remember him living in the prison but she was happy to see him either way.

"Kita!" she called out standing up to rush towards the boy.

Kita immediately raised his eyebrows at the girl. He had seen her only about an hour ago to eat lunch and her attitude had completely changed. It was almost as if she were the normal Conny again, only she called him Kita instead of Shinsuke which was a little odd for her to suddenly do.

"Everything okay Conny?" he questioned cautiously. There was definitely something off but he didn't know what yet.

"I was just looking for Tobio. Have you seen him? You know Tobio right?" Conny questioned glancing around their surroundings in case the boy was there.

Kita froze in his spot. She was being dead serious. He didn't know how to help her. He honestly didn't know if she could be helped at this point.

"Conny do you want to go for a walk with me?" Kita asked. He hoped that maybe he could help distract her from her pain, even for a little bit.

"Okay, but first I need to find Tobio. Maybe he is with Kimi, he really likes to bully her" Conny said deep in thought about the location of Kageyama. "But I'll find you later and we can hang out, okay?" Conny added as she was about to turn away from the boy to continue down the hallway.

"Wait Conny!" Kita said quickly grabbing her arm to stop her from leaving. As Conny turned back to face him again he was wrapping his arms around her in a hug. She was taken by surprise but was quick to hug back.

"Everything okay Kita?" she questioned confused but fully accepting the warm embrace.

"I'm just so sorry this happened to you" Kita mumbled into her neck. He knew she wouldn't understand what he meant but he didn't really care, the world was unfair and it had ripped away not only the person Conny loved but also her own sanity and everything that made her Conny. 

Conny pulled away suddenly. "I'm okay, don't worry about me! I've got to find Tobio though so I'll see you later Kita"

Kita nodded in defeat. "You can call me Shinsuke by the way" he said. The girl nodded before skipping off down the hall towards Kimis room.

When she entered the room Kimi looked completely surprised to see her sister there. 

"Conny?" she questioned raising an eyebrow at the girls upbeat demeanor.

"Kimi, have you seen Tobio anywhere? I can't find him" Conny questioned. Kimis heart skipped a beat at her sisters words. How was she supposed to respond to that? Was it better to tell her the truth or not? She couldn't help but think that Daichi would know what to do. She didn't want to tell Conny that Kageyama wasn't anywhere around but she also couldn't let her slip away. How could she stand there and lie to her sister about something like this?

"Conny..." Kimi said slowly. She had to tell her.

"Yeah Kimi? You've seen him?" Conny asked almost jumping up at her words. It hurt Kimi that she had to tell Conny the truth. She was the one that had to break Connys false comfort. But the last time she tried to let Conny believe in a lie that brought her comfort Daichi ended up dead. She wasn't going to let something bad happen to Conny, even if that meant she had to break her heart in order to do so.

"No Conny... Kageyama isn't here, he - he's not coming back Conny" Kimi said each word crushing her knowing what it will do to her sister.

"But what do you mean? Did he go out?" Conny asked curiously glancing out the window.

Kimi shook her head holding in tears that threatened to spill.

"Kimi are you okay?" Conny asked in immediate concern when she saw her sisters normally strong demeanor sinking.

Kimi looked at Conny. She had to do it. "Conny... Kageyama is dead" she spoke the words in merely a whisper.

Conny immediately shook her head to the statement completely unfazed by Kimis words. "No he isn't. I saw him today, besides I don't remember him dying. Maybe he went out, would you go out with me to look for him?" she asked. 

"No Conny, it's not safe out there right now. Inarizaki owns the outside world right now, we are better off staying in the prison gates" Kimi explained. She didn't want anyone going out without a good reason after what happened to Kuroo and Kageyama.

"But I have to find Tobio" Conny argued.

"No it's too dangerous. Plus he's not out there" Kimi retorted. She didn't want to argue with Conny but she wasn't going to let Conny leave, especially in the state she was in.

"Fine, if you won't go with me then I'll have to go on my own" Conny decided. She needed to find Kageyama.

"You can't go out there alone to look for someone you're never going to find!" Kimi said raising her voice a little. She didn't want to hurt Conny but Conny wasn't listening to her at all, she didn't know how else to get Conny to understand.

"Well I wouldn't be going out there alone if you would just come help me" Conny rebutted still set on the idea of finding the boy she loved.

"I'm not going out there right now when we already have so many problems here. You aren't going out there to risk your life for a pointless reason either, I'm sorry Conny you won't find him out there though" Kimi replied frustrated. 

"Stop lying to me Kimi! He can't be dead, I just need to find him!" Conny shouted back. It wasn't often that Conny yelled and took Kimi by surprise causing her to react without thinking.

"That's enough Conny this is getting ridiculous! He's dead! He is gone and you know it! You can't keep pretending, it'll only make things worse in the end" Kimi yelled in response. She hadn't meant to burst like that and she only realized how harsh her words were when Conny was left staring at her.

Conny stormed out of the room without another word. Kimi watched her sister leave. She wanted to follow and apologize but she couldn't bring herself to do it. As much as she hated the way the conversation had played out she still knew that Conny needed to understand that Kageyama was gone. It would only hurt her in the end if she didn't. So instead of following Conny she sat there not wanting to admit how much the stress was getting to her and how bad things were quickly becoming.

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