35 ~ Doomsday

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It had been a few days since the journey out to the science hall. Since then, the doors had been shut back up and no one had dared venturing out again. The man that Tanaka, Noya, and Kageyama had found went by the name Ukai Keishin. He had been crashing at the school, hidden in one of the science classrooms for a little bit now, but had no idea that there were others living in the building. Kimi and Daichi determined that he should join the group after a long discussion.

Kimi was now wandering through the halls with no goal in mind whatsoever. She noticed a taller boy also wandering and decided to call out to him.

"Hey Tadashi, how's the hand?" she asked. Although he was down the hall from her, she still spoke in a very quiet and calm voice. It was her usual voice, she didn't understand peoples constant need to be so loud.

"It's starting to get a bit better, Ennoshita has been helping me with it a lot. I'm really thankful for his help!" Tadashi beamed, holding up his hand for Kimi to see. She quickly examined the hand, it had a massive scar across the palm and the skin looked irritated. But it didn't look infected which was good.

"As long as it's getting better. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you though," Kimi said, feeling bad for the boy. It seemed that fate never favoured him even though he was a super sweet individual.

"Yeah, no worries!" Tadashi said before glancing back in the direction he was previously walking in. "I actually was supposed to meet up with Hinata and Yachi. You don't mind if I go?" he asked nervously.

"No not at all! Go ahead!" Kimi said. She watched as the boy left her sight before she continued walking around the hall. She wasn't looking for anyone in particular, but in the back of her mind she was subconsciously set on finding someone. There was something that had been bugging her since the science hall incident.

She continued walking absent mindedly when she noticed a door propped open. She couldn't help her curiosity from taking her up a small flight of stairs to the door she hadn't even noticed before then. She carefully slipped out, revelling a nice rooftop area.

"I'm surprised you took that long to show up, here you can have half my granola bar, I'm not that hungry today," the voice came from a boy sitting at the edge of the rooftop, feet dangling over the edge. He hadn't looked back yet, obviously thinking Kimi was someone else. Kimi assumed it was likely Conny he was expecting.

"So, this is where you and Conny disappear to all the time," Kimi stated. Kageyama now glanced over his shoulder.

"Oh sorry, I thought you were her," he apologized. Kimi waved her hand dismissively at his apology.

"May I?" she asked, pointing to the spot next to Kageyama.

"Yeah, come sit," Kageyama said, shoving the granola bar back in his pocket. Kimi couldn't help but wonder if the boy was only pretending to be full so he could give her sister extra food. There was no way half a granola bar was filling.

Kimi walked over to the edge and cautiously sat down, careful not to lose her balance. The two of them sat in silence, yet somehow it didn't feel awkward at all.

"You were really losing it the other day. I just don't understand, you're always so calm and collected. Yet the other day you were reckless enough to get yourself killed pointlessly. Does Conny really mean that much to you?" Kimi finally blurted out what was on her mind.

She just couldn't make sense of the events. Kageyama had only known Conny for a few months, how could she already be that important to him to the point where he can't think straight when she is in trouble?

"Oh... uh yeah," Kageyama replied as he began to fidget with his fingers.

"My dad... he was a doomsday believer. So he was always preparing me for the worst, expecting the world to end at any moment. My mom she thought he was insane, so she just took off one day, leaving the both of us and my sister without a second thought. So, my dad raised me. He was always a little sad my mom left, so he told me to find someone and when I find that person fight like hell to protect and keep them. He always said that he didn't give a shit if that person was a girlfriend, boyfriend, or even just a friend. He just wanted me to have someone when the world ended," Kageyama said in further explanation.

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