69 ~ The New Group

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As soon as morning came along everyone was up and ready to go. Everyone a little nervous, but still excited to be on the move and maybe expand their group, possibly find the missing would be third years.

They all began walking in a group towards the old factory building eight, where the messages had said to go.

"Tsuki! Tsuki! Can you pick me up so I'm tall like you?!" Natsu asked running up to Tsukishima.

"I have an even better idea" Tsukishima said looking down at the little girl.

"What's that?!" Natsu asked excitedly. "How about I put you up on my shoulders, then you'll be even taller than me" Tsukishima suggested, using the most enthusiastic voice he was capable of.

"YEAH! DO THAT!" Natsu said jumping up and down. "Alright, come here" Tsukishima said, lifting the girl over his shoulders so she could sit comfortably.

Tsukishima walked up behind Kai. "Smack him" he instructed.

Natsu reached forward and whacked the red head on the head.

"Hey!" Kai protested turning to see the two. "Natsu, we're buddies right? Hit Tsukishima instead" Kai insisted.

"Nah! I'm on team Tsuki!" Natsu claimed sticking her tongue out at Kai.

"Hah!" Tsukishima laughed at the other boy.

"Oh come on Natsu! I'm much cooler than that guy, plus us gingers stick together right?" Kai said trying to convince the girl to join his team on the fight.

"Team Tsuki!" Natsu repeated.

Kai pouted and Tsukishima chuckled some more.

"They're idiots, I swear" Kimi said shaking her head at the two ahead of her.

"Did you really expect anything more from Kai?" Conny asked giggling. Kimi grinned at her sister. "No I guess not" she gave in with a sigh.

"So how have you been?" Kimi asked her sister. She desperately wanted to catch up with her, it felt like it had been forever since the two had even really had a conversation. Between Conny being sick and them getting separated it had easily been at least two months since they had been able to have a normal conversation.

"I've been Conny, I haven't changed. I'm still your goofy big sister" Conny said grinning proudly.

"TWO MINUTES!" Kimi yelled smacking her sisters arm.

"Hey! There's my favourite twins" Kai said grinning as he moved to walk between the two of them, throwing his arms over both their shoulders.

"You done getting beat up by a six year old?" Conny teased smirking at the boy. "Yeah that was pretty pathetic wasn't it?" Kimi joined in on her sisters teasing.

"I wasn't getting beat up!" Kai quickly interjected. Both girls laughed at his defensiveness.

"Yeah yeah sure bully the guy" Kai said rolling his eyes jokingly.

"Hey! That's the building isn't it?" Conny said suddenly pointing to a large factory building surrounded by several storage tanks. Kimi looked over and nodded. The place was busy with people walking around it and chatting happily. It looked welcoming, like a home.

As they approached the building some of the people seemed to notice them. One person moved to greet them, a man with a giant smile. He had a shaved head and brown eyes.

"Hello new comers! You are looking for a safe haven?" he questioned.

Kimi was the one to step forward to greet and talk to the man. "Hi, yes we are. We recently lost our home and part of our group. How does this place work?" she asked looking around, they had now caught the attention of several people who now watched them curiously their eyes scanning the group.

"We have spent a lot of time gathering and growing food, so now we have a stable source of food. We also trained several people to deal with the biters so we have constant protection against them. We are now welcoming as many people as we can so we can grow into a community and rebuild the world the way it used to be" the man explained.

"That is a great idea and all, but isn't it naïve to trust everyone who shows up on your doorstep?" Kimi questioned.

"Well we don't just give out trust, people earn it in time. Which is why unfortunately I have to ask that if you hope to stay here you are going to need to hand over your weapons for a few days at least until we can get a read on what type of people you are. That's fair right?" the man said sounding genuine.

"We are looking for the rest of our group. Do you know if they are here? A teenaged boy with brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. One with grey hair, hazel eyes, and pale skin. Another with long brown hair and very tall. And a girl with mid length dark hair and glasses" Kimi asked.

The man shook his head. "Sorry we haven't seen anyone by those descriptions. But you are welcome to stay and wait for them, or leave as you please. Under the condition that you hand over your weapons for now, you may have them back whenever you choose to leave the place" the man offered.

Kimi glanced to Kageyama, seeing her look of worry he moved to stand by her side. "It's up to you to judge. Like I said I'll follow your lead" he said quietly to the girl.

"Alright, we'll hand over our weapons. But if you don't mind can we see where you keep them, just for our own insurance" Kimi asked.

"Of course, we don't expect you to trust us right away" the man responded.

"Thank you" Kimi said walking over and placing her golf club at his feet, followed by the gun Tsukishima had given her. The rest of the group soon followed suit. Conny hesitantly put her hockey stick down but she ultimately didn't want to cause unnecessary problems for her group.

The man showed them the room where their weapons were moved to before locking it and continuing down the hall to two rooms across from one another.

"One last thing, this is just a small request since we've had problems with this in the past. We would like to have your sleeping arrangements separated by gender. I know that it sounds bad but it was a whole headache and a half last time" the man tried to explain in the nicest way possible.

"No we all stay together" Kimi immediately said, red flags going off in her head.

"Listen I understand what this sounds like. But a while ago a group, like you, that seemed nice enough. Turned around and strangled all the woman at night. It was awful and I would just feel much better if you guys separated just for now" the man begged.

Kimi thought about it. They would be right across the hall from one another. "Alright, I guess" she decided.

"Thank you, you are all free to come for dinner now. I'm sure some of you are very hungry" the man said motioning for them to follow him.

"Kimi just be careful for now. We are vulnerable without weapons in an unfamiliar place. If we argue with them too much that could start something we aren't prepared to handle. We'll have to listen to them for now, but if things get much stranger we have to figure out how to get our weapons back and get the hell out of here" Kageyama whispered as he walked beside Kimi.

Kimi nodded in understanding continuing to walk towards the dinning hall.

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