100 ~ Scream

21 2 0

Conny slowly opened her eyes, she wasn't sure how long she had been passed out due to the substance in the IV bag but she was now in a different room. It was a lot smaller and darker than the hospital room.

She tried to move but quickly discovered that her arms were bound down to the chair she was sitting in. This can't be good she thought to herself in a panic.

Her leg was stiff and in a lot of pain, but she ignored that trying to figure out what her next move should be. There was only one small window in the room towards the ceiling, meaning she was definitely underground. She was confident that she was still small enough to fit through the window if she could just get out of her restraints.

Before she had enough time to figure out a strategy the door to the room opened. She immediately noticed Atsumus smirk before he shut the door behind him flicking the light switch on. Conny assumed the place was run by generators.

"Yer awake, how was yer little nap?" he asked walking into the room.

"All rested up, and ready to start moving around" Conny said with a nervous laugh.

"Alright, I'll let ya out of the chair" Atsumu said dragging another chair across the floor placing it to face her. "After you answer all my questions" he added as he sat down directly across from her.

Conny felt her stomach knot up at his words. This was bad. Whatever he wanted to know had to be for a reason. And he knew about the prison, how much did he already know?

"What are your questions?" Conny asked nervously.

"Well to start off how many people livin at the prison can fight?" Atsumu asked. Conny didn't like that question. There could only be one possible explanation to why someone would want to know how many people can fight, if they were planning on fighting them.

"I told you I'm not from the prison. I was alone, why would I choose to wander around outside alone if I had a group?" Conny argued, too afraid to give any real information.

"THAT'S A LIE!" Atsumu yelled standing so suddenly he knocked the chair he was sitting in down. Conny jumped at his sudden outburst. She was physically shaking from how terrified she was.

"It's not a lie" Conny sobbed out. She didn't know what to say and she couldn't stop herself from crying in that moment, it was her bodies natural response to the overwhelming fear.

"You wanna be that way Conny? I was willing to sit here and have a civilized conversation. But clearly that's too much for you to handle!" the boy shouted as he pulled a metal object out of his pocket. He reached forward grabbing Connys right index finger. Before Conny could figure out what he was doing the boy ripped her nail fully off her finger using tweezers. Conny immediately screamed out at the pain.

"How many can fight?" Atsumu asked again as she continued to cry.

"All. Everyone there can fight" Conny lied, she figured if he thought they were good at fighting he would think twice about fighting them.

"That's not realistic, I know some of them can barely kill the dead. So, I'll ask again. How many of you can fight? And I don't mean get lucky and kill a dead one, I mean fight real humans" Atsumu asked, this time not shouting. But his quiet tone left Conny feeling uneasy.

"About ninety percent" Conny said. It was another lie. She was pretty sure that barely any of them would actually be willing to kill a living human but she just wanted him to back down from attacking the people she loved. She thought he might believe her if she spoke with enough confidence but that hope quickly shriveled when Atsumu started talking again.

"What the fuck Conny! Do ya like this or somethin!? I'm givin you a chance to be honest and yer lyin!" Atsumu was back to shouting. He reached for her middle finger beside the index one but Conny quickly balled her hand into a fist in an attempt to keep her finger out of his reach. 

This only seemed to piss the boy off though as he pried her hand open to firmly hold her finger in his hand. He positioned the tweezers on the tip of her nail then looked over to her. "How many?" he asked.

Conny continued to cry. She couldn't tell him. She couldn't. She had to protect the people she loved. So she kept her mouth shut and watched as the boy yanked a second nail out. She bit her cheek this time to stop herself from screaming, which resulted in blood filling her mouth.

"Well this is clearly goin nowhere!" Atsumu shouted. He wasn't shouting at Conny but just shouting in general. Probably really frustrated that things weren't going his way.

He began walking towards the door in frustration. He swung it open aggressively and turned off the light to the room. 

"Wait" Conny called out before he shut the door. The boy stopped, standing in the doorway waiting to hear what she was about to say.

"Can you please leave the light on? Please?" Conny asked, her voice high pitched and shaking from her crying. She didn't think he would listen to her but the thought of being tied up in the dark made her stomach twist so much that she had to ask.

To her surprise the light flicked back on. "Better?" Atsumu asked. His expression was a lot more genuine and caring than it was a few minutes ago.

"Thank you" Conny whispered. With that the boy turned and closed the door behind him leaving Conny alone in the room, but at least she wasn't in the dark.

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