176 ~ War

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I know you think crying is a sign of weakness. But it's not, it's just a sign of being human. You're allowed to cry

Kimi thought about Connys words. The last advice her twin would ever give her. Since everything had happened Kimi had done her best to not cry at all, thinking that she needed to be seen as a strong leader who wasn't vulnerable to emotions. But maybe by suppressing her emotions so much she was slowly losing the more humane part of her.

Then as if a dam had been broken down, Kimi began to openly sob letting out all her emotions from the past year and a half. She sobbed loudly not even trying to cover it in the slightest, she just didn't care anymore. If people thought she was weak that was there problem, she was simply just human.

Kimi registered Atsumu shifting where he sat. His face was still tear stained but the tears weren't resurfacing as quickly anymore. He reached into his pocket to pull something out. Kimi quickly realized that he was still an enemy who wanted her dead so she reached for her gun. But as soon as her hands firmly wrapped around the weapon she realized that the device Atsumu was holding wasn't a weapon, but a walkie talkie instead.

"Stop fightin them. I'm returnin the prison" he spoke clearly into the device. Kimi felt a surge of guilt as she let the gun drop to the ground. Atsumu wasn't the monster she had originally thought. Conny had been right the whole time... Perhaps Conny did achieve her goal in the end. She managed to stop the war without Kimi or Atsumu dying. Unfortunately the price was her own life.

Atsumu then looked over to Kimi wiping at his face. "I don't think we've ever spoken. I'm Atsumu" he said with a shaky voice trying his best to offer a small smile.

Kimi looked at him in shock as she sniffled a few times. "I need to know. Did you actually care about my sister?" she asked still sobbing while she spoke.

Atsumu nodded. "We had a complicated relationship but I really did care bout her. She was one of the few good ones left in the world" Atsumu admitted. Kimi wanted to reply, she wanted to agree with him but her voice wouldn't come.

"Why does she look like that? ...Why isn't Conny moving?" Kais voice came out blankly, he had set out a little after Kimi in hopes to find her. The way he looked at Connys corpse in disbelief reminded Kimi of when Conny had returned with the news of Kageyamas death.

Both Atsumu and Kimi immediately looked away from Kai, both staring at the ground instead as a fresh batch of tears formed.

Kai moved towards Connys body and crouched down beside the girl. He carefully took the knife from her belt. He then leaned closer to gently kiss her cheek before plunging the knife into her skull completely eliminating the chance of her ever becoming a monster. That was a sight no one ever wanted to see.

Kai glanced back over at the other two who were both staring at the ground crying. "I am taking her back to the truck. Take as long as you need Kimi" Kai said knowing that they would want to bury her somewhere else.

"Wait, can I just hug her one last time?" Atsumu quickly asked looking up. Kai nodded surprised by the boys question. He didn't know the boy but he was sure by Connys previous description of his appearance after she had been kidnapped that this boy was the leader of Inarizaki.

Atsumu moved closer to Conny pulling her to his chest. He could still clearly remember the comfort he felt the first time she had hugged him. 

"Do ya think there's seafood where she is right now?" Atsumu questioned looking over to Kai.

Once again Kai was left in shock. The boy who was supposed to be evil, the one who had caused so much pain for everyone was asking if a dead girl from the other side of the war would have her favourite food still. 

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