116 ~ I Wished You Were Dead

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Kimi quickly moved to the gate. The two standing there were the last people she wanted to see. She had been sure they were dead, and as sick as it sounded, that thought gave her peace.

"Why the hell are you here?" she asked harshly looking at her parents.

"Kimiko, sweetie! I'm so happy to see you!" the woman said nearly crying out.

"Kimiko is your name, I don't go by that. It's Kimi" Kimi stated, the glare she was giving them was icy cold. She had not a single bit of compassion for the two in front of her, not anymore. Her mother, Kimiko, seemed to roll her eyes slightly at her words.

"Let us in, we need somewhere safe" the man cut in, not even pretending to be happy to see her.

"Why the hell would you think I want either of you in my home. Get lost" Kimi said turning. Iwazumi was watching carefully since he was the one on gate duty. Tsukishima stood there watching waiting for an opportunity to properly comfort the girl.

"Please don't leave us out here. We've changed. We have been looking for our kids for months. Now that we've found you please let us prove to you that we're different" Kimiko cried out falling to her knees.

"You're talking to the wrong kid, I don't buy into that kind of bullshit" Kimi said as she continued to walk away.

Tsukishima ran to catch up to Kimi who was walking at a quick pace towards the prison. "What are you going to do about them?" he asked hesitantly. 

Kimi shrugged. "I don't know. Kill them. I don't want them here when Conny gets back" Kimi said unemotionally.

"Are you sure you want to do that? I mean do you need someone else to do that?" Tsukishima asked. He had already connected the dots of who the two people were.

Kimi stopped walking suddenly. She took Tsukishima by surprise when she wrapped her arms around his torso. "Thank you Tsuki. You have no idea how much it means to me that you are just taking my side without knowing anything" she whispered. She felt like she was always in the wrong and knowing that this boy was willing to trust her on murder meant everything to her.

"I trust you Kimi" he responded.

Kimi moved away from the boy looking up to meet his eyes. "I'm so thankful for that. I think I need to go talk to Daichi right now though. Meet me in my room later, I'm going to need you" she said.

Tsukishima nodded. "If you need me then I'll be there" he said letting her walk away.

Kimi found Daichi almost immediately. "What's wrong Kimi?" he asked as soon as he saw her expression. Daichi could easily read both his sisters expressions and almost instantly know how they were feeling.

"It's them Daichi. They're alive. They're here. I don't want them here. I don't want them to be alive" she said almost breaking down.

Daichi stood immediately knowing who she was talking about. "They're at the prison?" he asked.

Kimi nodded. "Does Conny know?" Daichi asked. Kimi shook her head no. "Okay, I think if we do give them the death sentence Conny should have some sort of say" Daichi said.

Kimi shook her head quickly. "No way Daichi. You know how good they are at manipulating her. I don't want her to be a part of this" Kimi said quickly.

"I know. But they are her parents too. How can we just decide for her" Daichi said clearly conflicted.

"Easy we just put a bullet through their head and she never needs to find out about it" Kimi said coldly. She was so done with all the bullshit their parents put them through that she wanted nothing more than for them to just be gone forever.

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