146 ~ Lost It

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Conny moved back to her room, emotions flooding her. As soon as she made it to her room she quickly changed, making sure to stuff the condom wrapper into her new pockets. As she gathered a few things into a small bag the boy appeared once again.

"What are you doing?" Kageyama asked watching the girl frantically going through her things.

Conny looked over to Kageyama startled. "Are you dead?" she questioned. She couldn't wrap her mind around the thought that he wasn't real.

Kageyama looked to the ground for a moment. Then he let out a small sigh. "Yeah Conny, I'm dead" he said in defeat, a look of sadness briefly appearing on his face.

"Then how are you here?" Conny responded confused. "There is no way you died. Remember your dad taught you everything so you couldn't possibly die" she added to confirm that she must be correct.

"Conny I'm just a hallucination, something your mind produced. I'm not real" he tried his best to explain.

Conny quickly shook her head. "That can't be right" she muttered picking up the bag and walking down the hallway away from the boy.

Kageyama was quick to follow her though. "Where are you going?" he asked as he followed behind her.

Conny continued to walk until she made it to the truck. She quickly got into the front seat never having answered the boy. But as if magic he appeared in the passenger seat beside her. Conny had to blink a few times, she didn't even notice him open the door to the car.

"Conny slow down a bit. We should talk to someone about this" Kageyama said slowly trying to talk some sense into the girl.

"I want to go to that house and live there with you like we planned" Conny explained as she used the trick he showed her to start up the truck.

"I think we should talk to Kimi first. Or Kai" Kageyama said desperate to get the girl to tell someone where she was going.

"It's okay. We will see them again after the war" Conny spoke staring straight ahead as she began to drive towards the gate.

When she arrived at the gate she rolled down the window to talk to Iwazumi. "Conny? You are going out alone?" he questioned, concern lacing his voice.

"I'm not alone. Can you open the gate for us please?" she asked in response.

Iwazumi glanced towards the back seat of the truck but couldn't make out anyone else in the truck. "Are you sure? Does Kimi know that you are going out?" he questioned.

"Iwazumi, I am sixteen. I don't need my sisters permission to leave. Please open the gate, it's there to keep monsters out not people in" Conny said. She was starting to feel a bit of annoyance, she wanted to leave before it started getting dark and she didn't see what the big deal of her leaving really was. It's not like it's ever been a problem for her and Kageyama to go out in the past.

"Alright" Iwazumi said hesitantly as he opened the gate. "Be careful of the dead out there, and don't be gone too long" he called out as Conny started to drive down the road.

"Conny I really think this is a bad idea" Kageyama said as they continued down the road towards Miyagi.

"But Tobio I really just want to live happily with you. We can't be happy if we die in the war" Conny said glancing beside her only to find an empty seat beside her. She immediately stopped the truck.

She looked behind her to the back seat. Her hockey stick sat there, she couldn't even remember the last time she had seen it so it was a good thing that she had it with her now. She also noticed Kageyamas knife on the seat. That was odd, he almost never put it down.

She still didn't see any sign of the boy though so she climbed out of the truck to look around. The road was a long stretch, completely empty surrounded by forest and fields.

"Tobio" she called out. "Where did you go?" she questioned quietly. She couldn't figure out why he kept disappearing, he never used to do that.

She walked up and down the road for what must have been close to an hour just calling out his name. Finally she let herself fall to her knees in defeat allowing a few tears to fall.

Suddenly she heard his voice again. "Conny I'm here" he whispered kneeling to make eye contact with her.

"Where did you go?" Conny asked trying to wipe away her tears. She didn't understand why he kept disappearing or why everything was so different than it used to be. She wanted things back to the way they used to be, she wanted to have control over her life again or at least to have something stable in her life. 

She felt as though she used to be standing on ice but somehow broke through and was now drowning with no way to reach the surface, but she desperately wanted to be on stable ground again. She felt like she needed to be on stable ground but she didn't know how to get back out of the water.

"I'm sorry I was gone for a bit, but I'm back now" Kageyama spoke softly. 

"You don't really want to go to Miyagi do you?" Conny questioned looking to him, her face stained with tears.

Kageyamas expression softened as he thought for a moment. "Let's go to that house in Miyagi, it will be safer for you" he decided.

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