128 ~ Punishment

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"Follow me" Sakusa suddenly said lowering the gun.

Both girls glanced at each other as Sakusa turned his back to them expecting them to follow him. It was strange that even though his back was to them, they still didn't try anything to attack him. They just both had the same feeling that it wouldn't work and only make things worse for them 

They followed Sakusa into the building then through a variety of hallways towards an unknown destination. Conny couldn't recognize any of the hallways they went down, for some reason that only made her that much more nervous. She couldn't help but wonder if Miya Atsumu was somewhere in this building with no idea she was there too. Or maybe he knew and Sakusa was leading her right back to him while she simply followed him.

Finally they arrived in a room. It was simple. One bed, one small window, and a chair at a desk. Conny looked to Kimi nervously as they stepped in. 

"What's the deal?" Kimi finally asked.

"I just want to think over things before I kill you two. Something doesn't feel right about killing you right away" Sakusa explained.

"Oh how thoughtful of you" Kimi said rolling her eyes. "And would like us to just sit here quietly while you decide when you'd like to kill us?" she asked sarcastically. This whole situation was starting to get to her, something about this man really rubbed her the wrong way.

"That'd be preferred" he responded choosing to ignore her sarcasm. Kimi couldn't stop her eyes from rolling once again.

Sakusa ignored her eye roll before turning and leaving, shutting the door behind him. There was the sound of a small click as he locked it before the girls were sure he had walked away.

"Fuck him" Kimi mumbled as she glanced over to the window that was clearly too small for either of them to fit out.

"We need to think of a plan" Kimi spoke aloud. She wasn't sure what to do yet but she knew that it was only a matter of time before things turned bad for them. She looked over to Conny since the girl was being oddly quiet.

Her sister was bent over, face pale as her breathing was quick and uneven. "Conny, it's okay" Kimi said immediately moving to comfort the girl.

"I don't want to be here Kimi" Conny spoke looking up to Kimi from her position she had bent at. Her eyes were wide, like a wild animal in fear for its life.

"It's okay, I won't let anything happen to you" Kimi whispered placing a hand on Connys back and rubbing it gently. She had a strong feeling that Conny was having flashbacks to when she was tortured in the same building.

"What about you then? If you protect me then who is going to protect you?" Conny asked still panicked.

"Don't worry about me Conny" Kimi replied. She was determined to get the both of them out of that place safe. She wasn't going to let anything happen to her twin sister, not after she had already been through so much.


The light coming from the window indicated that it had already been at least a few hours when the the door opened again.

"I brought you dinner" Sakusa explained carrying in a small tray of food.

"Are you stupid? Why would we ever eat anything you give us? I don't trust you one bit" Kimi said coldly turning her nose up at the food despite desperately wanting to give into the temptation.

Sakusa glared at Kimi. "Do you think I really give a damn if you eat the food or not. If I wanted you dead then you would be dead" he said.

Kimi scrunched her eyes in annoyance at him, something about him really bothered her. She had only known the boy for a few hours but she already despised him.

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